Staying Motivated

jkb7 Posts: 8
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I find staying motivated really difficult, The first week staying on my eating plan is quite easy, the second easier, by the third week im finding it harder, i start craving savouries and sweet things, by the fourth ive blown it, i go up and down the scales constantly, i will loose 7lbs then put 4lbs back on, i find if i blow out one day then it doesnt just last for one day it can go on for a week before i finally get it under control again, how can i stop this cycle and stay motivated and on target, any idea's anyone?


  • Oh my gosh! You and I do the same exact thing. I can be super restricted for a few weeks and then all it takes is one "bad" food and I am off for 2 weeks. As a matter of fact, that is where I am right now.

    Good Luck!
  • ceri1980
    ceri1980 Posts: 92 Member
    The only advise I can give from a personal point of view is dont cut out everything in the first few weeks. Cut down as much as you can with everything including portion sizes but if you want a piece of chocolate or a packet of crisps have them. If you dont have what you are craving you will just eat lots of everything else whilst trying to passify yourself but nine times out of ten you will end up eating more calories than you would of if youd had the chocolate.....does that make sense?

    Also if you have a really bad day dont let it run into two days or a week. Try and draw a line under it and get back into it the following day. We all have our off days but its only one day out of 7 and if your particularly careful for the other 6 days you may just get away with it on the scales!

  • angelbabe77
    angelbabe77 Posts: 22 Member
    I know how you feel I am the same way but getting better. I just make sure to log everyday even on weekends. It's just telling yourself that you can do it. Dropping a pant size makes you wanna keep going and not give up. The motivaiton on here is so awesome everyone helps you out and it keeps me going. Don't give up you can do this :) God Bless :love:
  • jkb7
    jkb7 Posts: 8
    The only advise I can give from a personal point of view is dont cut out everything in the first few weeks. Cut down as much as you can with everything including portion sizes but if you want a piece of chocolate or a packet of crisps have them. If you dont have what you are craving you will just eat lots of everything else whilst trying to passify yourself but nine times out of ten you will end up eating more calories than you would of if youd had the chocolate.....does that make sense?

    Also if you have a really bad day dont let it run into two days or a week. Try and draw a line under it and get back into it the following day. We all have our off days but its only one day out of 7 and if your particularly careful for the other 6 days you may just get away with it on the scales!


    Thats a good suggestion, trouble is when i have one thing i generally want another, but its something im definately going to try thanks
  • jkb7
    jkb7 Posts: 8
    I know how you feel I am the same way but getting better. I just make sure to log everyday even on weekends. It's just telling yourself that you can do it. Dropping a pant size makes you wanna keep going and not give up. The motivaiton on here is so awesome everyone helps you out and it keeps me going. Don't give up you can do this :) God Bless :love:

    Yes i to log in everday which does help keep me on the straight and narrow, its that one week out of four i just blow out, i did that last week and now im facing the thought that had i not done it i would have lost more this week instead of going up again. its maddening.
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