Anyone doing the HCG?

jeepgal0 Posts: 1 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi Everyone!

I just started this HCG diet under a physician. It is based on a 500 calorie diet. I started the diet on Saturday and so far it has been a little bit of a stuggle. Just like all diets. I have lost 6 lbs since last Tuesday so that is a great beginning but I just need to keep on this diet.

Is there anyone out there with some advice while on the HCG diet?



  • mom2kgirls
    mom2kgirls Posts: 29 Member
    I hate to be ignorant, but what is an HCG diet?
  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
    Water Water Water. You'll feel hungry but the water helps with this until you get used to the 500 cals.
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    My doctor just discussed this with me and I have a consult with a person to look into this more. Can you tell me of any sites that have helped you understand it?

    I am currently dealing with a huge Cortisol issue so I need to tackle that first but I'm not sure if this is something for me or not.
  • SunLove8
    SunLove8 Posts: 693 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I just started this HCG diet under a physician. It is based on a 500 calorie diet. I started the diet on Saturday and so far it has been a little bit of a stuggle. Just like all diets. I have lost 6 lbs since last Tuesday so that is a great beginning but I just need to keep on this diet.

    Is there anyone out there with some advice while on the HCG diet?


    I'm not a doctor, but it doesn't sound healthy to me at all. I've looked it up awhile ago when I saw one of my friends on fb saying he had lost 28 pounds in a month. It sounds extremely dangerous, but again I don't have the credentials to make my opinion true. I am surprised that physician's are having their patients get on it, but who's to say. Wish you healthiness and happiness!:smile:
  • mom2kgirls
    mom2kgirls Posts: 29 Member
    If you are dealing with a "huge cortisol issue" that tells me you are under a lot of stress. Please get with someone or work through a good book or workbook on stress management. Trying to lose weight while under stress can sabotage your results as your body under stress is in "survival mode" and will not release excess fat (the role of cortisol and other stress chemicals) until you step it down some. Relaxation, exercise and humor are some of the best ways to release cortisol; your body is designed to get rid of it by exercising. I teach stress management to pts with health problems who are trying to make healthy lifestyle changes. You can e-mail me if you would like some help with this.
  • I drink the TAZO Zen -Green Tea- and it really helps me stay full and taste great. Stay strong your body is adjusting to eating healthy
  • I would be very careful with that diet, especially if you are exercising as well because as you exercise muscles to tone etc their small 'fibres' tear and then repair stronger each time (that's the simplest way of putting it). If you are limited to just 500 cals then its likely you wont be absorbing enough protein (which repairs muscles) and so you could be causing some internal damage. Would it not be healthier to eat sensibly and do more physical exercise, it may not have such a dramatic effect instantly but could be beneficial in the long run.
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Hi Everyone!

    I just started this HCG diet under a physician. It is based on a 500 calorie diet. I started the diet on Saturday and so far it has been a little bit of a stuggle. Just like all diets. I have lost 6 lbs since last Tuesday so that is a great beginning but I just need to keep on this diet.

    Is there anyone out there with some advice while on the HCG diet?


    Hi Jeepgal0,

    There is a lot of controversy regarding HCG and there are an unlimited number of people who have opinions about it. There are some who thinks it is the worst possible diet in history - and there are those that swear by it. For me, I'm in the "swear by it" category. :love: I tried HCG in December after the fantastic results my neice experienced. I lost 30 pounds in about 40 days and plan to start round 2 this weekend. :tongue: I'm looking forward to dropping another 30 pounds/ :drinker:

    A good site to look up some info is I have another site also, but that link is on my computer at home. If you are interested, send me a message and I'll get it to you.

  • deb1ray
    deb1ray Posts: 99 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I just started this HCG diet under a physician. It is based on a 500 calorie diet. I started the diet on Saturday and so far it has been a little bit of a stuggle. Just like all diets. I have lost 6 lbs since last Tuesday so that is a great beginning but I just need to keep on this diet.

    Is there anyone out there with some advice while on the HCG diet?


    Hi Jeepgal0,

    There is a lot of controversy regarding HCG and there are an unlimited number of people who have opinions about it. There are some who thinks it is the worst possible diet in history - and there are those that swear by it. For me, I'm in the "swear by it" category. :love: I tried HCG in December after the fantastic results my neice experienced. I lost 30 pounds in about 40 days and plan to start round 2 this weekend. :tongue: I'm looking forward to dropping another 30 pounds/ :drinker:

    A good site to look up some info is I have another site also, but that link is on my computer at home. If you are interested, send me a message and I'll get it to you.



    I agree with Val. People who have not looked at the proper sources, come to the wong opinion of this Protocol. I refuse to use the word diet - as it is a new and improved way of eating . I have lost 18 pounds and FEEL GREAT. I have not been hungry at all and have increased energy and I am losing inches too. By all means try to stick to it and you will see fabulous results. Add me as a freind and you will have a link to some fabulous people who are all enjoying wonderful results, as I am.

    Good Luck,
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