Things your burglar won't tell to stay safe...



  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I don't know how well that would hold up in court. If you are defending yourself in a situation like this then you are entitled to use any means necessary, which includes lethal force. Now I've read about cases where a burglar broke into someones home and was shot dead by the homeowner and to add insult to injury the robber's family sued the homeowner for excessive force - but it just doesn't hold up in court.

    Come in my house and jeopardize the safety of my wife or children and all the legal proceedings in the world won't reverse rigor mortis.
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    I don't know how well that would hold up in court. If you are defending yourself in a situation like this then you are entitled to use any means necessary, which includes lethal force. Now I've read about cases where a burglar broke into someones home and was shot dead by the homeowner and to add insult to injury the robber's family sued the homeowner for excessive force - but it just doesn't hold up in court.

    Depends upon your locality. Does your state have the castle doctrine?

    I'm just saying, using a product designed to kill wasps vs. a weapon designed for self defense opens you up to liability from the burglar. If you want to be safe, purchase a true self defense weapon, and train yourself in its proper use. If you're ever in a self defense position, never shoot to maim...shoot to kill.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Id rather be tried with a jury of 12 ,than to be carried to a cemetery by 6........know what I mean?

    Id take my chances with the courts.....sorry.............LlOYD
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    I don't know how well that would hold up in court. If you are defending yourself in a situation like this then you are entitled to use any means necessary, which includes lethal force. Now I've read about cases where a burglar broke into someones home and was shot dead by the homeowner and to add insult to injury the robber's family sued the homeowner for excessive force - but it just doesn't hold up in court.

    You would be surprised what holds up in court. In Arkansas a burglar tried to rob a house on a weekend the family wasn't home and somehow ended up trapped in the garage. He sued the people and actually won!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Great tips. Bear spray works great too, if it can take down a bear, it can take down a man. I'm also with the rest of these people, if you break into my house I am going to use any means necessary to protect myself, including a high priced lawyer if they decide to try to sue me. But I am in Canada and it isn't quite as easy to sue for such things here anyway :wink: You don't hear about lawsuits like that here like you do in the U.S. BUT I also take Kickboxing and can defend myself in that manor if need be as well, so anyone who breaks into my house will be sorry....
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    Depends upon your locality. Does your state have the castle doctrine?

    I'm just saying, using a product designed to kill wasps vs. a weapon designed for self defense opens you up to liability from the burglar. If you want to be safe, purchase a true self defense weapon, and train yourself in its proper use. If you're ever in a self defense position, never shoot to maim...shoot to kill.

    Fortunately Maryland just passed a new Castle Doctrine this past year which took effect in October. I agree - if someone breaks into my house then I'm going to shoot them. I'm not going to try to stab them or hit them with a bat. I'm going to hit them point blank with a .40 caliber hollow point. My point is no matter if you shoot to kill or injure them with something not intended to be a weapon you can still be sued for liability. It would be like someone breaking into my house and my wife hitting them with a frying pan or one of my dogs biting them in the throat. Some idiot lawyer will try to defend the crook or his family if you use self defense.
    You would be surprised what holds up in court. In Arkansas a burglar tried to rob a house on a weekend the family wasn't home and somehow ended up trapped in the garage. He sued the people and actually won!

    That's absolutely absurd. The judge and both lawyer should be ashamed of themselves.
  • Ben2118
    Ben2118 Posts: 571 Member
    "Trespassers will be beaten, shot and stabbed.....survivors will be prosecuted!!

    Once saw that sign up near a farm!!
  • Amanda_Runs
    Amanda_Runs Posts: 169 Member
    Wow, I am from Toledo (where the last part was from) and I dont remember hearing that. Great ideas.
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Here is the begining part of an article about a law in a city close to me. I won't bore ya'll with the whole thing but you can google it. I think that it is a very good idea.

    "KENNESAW, Ga - Several Kennesaw officials attribute a drop in crime in the city over the past two decades to a law that requires residents to have a gun in the house.

    In 1982, the Kennesaw City Council unanimously passed a law requiring heads of households to own at least one firearm with ammunition."
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member

    4. Yes, I really do look for newspapers piled up on the driveway. And I might leave a pizza flyer in your front door to see how long it takes you to remove it..

    I live in a huge apartment complex, and if someone flyers the complex, and I notice them haging on the door for a few days, I'll always take them down, just because of that exact fact. I thought I was the only paranoid person who thought that way. :laugh:
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Great information. I will be picking up some cans of wasp spray.

    Just a word of warning...

    As soon as I saw that, I thought it was a very stupid idea. Wasp sprays, along with most insect sprays, are designed to affect the nervous system. Their sole purpose is also to be used on insects, not humans, which leaves you open to civil and criminal liability. As the Snopes article reports, remember the little warning on pretty much every single spray bottle: "It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling."

    Sure, you may be alive and have your posessions, but you'll also be sued by the burglar.

    I'd be much more inclined to support your self defense if you armed yourself with a firearm or other weapon.

    When I was reading this, I was sure it was some sort of plot by Big Bug Spray to bolster their winter sales! Will they stop at nothing?!?

    In all seriousness, this does strike me as silly. I don't care if wasp spray is less conspicuous. I WANT bad guys to know that I will hurt them if they try to hurt me or mine.
  • Still_Sossy
    Still_Sossy Posts: 868 Member
    "Trespassers will be beaten, shot and stabbed.....survivors will be prosecuted!!

    Once saw that sign up near a farm!!

    I want one of those signs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Stefani74
    Stefani74 Posts: 448 Member
    It's sad that you even have to worry about a burglar's "rights"!!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    It's sad that you even have to worry about a burglar's "rights"!!

    Here in NY they will if you do anything except wish someone a pleasant day as they rob you, you will likely be the one arrested.:angry:
  • mike201011
    Wasp spray for self defense is a bad idea. It is a myth! Stick with the Pepper Spray. Wasp spray is unproven and has never been tested on humans. Wasp Spray will NOT work on those who cannot feel pain i.e. drugs or alcohol. Pepper Spray is an inflammatory which will cause the eyes to slam shut no matter the situation. That’s why over 40,000 law enforcement agencies carry it nationwide and even the smallest canisters will fire 10 ft while the larger canisters will fire 25 to 30 ft.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Someone mentioned the "burglar's rights". The Justice System is not about "Justice"; it's all about interpretation of the law. It's also about perception and what a lawyer can prove or sway a jury with.

    I probably shouldn't confess to this, but I am sure the statute of limitations has passed. Back in 1988, I was living in an apartment. Not a nice neighborhood. Stepped out the front door and was in the parking lot. Depressed area of NE Portland. Had a gangbanger in the complex that was hassling everyone. Disliked me because I didn't kowtow. Avoided him whenever possible, but wasn't always possible. Had a couple confrontations with him. One that came to blows. Broke his wrist that time. He started threatening me after that. One day we were having a BBQ at the apartment. That meant setting up a BBQ in the parking lot. I walked in the aprtment to get something and he saw me and followed me to the door. I had just opened the screen door when I realized he was behind me. I turned to face him. He started to threaten me, but I was tired of it. I grabbed him by the jacket and pulled him into my apartment.

    The whole time I backed into the apartment, I was yelling' "Leave me alone. Leave me alone. Help!" Once inside, I kicked the door shut and went to work. I beat the hell out of him. The police showed up. There were about 20 people in the parking lot when this happened.

    Multiple eye witness statements to the police concurred that the guy attacked me, pushed me into my apartment and that I was only defending myself.

    It's not about justice, it's about perception. By the way, the guy ended up going to jail. I moved out of there and into my present home not long after.