2 lbs a week realistic?

2011EP Posts: 95 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Is it honestly realistic to try to lose 2 lbs a week? Will I be able to keep it off? I have to lose as much weight as possible by April 13th and I feel as if I waited too long to start so that if I don't start to lose a serious amount of weight per week, I won't have changed really by my deadline!!

What do you think? Also, when does your face start to appear slimming down?


  • Brady_
    Brady_ Posts: 108 Member
    I think 2lbs a week is just fine, but thats my personal opionion! as long as your doing it the healthy way, go for it!
  • szieres
    szieres Posts: 97 Member
    I thought the exact thing when I first signed up.. I acutally left it at the default of only 1lb a week because I didn't think it would actually be that easy... Well, my first week I lost 10 lbs and my second week was 6. It also depends on how much excercise you do, and how many total pounds you need to lose. There are many factors that come into play, however it is definetly possible! Good luck!!!
  • 2 pounds a week is just fine I was able to lose 2 pounds in ten days and am keen to keep going and reach my goal of losing 20
  • Kristy085
    Kristy085 Posts: 65 Member
    I also lost two pounds a week for the last two weeks. I have been keeping under my calorie goal and working out everyday. I think it's better this way since it's a major lifestyle change and you will more than likely keep the weight off rather than dropping pounds and gaining them back faster. As long as you are losing, considering that a plus! Good luck!
  • I don't know If I can say anything about 2 lbs a week, but I have lost 1.5 a week and that was my goal, so I'd assume that 2 a week is realistic. And, the first thing that slimmed for me was my face, my mom noticed a huge change in mine after just a few pounds, but everyone is different! Best of luck! Set yourself a goal and work hard for it!
  • If it works tell me how your doing it? I wanted to do 3 pounds a week and still do by April 16th. I have been running between 2 to 4 miles a day and eating a 1200 to 1400 calorie diet no not very healthy not all fruits and veggies but I have been counting my cals at least. I lost 3 pounds last week but we will see where I am on Friday.
  • Work out and eat lotsa greens... it is TOTALLY possible! You can dooo it!
  • LHarders
    LHarders Posts: 28 Member
    I am also wanting to lose 2 lbs a week.....I think you need to eat your calories (don't go over if you can help it...but don't let one day set you back) and exercise everyday! I do think it is possible...my goal is to be 200 by my daughters graduation in May....so I have a little longer than you. That is my short term goal....then I hope to keep going through the summer in one year I hope to be at my goal....This site is wonderful :)
  • colochel
    colochel Posts: 263 Member
    I've been hitting the 2 lb mark every week, pretty diligently. Except for when I was first starting out. The first 3 weeks I was still adjusting my calories and exercise, and going through a lot of changes at once. But once I started seeing small results I tried to replicate my days and build up from there. As for the face thing... I noticed after about 20 lbs. I started at around 220, and I'm sure everyone is different.
  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,870 Member
    I just looked at your profile and, with only 36 pounds to lose, I'm not sure that's a very realistic goal - you can probably do it for a few weeks, but I'm not sure it's a rate of loss you can realistically expect to maintain.
    I have lost an average of over 2 pounds a week since I started in September but I had a LOT to lose and my weight loss has already begun to slow down as I get closer to my goal.
    Focus on eating healthy foods (as close to the number MFP gives you as possible - they have already built the deficit into your allowance), drinking water, and exercising.
    Also, measure yourself. You may tone up and build muscle while losing fat even if the scale doesn't move that quickly.
  • 2011EP
    2011EP Posts: 95 Member
    All you guys are so awesome and encouraging. It's hard to find people who I can honestly and seriously ask stuff like this about. I will aim for 2 a week and see how it goes from there!
  • SoFLYFireman
    SoFLYFireman Posts: 170 Member
    Good luck! i'm on 2 lbs a week, and it's worked out well, i will weigh tomorrow again to see just how well, after a month, heres my results, if you wanna check em out. My face has slimmed a lot actually in a month, it's definitely possible and achievable, just work hard.

  • mk820
    mk820 Posts: 137 Member
    I've been doing this for 6 weeks and lost 16 lbs. I am on 1200 cal and try to eat at least 1150 a day. I love to garden and the weather in Ca has been great. I garden 1 hr. 4 times a week. That is all the exercise I get. I have tons of energy and feel healthy.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I just looked at your profile and, with only 36 pounds to lose, I'm not sure that's a very realistic goal - you can probably do it for a few weeks, but I'm not sure it's a rate of loss you can realistically expect to maintain.
    I have lost an average of over 2 pounds a week since I started in September but I had a LOT to lose and my weight loss has already begun to slow down as I get closer to my goal.
    Focus on eating healthy foods (as close to the number MFP gives you as possible - they have already built the deficit into your allowance), drinking water, and exercising.
    Also, measure yourself. You may tone up and build muscle while losing fat even if the scale doesn't move that quickly.

    Right. You may lose a lot intitially no matter how much you're trying to lose. However, the closer you are to your goal the harder it will be to maintain a high rate of weight loss.
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    Great questions!
    Is it honestly realistic to try to lose 2 lbs a week?

    You're really asking two questions here: first, can a person lose 2 lbs/week? Second, can they maintain this rate of loss on average over two months?

    To the first question -- of course it's possible! (That doesn't mean that every person, in every situation can see it happen!)

    To the second question -- yes, but there are a number of factors -- one of the important ones is your BMI. With a BMI over 32, a 2 lb per week loss is possible and realistic, if you go about it the right way. If your BMI is just somewhere in the "overweight" range, 2 lbs a week is more difficult.

    There's a third question that you're not asking: is it *safe* and *healthy* to lose 2 lbs a week over the course of two months? Again, your situation is important info in answering that question. If your BMI puts you in the "obese" range, then the answer is probably "yes". On the other hand, if you're near a "healthy" BMI, then 2 lbs per week can be horribly bad for you, since it's quite likely that the weight you're losing is lean muscle weight!
    Will I be able to keep it off?

    That's the $64,000 question, isn't it? It depends on what you do in order to lose the weight! If your approach is to eat healthy foods, manage portion sizes, and exercise, then the answer is probably "yes". On the other hand, if your approach is to radically restrict calories, then you'll be fighting cravings and you'll always feel hungry, and that isn't a "lifestyle change" that you can maintain: it's a "diet" that you'll get frustrated with and abandon. Also, if you do it all with the way you eat, and don't attempt exercise to help you maintain good muscle tone, then it's harder to keep off.
    Also, when does your face start to appear slimming down?

    I've been at it for just about five weeks now, and folks are telling me that they're noticing it in my neck -- not my face, per se, but my neck. It's nice, and my shirts fit better, but I still think that my cheeks are too puffy -- I'll be thrilled when my face slims down more!
  • Just to let you know, if you are losing 2lbs a week the healthy way means that you are working out really hard, and eating really healthly? 2lbs a week means you are burning 6400 cal a week. My concern is this is a life style change and will you really be able to keep up this like style change because once you stop the weight will come back really fast. I've seen it happen to someone with my own 2 eyes. Good luck!
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