weigh-in disappointment

chrissy4311 Posts: 3
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
So, even though I vowed to ONLY weigh myself once a week, I snuck on the scale the other day because I was feeling fabulous and wanted to get a sneak peek at my progress. I was very happy to see 1.5 more lbs gone! However, when I did my official weigh in this morning, I was back up the 1.5 lbs. Feeling very disappointed!!


  • xboomerx
    xboomerx Posts: 29 Member
    Weight fluctuation is very common. Weigh yourself tomorrow again 1st thing in the morning and see if there is any difference.
  • I know the feeling, one week I lost 4 pounds even though I had cheated and ate cake that week... the following week I was pumped by my progress so ate even better and exercised more only to find out that I gained 2 pounds... it's very frustrating. Your weight can fluctuate by something like water retention or maybe the composition of the meal you had the night before. Don't let it get to you.
  • Trovan
    Trovan Posts: 133 Member
    Make sure you always weigh yourself the same time of day, under similar circumstances. I always weigh myself first thing in the morning. Your weigh changes a lot during a day. I generally weigh 2 pounds more in the evening than I do in the morning.
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    I know the feeling. And it sucks so bad!! I weigh myself far too often, but try not to let it affect me. Yesterday evening was my "offical" weigh in (I weigh in weekly with my trainer.) Yesterday morning I weighed myself at home at a 4lb loss! Yesterday evening I weighed in at a 1lb loss. It is frustrating, but just push through it. Always think of the big picture!!
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member

    Chin up. You know you are following "the rules", so it HAS to be working, right? Cheers!
  • cccathyyy
    cccathyyy Posts: 207 Member
    I've done that before. HATE IT! I try to stick to once a week too so I dont get disappointed.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    I did the same thing to myself this week.

    All this week on the scale I was sitting between 155 and 156. This morning when it actually come time to record my weight 156.8.

    I really really really need to leave the scale alone! It's messing with my head!
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    Here's the way I look at it:

    Right now, I'm trying to lose 1.5 lbs a week. That's only .2 pounds a day -- and that's the limit of the accuracy of my scale, so I know I can't count on it always being "spot on"!

    Yes, there will be fluctuations, but that means that if I only weighed myself once a week, some times I'd weigh myself on a "bad" day, and others on a "good" day. So, I weigh myself first thing every morning and record it in a spreadsheet (yeah, I know -- big time computer geek here!). Then, I only really pay attention to the 7-day and 14-day averages -- this way, I see all the fluctuations, but I also keep my eye on the big picture!

    Also, since I know that the exercise program I've started will help me get rid of inches rather than pounds, I've also paid attention to how I look -- if I don't lose any weight, but I notice that my belly is getting smaller or my clothes fit more loosely, I'm just as psyched!
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    I weigh myself only once a week at this point, same time of day and same amount of clothing on. Otherwise weighing yourself every day or every other day will drive you crazy. Weight does go up and down, just weigh in once a week or every two weeks.
  • oxnina
    oxnina Posts: 203 Member
    I would suggest making sure your doing the following:
    1. Make sure your using the same scale all the time, if you have 2 in the house, choose 1 and stick with it.
    2. Weigh in on the same day every week.
    3. Weigh in the mornings, before breakfast, before exercise
    4. Weigh yourself in the same clothes, or in nothing at all (thats what i do) :tongue:

    Also remember, if your exercising a lot, you could be gaining muscle. Muscle is the same weight as fat, but when it comes down to your size, you look smaller with muscle. Make sure your doing measurements once a week too. You might get 1/2 an inch here or there which is a non scale victory. Ultimately, it makes you look better in the clothes you wear, and whatnot.

    Good luck!
  • TrainerRobin
    TrainerRobin Posts: 509 Member
    Consider tracking your body composition (e.g., body fat percentage) instead of just tracking your weight. Here's why.

    If you are eating clean and correctly and you are exercising, it's not just possible but likely that some weeks you'll make great progress that won't show on the scale. Would you rather lose 2 pounds if that means you lose 1.5 pounds of muscle mass and .5 pounds of fat, or stay the same weight and have gained a half pound of muscle and lost a half pound of fat (which, by the way, will leave you smaller)?

    For all my clients, I keep a log that shows:
    Body Fat Percentage
    Pounds in Body Fat
    Pounds in Lean Mass

    And we pay close attention to these numbers because I want to see my gals hang onto every bit of lean they can. I can tell by these numbers how they've been eating and how they've been working out BEFORE I even look at their diaries. So eat healthy, keep your calories in check, and push yourself with some strength training and get your cardio in, If you do that, the improvements will come -- even if the SCALE doesn't show it now and then.

    After all, it's not how much we weigh, but what we're made of that really counts!
  • dawny78
    dawny78 Posts: 132 Member
    I would suggest making sure your doing the following:
    1. Make sure your using the same scale all the time, if you have 2 in the house, choose 1 and stick with it.
    2. Weigh in on the same day every week.
    3. Weigh in the mornings, before breakfast, before exercise
    4. Weigh yourself in the same clothes, or in nothing at all (thats what i do) :tongue:

    Also remember, if your exercising a lot, you could be gaining muscle. Muscle is the same weight as fat, but when it comes down to your size, you look smaller with muscle. Make sure your doing measurements once a week too. You might get 1/2 an inch here or there which is a non scale victory. Ultimately, it makes you look better in the clothes you wear, and whatnot.

    Good luck!
    GOOD ADVICE :happy:
  • yyzdnl
    yyzdnl Posts: 127 Member
    Yes, there will be fluctuations, but that means that if I only weighed myself once a week, some times I'd weigh myself on a "bad" day, and others on a "good" day. So, I weigh myself first thing every morning and record it in a spreadsheet (yeah, I know -- big time computer geek here!). Then, I only really pay attention to the 7-day and 14-day averages -- this way, I see all the fluctuations, but I also keep my eye on the big picture!

    Same here but I just use MFP reports and look at the chart for the overall trend.

    I also log %body fat and my body measurements once a week to see the change in my lean/fat ratio. Last week I only lost like a pound but 1/2" of the belly.

    Another great gauge is strength training if your weight is staying the same but you can pump heavier weights from work out to work out things are moving in the right direction.
  • Thanks for all of your support and input!! I will get over this hump...and WILL lose these lumps and bumps!! lol
  • Did that this morning, up 2lbs since friday. But it was my own fault. Darn Valentine's candy!!!

    Today's a new day and it is normal for our body's to fluxuate. So maybe when your actual weekly weigh comes around you will have a loss again.
  • Qpeace
    Qpeace Posts: 18 Member
    The scale can be defeating because of the weight fluctuations. I like to pay attention to how my clothes are feeling.

    I purchased black pants for concerts last summer. They were too tight when I tried them on. We wore Halloween costumes for the October concert so I didn't wear the pants until December. They fit pretty well. By the January concert they were falling off me. I just purchased a smaller size for this month's concert. And my jeans size is smaller!

    So maybe it is worth trying on some clothes when we are discouraged by that unforgiving scale. :smile:

    Hang in there! It is worth it!
  • nikkifuller
    nikkifuller Posts: 2 Member
    I hate when that happens...arrrgh! I try to stick to every Tues but it's so hard when you feel good you just wanna see more pounds gone and it's not:.( It could be water...I can look at salt and retain water, lol.
  • Lisamarie7574
    Lisamarie7574 Posts: 70 Member
    If it's true that you weigh more in the afternoon or evening than you do in the morning, then really - what is your honest-to-goodness TRUE weight? How on earth do you know?

    I'll tell ya, I've been stuck at the same weight AND body measurements AND not feeling a difference in any of my clothes for WEEKS now. I'm just not budging in either direction! What gives?
  • Don't be disappointed...the body can fluxuate 2 pounds a day. I weigh myself everyday, knowing that there could be a spike!
  • I see people on here worrying about this a lot.
    Don't be disappointed...the body can fluxuate 2 pounds a day. I weigh myself everyday, knowing that there could be a spike!

    This, and that's just average. My weight has gone from +5 one day to -2 the next. Imagine loosing 8 lbs in a day =P

    Ideally we should weigh ourselves every day, add up and average the week, then subtract it from last week's average.

    Im personally too lazy though =P
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