Flat belly Soultion

Hi there,

I just got this and was wondering if anyone else has tried it? Looks pretty cool.


  • leslielove
    leslielove Posts: 251 Member
    What is it?
  • mrsmojo82
    mrsmojo82 Posts: 54 Member
    It talks about eating for your type. I am a protein type, so I do better with a higher protein/lower (not no carb) diet. I found the metabolism test at flatbellysolution.com.
    The program seems easy.
  • katikati
    As in eat for your blood group? Sounds like you must be O group.. I think it makes sense. My grand daughter is an A and they are meant to be vegetarians and she at 18 mths seem to prefer a vegetarian diet all by her own choice so it is probably built into us then life takes over n we eat whatever!
  • AmeMahoney
    If it's "Eating Right for Your Blood Type," there's really no basis for it. The reason it works is because you follow some type of plan, think about what you are eating, and restrict calories. As far as someone having to eat certain foods because of their blood type, it's not true. My mother-in-law follows this plan, so to each their own.
  • katikati
    In reality I agree, eat a healthy and varied diet,watch portions and get some exercise it's all about a lifestyle that you can live by.