New today:)

Hi everybody! I joined a gym yesterday (and have gone twice), and signed up on here today. My goal is to lose 20 lbs. and get to a point where I have more physical energy and better mental clarity. I've never been part of a health forum, so this is all pretty new, but I figure if I'm more accountable, maybe I'll do better than I have in the past. :)


  • monica208
    welcome this is a great site with lots of support
  • toni1011
    toni1011 Posts: 13 Member
    This site is awesome!!! Welcome, make yourself at home!
  • pcliff
    pcliff Posts: 9 Member
    I've been on this site for a month and a half and have lost 13 pounds so far, going to the gym (almost) every day and keeping track of what I've been eating.

    This is a great site for keeping on track.
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    Welcome. I have 20 to lose too and I just joined not long ago. And I just bought a gym pass, trying to get regular with the workouts.
  • CoreSoundGirl
    CoreSoundGirl Posts: 3 Member
    Wow - thanks for the quick welcomes! This must be a really active board. I hope this works for me - closing in on 40 yrs. old plus the effects of 4 pregnancies and gravity are causing concern:ohwell: