Fallen WAY off track!! HELP!!!



  • Hey, just know that you are not alone. I have had the same problem for years. Just don't get into a rush about the weight loss and eat properly. We tend to send our body into starvation mode thinking that it will help the weight loss progress. Just get as much exercise as you can without harming your self.:happy:
  • Just so you know your not alone shoot for the lifestyle change not a diet. Take baby steps and I know you can do it. We got to help one another. That is why I love this website. I am here for you. Make small changes and adventually they will be big changes. We all need the help of others. Do'n't do it alone or feel as if your alone.... You can do it....

    Theresa Lizotte
  • nlucero
    nlucero Posts: 14 Member
    First of all, congratulations for wanting to make a permanent change and reaching out for help! My advise, forget about the past and just look forward! Let your inspirations be your drivers.

    Some of the fine tunings I've done just this year as of Jan. 25 was to put myself first. I'm a mommy of 2 and have always put myself last but then someone said something to me that made absolute sense. In the event of an emergency, who has to put the oxygen mask first? With that, I took another look at the my habits (both food and exercise) and made some changes that are also making a postitive impact on my kids. I've said no to diets...diets are temporary and you just end up putting the weight back on and get frustrated. Trust me, I've been through it several times.

    I use to think you had to eat less to loose weight but the truth is you don't have to starve, just make the right decisions. In terms of exercise, I have found something I enjoy doing..... I've found if I don't like to do it, chances are I won't. I love to dance and found Zumba something I could do. I do this 2 x a week. When I first started, I could barely get through a class but then built up to 2.

    I also went out of my box and made a decision to join a local biggest loser contest (no relation to the show) for 8 weeks in an effort to give me a kick start and accelerate the process. It has helped me so far in that I got some education on nutrition. One of the things I do now is eat 5-6 smaller meals a day vs. 3 big meals. This helps with metabolism and ensures that your sugar levels don't go too low because this is when you start craving all the bad stuff. I also try to eat 3 servings of veggis a day.

    The contest provides a trainer who kicks my butt 2 times a week. When this contest is over, I'm going to use some of the exercises I learned and apply them to my routine. You could also do things like find a work out partner who could help you stay motivated. What ever you end up doing, just make sure to find something you enjoy doing otherwise there's a good chance after a while, you'll fall out.

    Hope this helps and please let me know if there's anything I could do! I feel that by helping a fellow person in need, I'm also helping myself.
  • Thank you all for the positive words and suggestions. I really want to do this and with all the support and help, I think I will do it. :flowerforyou:
  • vox23
    vox23 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi hon! There's a lot of advice out there, and I can totally relate to the yo-yo diet thing, but truth be told, I always knew I needed to lose weight but always had some excuse why it was never going to happen for me. Then I ended up going to see a therapist where we had a look at the reasons I ate. A lot of times, people are emotional eaters, eating for one reason or another that maybe they don't even know about, and that is called emotional obesity. You need to look deep into yourself and find out why you are overweight and then, when you can come to terms with it all, you can start the journey to getting healthy. I was an emotional eater and had major underlying issues that I hadn't even realized were contributing subconsciously to my weight.

    Choosing to eat the right foods is not always easy.. there's so much out there that is not good for you! The trick is to find those foods that keep adding the calories into your diet and try to reduce them as much as possible. I use to be a big pop drinker, now I drink only water. I used to love McDonalds, but now I think of it as a slow poison and there's no way I want to continue polluting my body with stuff that's going to kill me. That's why this app is so great. It really makes you think about what you are putting in there!

    Also, I used to think that I needed to enjoy my exercising in order to stick to it. The general truth is that exercise, especially when you are heavy, is not fun. It's hard, grueling and sometimes you feel like you are going to die. What you have to realize is that this is what you need to do to shed the weight! You will not lose it on diet alone. You will not lose it on exercise alone. They go hand in hand. And it's hard. It's supposed to be hard. But in the long run it will be totally worth it! You just have to keep on going!

    And I totally agree on the support system. I met an incredible support group when I joined a bootcamp. They motiviate me, keep my up and keep pushing me.

    I wish you all the will and determination in the world!!!
  • Heliconia
    Heliconia Posts: 166 Member
    Excuse me...off topic...but how do you make that cottage cheese pudding that someone mentioned? Sounds good! I am trying to figure out a way to eat cottage cheese that is palatable. Thanks.
  • dmisom79
    dmisom79 Posts: 112
    YOu can do it!! We are all here for the same reason! If you need support add me as a freind and you can help me while I help you!

    SAME HERE!!! :smile:
  • I think the first thing people need to do when deciding to get healthy is to exercise the mind. Get your mind in the right frameset and the body will follow.
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