Should I eat before or after my morning workout?



  • I always eat after since then I am not as hungry and my metabolism is still up . During my work out I usually consume 33 ounces of H2O so I am not as hungry.
  • _Bro
    _Bro Posts: 437 Member
    I think fasted cardio burns more calories -- *kitten* your tolerance level. If it fits your schedule and does not mess up your workout it's prob a good thing.

    Personally I do both
    On my high cardio days I do fasted cardio, sometimes with a little
    protein (during workout)

    Weight + Cardio days I load up on good carbs pre workout

    I always have a meal/snack post workout

    I try and allow 30mins pre workout for my expresso shot (homemade -yum)
    Night/ before bed I eat a slow digesting protein / casein to make sure I have energy for the am
  • Yes. =)

    I eat a bit of carbs before (yogurt, fruit, cereal), and then a more complete meal after (oatmeal with almond butter and berries or banana; or a breakfast wrap with eggs and vegetables).

    Good idea! Never really occurred to me that I could have a mini-breakfast and then a real one afterwards.
    I started splitting my breakfast into two. I usually only have 3/4 cup of cottage cheese and a cup of coffee in the morning but I'd drink some of my coffee on the way in to the gym and have about 1/3 of a cup of cottage cheese before my workout and then I'd eat the rest after my workout. The idea of eating when you get up is to jump-start your metabolism. Don't skip your breakfast in the hopes that you'll miss the calories later. Eat something small to start your metabolism going and then have the rest of your breakfast after your workout if you need to. It seems to work for me. Sometimes I get hungry but not nearly like if I ate everything before my workout.

    Sweet....That was going to be my next question: whether or not coffee is a good idea before a workout. So glad I won't have to give that up. :D

    I'll probably do a yogurt/cereal with coffee before and an omelet with berries after and see if I'm still as hungry as I was today. Thanks so much for the advice, guys!
  • !You should definitely eat before a morning workout!

    Have mini breakfast of with carbs and maybe a bit of protein. If you work out in a fasted state your performance (read here calorie burn) will not be as great as if you have a little elevated blood sugar. Assuming your intake and is the same either way, you are going to have a larger calorie deficit with a fuel available to your muscles before the workout.

    Suggestions: a piece of fruit and/ or Ezekiel bread toasted or a non fat/ no sugar added Greek yogurt with or with out a piece of fruit. After the workout, it is important to refuel with carbs and protein. Studies recommend refueling within 20 minutes. I find this hard to achieve, but aim for it. Each mini breakfast ( pre and post workout) should not be a ' full size American breakfast" I personally eat roughly 90-150 cal before a workout and 90-200 cal after a workout.
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