Hi Everyone!

I joined this sight only last night and am hoping this can greatly assist me in losing weight.

I had a baby 8 months ago, but most of my weight is not preganancy weight. I accumulated weight over 2 years prior to pregnancy when I was studying for my masters. I used to snack hugely on crisps and chocolate whilst I was doing my homework. And i used to drink lucozade in the evenings to keep my brain alert. After I had given birth in June 2010 I realised I was Obese and need to loose 4 stones to be my ideal weight.

4 stones feels so big and impossible that I want to just give up and carry on eating as I please. Despite this I am constantly telling myself that I can do it. 3 months after giving birth, I managed to loose 1/2 stone without even trying. I managed to loose anothr half a stone between Oct and Dec last year by calorie counting by myself and going to the gym. Since Dec I haven't managed to calorie count or go gym. But by joining this sight and hopefully with everyones support, I would like to try to get rid te remainder of the 3 stones.


  • DoubleO7
    Hi :)
    Welcome to MFP, you are truly going to LOVE THIS. Please feel free to add me as a friend :)....
    Cheers to your health :drinker:
  • georgina1000
    Welcome - I only joined on Sunday and am really enjoying it
    I need to lose two stone but I am working on half a stone at a time
    That way it is not too daunting
    Good luck
  • NicolCook
    NicolCook Posts: 489 Member
    Best of luck! Hope you get as much enjoyment ouf ot this site as I have in the last week........Welcome!
  • rencawdor
    I'm trying to focus on 1/2 stone at a time too. Makes it more MUCH more doable. :)
  • lwyz_smln
    This site is great for support and guidance! It will be an asset to you on your journey! If you would like my support feel free to friend me.

    Question: What is a "stone"? (stupid american here)
  • georgiagorwell
    Hi there, I only signed up the other day and I've got 4-5 stone to lose, I've put on a lot of weight whilst I've been studying also, feel free to add me if you want to lose weight together. I am currently 335 pounds and my first goal is 225, then under 200 rather than look at it like whole stones!
  • georgiagorwell
    This site is great for support and guidance! It will be an asset to you on your journey! If you would like my support feel free to friend me.

    Question: What is a "stone"? (stupid american here)

    One stone is 14 pounds.