Need Advice Please

aleslie Posts: 54
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Hey Everyone :)

So, I would like some advice, and honest advice. I am 5'7 and 140. I want my goal weight to be 135. However, I have been back and forth from 140 - 142 for almost 3 months now. For some reason I can not get any lower.

My Food Diary: I know that I need to eat more, however lately I have been not feeling so well and not hungry, literally get sick feeling if I eat to much. Been having some serious problems with a reaccuring sinus infection and it has killed my appetite. I am working on this one, so I know this needs works. Also, I drink tons of water, I just don't record it.

Exercise: I typically do 60 mins of cardio 6 days a week and 25-45 of circuit training 5 days a week. Some feel this is a lot, but I really love working out. I have changed up my videos recenlty as well, to try and get it going that way and nothing.

So in addition to eating more, does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks for all your help guys, in advance :)


  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Sorry not really, but it seems u must be burning lots of cals
    If u need to eat cals and don't feel like eating about a protein shake....drink would be easier to get down....or some nuts small handful can add up, peanut butter, or a cheese stick

    Good luck!
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Hey hottie :love: Here's my 2 cents:
    A) Change up your routine! Try some new exercises. It's easy to get into the rhythm of certain ones, but changing them up constanly is good for muscle confusion. You want your body to keep guessing what's coming next. Try HIIT if you haven't already! It works wonders!
    B) Take a bit more time to rest. If you can't eat as much lately, then don't burn as many calories. You might be putting too much stress on your body & not giving it the nutrition that it needs, so maybe cut back your daily exercising a bit or take 2-3 days off per week till you are feeling better & can eat more!
    C) YOU ALREADY LOOK GREAT so maybe you should just maintain at 140 :flowerforyou:
  • owlwomyn
    owlwomyn Posts: 50 Member
    Honestly, I cannot figure why you would not loose weight with all the water and execise you are doing! Perhaps you should see your Dr. Have you ever had a problem with edema (water retension)? Also, try eating a handful of almonds a couple of times a day for some healthy additional calories. Good luck!
  • BrianJLamb
    BrianJLamb Posts: 239 Member
    I am going to suggest that you are working out too much. I am not going to suggest you dont like working out or that mentally you cant handle it, but I might suggest that physically your body cant. That might be why you are struggling with sinus infections. You look healthy in your pictures, already on the thin side. I'd imagine that with all the cardio you are doing and the lifting, coupled with not eating your calories, that you are probably breaking down your muscles and your body isnt able to rebuild them fast enough and all of your calories are getting chewed up by your cardio.

    I would suggest that you give yourself some time to heal. Keep a healthy diet, focus on kicking your sinus infection and do light to moderate exercise to keep in the habit without actually breaking things down. You might want to lift a bit more consciously and stop doing cardio for a while, see if a little extra muscle development and good nutrition kicks your body into a higher lean muscle mode where you will be good with just doing cardio 3 days a week or so.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    change your weight lose goal to 0.5 lbs/week and eat your exercise calories. You don't have to eat more food to get more calories, just make different choices. Eat nuts, seeds and/or dehydrated fruit as a snack. eat higher fat versions of food you already eat (cheese milk, salad dressing, yogurt, etc) Add olive oil to soups and salads. Add avocado to sandwiches and salads. Drink a glass of juice instead of a glass of water. It is easy to get more cals without eating more food.
  • heb14
    heb14 Posts: 42 Member
    I agree with the above poster. It's okay to hit the cardio everyday, but you shouldn't be circuit training quite so much. Your body needs times to heal and repair itself. I love working out too and would every day if I could, but I know my body needs time off to relax. Try cutting back for a week or two and see how that goes.
  • Jamiebee24
    Jamiebee24 Posts: 296 Member
    I'm going to tell you what you don't want to need to do the complete opposite of what you are doing now. Slow down on the workouts and eat more. You know you need to do it, and until you do, I don't think you'll see the scale move too much. Switch things up in your workout---add more strength training, less cardio. Instead of doing the elliptical, try something else like stair stepper, or the treadmill. You can eat more---there are lots of ways to get calories that won't fill you up. Almonds have a ton of calories and are good for you. Peanut butter added to an apple adds calories quick too. Add a high protein snack after your workouts if you aren't already---weather it be a protein shake or lean meat it will add some calories.

    I agree with Mandi, you already do look amazing at 140---but I know how it can be to be focused on a number...its great that you are re evaluating to get to your goal. Good luck, I hope you figure out something that will work for you :smile:
  • sarahliftsUP
    sarahliftsUP Posts: 752 Member
    You definitely like the exercise! But there is such thing as too much.. If you want to lose the last 5lbs, you might have to tone it down a bit. You can't expect to lose weight with the amount of exercise you are doing and then on top of it not meeting your calorie needs.

    You need to do a combination of the two: up and food intake but lower the exercise amount. Like what Eric mentioned to up your calories, you don't have to eat a lot in order to consume calories, but just small calorie dense foods. A handful of almonds is over 100 calories, a glass of orange juice 120 calories, add some peanut butter to dip some apple slices in is another added 100 calories. Just add in some small things throughout the day.

    Your food diary isn't public so I don't know how your macro nutrients are. I have been having the hardest time losing the last five pounds as well. My MFP friends commented and said I wasn't getting enough protein. They recommended that I change my protein to 20-25% and my fats to 20% as well. I was eating way too many carbs instead of getting protein that my muscles need for repair after working out. That's another reason why it's good to have a rest day so you can repair your muscles..

    Good luck with the last five!
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    Basically in unison with the above 5-6 posters.. that is an excessive amount of exercise. And as one person said, "you might like it, but your body doesn't," you need to rest (and maybe then you'll get over your sickness too) - you are overworking yourself!!!
  • There is such a thing as too much exercise. You might just be confusing your body with it. It's not giving you the results that you want because it's trying to let you know it's mad at you. :noway: LOL

    I love to exercise too, so I know it would be really hard for me to cut back on it, but I think your body needs it. Maybe a workout day, and then a day of rest is what your body needs to be able to catch up! What about just working out every other day this week, and then upping your calories every other day as well by a few hundred and see what happens. Try a protein shake after your workout if you aren't really hungry. I like the other posters suggestions of a handful of almonds or some peanut butter here and there too! Good luck and check back in with us! :flowerforyou:
  • Thanks for everyones advice :) SOmetimes it helps to hear what you all think (even if I already know it, don't you hate that)!!!
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