1200 calories a dayy!

has anyone lost weight by eating whatever you want but not going over 1200 calories a day? e.g. eating how many grams of carbs you want. plus excercise most days.


  • Ultrawomanll
    Ultrawomanll Posts: 18 Member
    I don't know. Im on 1410 calories a day and on the first day I only went over by one point even though i had a couple slices of pizza for dinner. So i consider that a success lol. But I ate healthy earlier that day so maybe it balances out :) I just think that as long as your not eating 1200 cals of junk ALL DAY that would probably work if you splurged every once in a while on Micky D's and what not as long as thats not your entire diet.
  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    I wouldnt think so,theres so many elements in nutrition and if your 1200aday consists of all fat or all sugar your not going to loose the weight
  • faithNlove212
    faithNlove212 Posts: 203 Member
    I had my goal set at 2lb loss every week which was 1230 calories a day but I wasnt loosing. So I reset my goal to 1lb a week which upped my calories to 1715 a day & now im loosing.
  • eylbrown
    Yes.. I have a limit of 1240 per day and usually come in around there.. + or - a little is not an issue. I don't exercise much as my schedule doesn't allow for it and I don't want to exercise at 4am or 10pm.. I've lost 30lbs since Nov 1st on the eating regimine. Sometimes I have a Big Mac if my calories allow but usually with the calorie limit I HAVE to eat good food choices because I also eat every 2.5 - 3 hrs... it can be done.

    My diary is public so take a peak. I haven't been diligent on the weekends but the weeks are good.

    And if you DO excercise, remember to eat back a minimum of half the calories you burned if not all of them.. or your body will think you're starving yourself.

    Good luck!
  • lotty1987
    lotty1987 Posts: 176 Member
    I keep within my all my intake but kinda eat what i want when i want - tonight im taking my nephew to mcds lol but doing 2 hours of swimming before
  • atlraine
    atlraine Posts: 172 Member
    I am supposed to eat 1200 cals a day. Most days I eat whatever I want and the weight is not coming off. I did notice if I eat right, it moves. Yet, I do exercise 5x's a week either hula hooping for 30 mins, Curves workout or HipHopAbs. I need to invest in an elliptical since I see it burns more cals.
  • Grace76
    You would lose weight yes. But if you ate alot of empty calories....lots of white flour, chocolate, pop that sort of thing then you would probably gain the wight back and maybe more.

    Your body needs healthy foods to lose weight and to keep it off. This works for exercise too. The healthier you eat, the more energy you will have, the longer you can work out - and more often - the more weight you will lose.
  • healthynthin
    I have! I just started last month and at first without exercise. I eat things like skinny cow ice cream and stuff like that but i also eat salads with chicken and potatos a lot those are both my fav. meals. My opinion is that as long as it is within your calories you can eat what you would like
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
    that depends on if your eating 1200 calories in one meal or if your spreading it out but in my experiences 1200 calories of whatever you want (i.e. junk) it will add up fast . and it won't b enough food. if losing weight was easy every1 would be slim i reccomend doing it the healthy way the weight will stay off.
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    It is calories in minus calories out. You will lose weight as long as you burn more than you take in. The problem is, you won't be healthy or look good if your body has nothing but junk to work with. If you want to look toned and sexy, that requires exercise and nutrients. I came up with this analogy: If you have to rebuild a beautiful building that was torn apart by a tornado, would you use the debrit scattered on the ground and a few cheap parts from the bargain barn, or would you buy new, quality materials that will build a strong, lasting building that is a pleasure to look at and use? You decide what home you want to live in.
  • lillypie82
    Here's an article about a nutrition professor who ate a low calorie diet of almost exclusively junk (Twinkies, Little Debbies, etc) for 2 months and lost weight. http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/11/08/twinkie.diet.professor/index.html

    That's not to say it's HEALTHY to eat junk - it could affect your health in other ways besides weight - but the number of calories is the #1 factor in weight loss
  • frannyannemum

    Yes, I do. I have the odd occasional bit of chocolate (although it has been a bit more than odd today!). I try to keep within 1200 calories a day and have lost 16lb since 4 January. As long as you keep an eye on the calories/carbs/grams of fat/salt, drink plenty, make sure you have foods that are going to fill you up and exercise sufficiently, I say you can eat what you want within reason. I eat plenty of meat and fish and am a bit of an exercise fanatic - normally burning off about 450 - 800 calories a day (normally at night when the kids are asleep and I have had something to eat!).

    Hope this helps and good luck :laugh:

  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    If you want a quick fix, I would say eat whatever you like so long as you stay within your 1200!

    What I would suggest is, if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to change your eating habits for good!

    I still have chocolate and cakes and I eat out, but I'm accountable for everything that I eat and I maintain a healthy lifestyle! If I want to go to McDonalds, I'll do a little extra exercise!
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    I wouldn't say I've been eating "whatever" i want but I haven't been really paying attention to sugar, sodium, or carbs.

    I've just been "making the numbers work" and staying at my 1280 calorie goal. If I eat pizza I know I need to work out to still meet my goal. Big caveat though: 6 of my dinners and at least 5 lunches per week are home cooked. I think if I ate out a more, the sodium would really have slowed my progress down.
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    1200 calories a day isn't much (especially if you are like me and have gone from eating way more than 1200 cals per day)

    So it's sensible to make the most of your calorie allowance? Yes you could eat very little all day and have fast food for dinner but I doubt long term it will be good fro you :-(

    Bulk your lunch up with salad (a few handfuls of rocket, cucumber, red peppers etc and even a little dressing)

    Always try to have a portion of veg {or salad} with dinner.

    With my carbs I tend to go for brown / wholemeal as they fill you up for longer.

    I eat kids size yoghurt, small bread (55 cals per slice as opposed to 90 cals per slice for the larger loaf!) .

    Try to go for things that regulate your blood sugar levels - raw veg and humous / fruit / a handful of nuts (crisps / sweet stuff / convenience food will just leave you feeling hungry again soon after)

    If you eat the 'right' foods 1200 cals is perfectly do-able!
  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    In my experience, if you are only eating 1200 calories a day, then it has to be comprised of mostly nutritious food or the body will think its starving b/c of lack of nutrients. But if you up your calorie intake a little bit and then exercise a little more, you can eat less healthy (but still pretty healthy) and still lose the weight.
    I was eating 1100-1200 net calories not long ago, exercising like a mad person, and eating less healthy and I was stuck stuck stuck.
    Then a few weeks ago I changed my goal to 1/2 lb loss a week, my calorie goal went up to 1650 and now I eat most of my calories a day plus sometimes my exercise calories and am able to add some splurges and I dropped almost 3 lbs in the last 2 weeks.

    That's just my experience, tho. Every body is different, so you may have to be your own science experiment and see what your body wants you to do.
  • jdelisle
    jdelisle Posts: 1,050 Member
    I lost 40 pounds in 4 months eating that way (1200 calories of anything I wanted) but I did NOT feel good (dizzy & sick feeling all of the time). I ended up gaining it all back and then some... here I am starting over, trying to not only eat less, but eat better! So far I have only lost 10 pounds in a month and a half... but I know I will keep those 10 pounds off for good. I say anything in moderation!
  • columbiasmiles
    columbiasmiles Posts: 54 Member
    I have been excercising but on the days I don't I do try not try to not go over 1200. Some days I am under. I have lost eight pounds so far. Last week I excercised only on 3 days and the other I really tried to watch my calorie intake.

    I think so far it can be done. I try to eat a good balance breakfast to include lots of potein and fiber. I make sure I eat a snack in between meals (protein and fiber) and I have been trying my best not to eat past 7:30 and I was feeling hungry all the time at first but now, I am not hungry, I just eat because I know it is time and I don't overeat anymore because I am snacking. I feel so far I have been eating very healthly. I slack a little on the weekends (mean, I have been eating healthly but under my calories), because I am lazy and don't get out of bed til late so I miss breakfast.

    I think if you eat properly you can eat 1200 calories a day and lose weight.
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    A calorie is a calorie anything past this is nutrition.

    So, yes if you have a deficit you can lose weight.
    Weight loss is varied, it can be from water (dehydration/crazy sweat suit), muscle, or fat. Usually we burn muscle and fat when a caloric deficit is in place. So, if your nutrition stinks you will lose muscle which is a bad thing...

    Who cares what you weigh -- it's about how you look, right? Do your jeans fit are you comfortable with your diet is it maintainable?

    If you are looking at metrics:
    1) The mirror? :)
    2) Body fat - Are you losing muscle or fat
    3) Scales - what's your net change -- I can't resist either :)

    Good luck!
  • knapowell
    knapowell Posts: 230 Member
    I have noticed that a lot of people who post about being hungry at 1200 calories are usually eating more higher calorie (fat, carb, sodium) loaded foods ie. "whatever they want". I can't imagine how they wouldn't be starving. I was looking at a diary of someone the other day, and she was maxed out over 1200, and only had six entries for the whole day (two of those were sodas, and almost everyday was like that). I showed my husband the difference between what I had at 1200 calories (rest day), and it was 5 times the amount of food. I by no means make healthy choices all of the time (I eat a dessert every night, have sugar in my coffee and tea, etc), but I have made an effort to add lots more veggies and fruit to my diet. I am changing things little by little, and finding what works for me. My next change is adding more whole grains to my diet. I suspect that most people eating this way (whatever they want), won't stay hungry for long and will either find their way to making the changes necessary to allow them to eat more or become frustrated and quit (I know, I have been there).
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