Someone please set me straight

I have been doing this program for over a month with 1200 cal a day. I got discouraged since I've lost nothing and left the website for awhile. I continued to stay within the 1200 or even less on some days.

I'm confused: I don't exercise right now due to time,weather and health issues. In the spring I will be able to start riding my horses again since that Is one exercise I can handle.

What I don't understand is why am I not dropping any weight. I am 53 and in Menapause and wonder If I'm supposed be doing something different beging In that stage of life. I have NEVER had a weight problem and NEVER had trouple dropping a few pounds.

So what am I doing wrong?


  • kirstinlee
    kirstinlee Posts: 152 Member
    Try not to eat under 1200 a day unless you're a pound or two away from your goal weight. I'd recommend eating maybe 1300 or even 1400 and see how that works out for you. Some people's bodies need more calories and some need less, so just play around with it until you find something that works. If you eat under what your body needs, you'll go into starvation mode and your body will hang on to every ounce of fat that it can.
    Good luck with your weight loss! :flowerforyou:
  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    You may not be eating enough calories. Your metabolism may be storing the few calories that you give it, thus harder to lose. Is there nothing you can do to be a little active?
  • amyoliver85
    amyoliver85 Posts: 353 Member
    Don't get discouraged...for number 1.

    You are right. Menopause is a hormonal change in your body. My Mother just started menopause a few years ago and she had the same problem with weight loss for quite some time. She had to change some of the things she was eating--which is hit or miss because everyone is different.

    But I would recommend a calcium and vitamin D supplement. You want to be sure you're getting enough of those.

    I would also recommend that you start exercising, even if it's just a walk for 15 minutes every day. The reason why is because you need to kick start your metabolism and that may be just what you need.

    The other thing you might want to consider is talking to your doctor. I know that sucks...everyone says that. But the thing is, maybe with the menopause, something else changed too. Or maybe you just don't need to lose weight. Or maybe there's an additional problem--like possibly your blood pressure or other issues that frequently show up with menopause.

    Just don't get discouraged and include your doctor in your plans.
  • shugamuffin
    shugamuffin Posts: 12 Member
    You definitely should not eat less than 1200/day. Your body will freak out and hold onto weight to avoid starvation. I recommend adding maybe 100 -200 calories per day to see if it will make a difference. I do this when I plateau and it seems to help. I've found that my body gets used to stuff. Whether it's an exercise or eating regime. You have to mix it up and keep it on it's toes. Plus, we all plateau. It's extremely frustrating and also a part of healthy weight loss.

    During the frigid temps try putting on a pedometer and get in 10,000 steps....even if its doing laps around the couch or the kitchen.

    Keep your chin up and don't despair! :wink:
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi there....struggling with it myself here. I'm 45 years old and pre-menopausal. I'm just starting on my diet here as of about a week ago and it's harder to lose now than ever before for me! Of course our metabolism isn't what it used to be so we have to do a little extra to get it going. Drinking water is helping me a lot, eating sensibly, and I'm starting to exercise some. My problem is I just don't have the energy I used to have, how about you? The food diary is great on here! Walking is great if you are able to do that. Add me a friend if you like and maybe we can figure this out:)
  • hotrodcowgirl
    Even though its cold have you still been feeding horses & breaking water, I know even when Ive been excercising & counting calories I didnt loose weight but I had gained muscle and lost fat.

    My mom trains horses and we have 60 in indiviual pens to feed, it burns a lot of calories lol I looked it up with carrying hay and breaking water it can burn 200 - 330 calories an hour.

    Are your measurements the same or your body fat % ?

    Is your thyroid and hormone ( their is a spit test to test estrogen and such from a doctor or clinic ) levels all ok ?

    Have you been taking a good multvitamin like amways double x ?

    Good Luck :) !!!
  • 2labs4me
    I have read that during Menapause you metabolisum changes and your body actually needs less. So I'm just so confused.

    Thank you everyone for all your support, I will try to eat a little more and REALLY try to walk maybe 15min a day. Right now our streets are full of Ice and snow and the last thing I need is a broken hip LOL... However I could lose weight on hospital food LOL...

    I'm so looking forward to getting back on my horse that is really good exercise.
  • 2labs4me
    Even though its cold have you still been feeding horses & breaking water, I know even when Ive been excercising & counting calories I didnt loose weight but I had gained muscle and lost fat.

    My mom trains horses and we have 60 in indiviual pens to feed, it burns a lot of calories lol I looked it up with carrying hay and breaking water it can burn 200 - 330 calories an hour.

    Are your measurements the same or your body fat % ?

    Is your thyroid and hormone ( their is a spit test to test estrogen and such from a doctor or clinic ) levels all ok ?

    Have you been taking a good multvitamin like amways double x ?

    Good Luck :) !!!

    I do tend to the horses everyday, we have water heaters so no breaking us for me :-) I do walk quite a bit at the farm. I have to take my measurements and keep track of that. No I do not take a multivitamin something to think about
  • jostrehler
    I am on a 1480 cal. a day diet and am also struggling with weight loss. I have lost 9 lbs. in the past month and a half, but the last 3 weeks...nothing! I have not done much exercise in the last 3 weeks and I think that may have something to do with it. I am 53 and post menopausal. I agree with the others that you should eat a bit more and maybe change what your eating. My doctor told me to eat protein, fruit & veggies and a few whole grains. Nothing white. It was hard for me to stick to but when I did it I was losing. So that is something you can try...just keep trying and playing with it!!! I am a sugar addict and that is the hardest thing for me to give up....just can't do it for very long and I don't eat much veggies but I am still losing slowly so I will keep trying! :) Good Luck!
  • wanda1956
    Hi...Maybe you could get a walking tape Leslie Sansones walking tapes..:smile: