thoughts on weight loss goal due dates...

chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
so, i've had my new year's goal (193 pounds) and my valentine's goal (183) up on my signature since...i guess around early november. i have not either of these goals (hanging true at 196). i decided today to keep my goal weights, but drop the due dates. i've been eating well and exercising consistently, so i feel like i will eventually get there - just not as soon as i had hoped. part of me feels like dropping the due dates is cheating and admitting failure. another part of me feels that so long as i stay the course, who cares when i get there?

has anyone gone through this or have any thoughts, pros or cons? thankee!


  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Who cares about due dates as long as you are working hard! You'll get there eventually. The number on the scale isn't everything!!
  • I agree that is not so much the date as getting there. Everyone has setbacks and rarely are they part of the plan. Due dates can demotivate if they aren't reached in time and cause you to focus on the failure of not reaching your goal in time instead of how much you've already accomplished. They aren't for everyone.
  • I think dropping the "due dates" is good. You are still chasing your goals, just without a time frame. I, personally, think this is better. So many people start and think they will lose 10 pounds a month and realistically, that doesn't happen often. Not having a time table means not setting yourself up for disappointment if you happen to not hit the mark by then. For me this is a lifelong change, so it doesn't matter when I get there, just as long as I do.
  • bgeer34
    bgeer34 Posts: 135 Member
    I don't think you have to have due dates... due dates add a lot of pressure.... I have several non-scale goals and I have not given myself a due date.. rather I have given myself a reward to look forward to when I hit them ... a sugar free cherry limeade (20 calories) from Sonic.... I know I could have it now, but I used to have a regular cherry limeade almost every day and so when I found out they have the sugar free version I was happy but I made it become my reward system instead of an anytime treat....

    So if I were you, I would pick a reward (hair done, nails done, etc) for yourself for each goal and work for the reward rather than feel pressured by a due date. :) Good luck... you are sure to break that number on the scale soon as you've been holding steady too long now :)
  • Definitely drop the due dates! It can cause more discouragement then incentive. As long as you are being honest with yourself about your food and exercise, you are on the right track!
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I think having realistic dates (no more than 5 lbs a month is the way I calculate my own due dates) helps me. I am in a similar boat (I am close, but not sure I will meet my first goal at the end of the month). I think putting up "did not meet", or "met on such and such date" would help me in the accountability department. I think not having any dates is less helpful because then you end up being less conscientiousness about your efforts.

    For me, I have a reward that I get if I meet my goal within the set date (again, its important to set realistic goals). If I meet it some time after my goal, maybe I will get a different (smaller) reward.

    My way may not make sense to everyone, and thats ok, but it works for me. Maybe it will work for you, maybe it won't. Either way, just being here means you are on the right path.

    Good Luck :)
  • I didnt use dates at first and then went back and figured out I basically didnt lose anything October to Feb. Not good! If you dont like them because you arent meeting them, then its time to kick it up a notch. Make sure they are realistic and then do what it takes. No sense in taking a long time to get healthy. Change up your workout, look for ways to have your calories be healthier ones, and get motivated. You are going to do it!
  • Heidi716
    Heidi716 Posts: 135
    Maybe try adding Non-food rewards to your mini goals? Just to give you incentive to work hard and stay focused. Like new shoes or a new dvd?
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