Gallstones - weight loss



  • I had mine removed about 2 years ago. Then I was able to eat sinful food again, so I didn't hold back. The removal of it hasn't hindered my weight loss so far.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I had mine out in 95 after living with the pain of passing stones for 5 years. Once it was gone I felt soooo much better. I have had no issues with any foods, or in weight loss efforts. I never had the issue of fatty/greasy foods causing the gallstones to act up, but spicy foods and alcohol would get me every time. I only have 2 3/4 inch long scars, one on my tummy just below my ribs in the middle, and one in the belly button. I could have been back to work in 3 days, but my boss made me take a week.
  • heavenrain
    heavenrain Posts: 36 Member
    I had mine removed in 2006. I feel so much better. I just can't eat alot of greasey or spicy foods.
  • kacarter1017
    kacarter1017 Posts: 651 Member
    You will probably find weight loss easier as greasy foods will most likely cause....issues. Without a gallbladder you don't have as much bile to break down the fat in greasy foods and they will slide right through causing some cramping etc on the way through. I"ve found it just isn't worth it to eat them. Also, most people feel kinda crappy when they've got gallbladder problems and don't realize it until their gallbladder is out. You may find you have more energy and want to exercise more! I've found anything in an Alfredo type sauce, melted butter or a cream based sauce is NOT good afterward. Even french fries can be painful at times. Since I don't know when the fries will be a problem, so I almost never eat those either. Take it as a blessing and a boost to your health and well being.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Ok see i knew i wasn't being a drama queen, because i heard that child birth was the worst pain you can experience....or according to brian regan the comedian its breaking your femer bone lol....then childbirth....but i literally could not imagine being in anymore pain than i go through when i have my attacks, like throwing up and shaking and sweating and can't move from the fetal positions or else i feel like someone is drilling my insides with a drillbit...since i'm trying to eat healthy anyways I highly doubt ill be tempted to eat the greasy foods when i get it removed since i ate them anyways when i had the attacks(i didn't know grease could cause an attack)

    Grease and apparently milk or dairy products can cause one too.

    That sounds Exactly like the attacks I was having before I had mine out last september. I haven't had any problems since, and It hasn't affected my diet much or my weight. I would say I'm pretty much the same all around. lol Having that surgery did kind of get me in gear to lose weight, but I think it was from being scared about surgery in general. I had never gone under for anything ever in my life, and so it was a scary experience for me. Even though they really do just knock you out, you wake up and its like "oh hey...they're done already?". :laugh:
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    I had mine out last May, 3 weeks after having my baby. You will feel instantly better after having it removed! I did gain alot of weight after having mine out. It probably is more likely that my bad eating habits was to blame there. The surgery was the best thing to have when your going through that pain. I know surgery is scary, but the relief you have after is so worth it. I just recently found out that I started to get stones back in 2004, my doctor at the time I guess didn't see it in the ultrasound results. So I had dealt with it for 6 years, and its no fun. When I was pregnant was when the pain attacks started and I thought it was labor, but nothing ever came up on the fetal monitor. Then about 2 weeks after having my son, I started having them again. I waited about 4 days, and the hospital was still going to make me wait for another 3 before I could even see a doctor. Luckily the doctor that had taken my moms out got me in within hours, and when he checked my white blood count it was thru the roof. They did an emergency surgury to get mine out, from the time I got to the doctors to the end of the surgury was 3 hours. My doctor told me after if I would have even waited another 6 hours I probably would have been dead. So get in as soon as possible. You probably won't be able to exercise for a few weeks after, so you will need to watch what you eat. I also still get phantom pains. I haven't noticed that its with certain foods, it'll just happen. Its no where near as bad as the pain attacks, just feels like indegestion. I gained weight after as I said before, but my grandma said when she had hers out (all those many years ago) she dropped 40lbs. after having hers out. I think it just depends on your body, and what you allow yourself to eat. I would deffinately try and get it out soon, because that infection isn't good for your body either.
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