Help I've got the munchies!!!!

wannabslimbride Posts: 13
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I am only on day 2 and I am struggling!! i have had some cereal and a coffee for breakfast and I am already craving something, ANYTHING



  • hi, what helps me is chew gum lots of it.. sweet tasting chew after you chew for so long the craving for the food passes.. it works for me :) but the sugar free stuff
  • go do something active wise to get ya mind of it might work too.. YOU CAN BEAT THIS MUNCHY CRAVING!!!!
  • or i crunch on ice !!!! too :)
  • Have some fruit for your sweet tooth! It helps and it's low in calories, high in fiber and nutrients. And a treat every once in a while is ok, just don't go overboard!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    I am only on day 2 and I am struggling!! i have had some cereal and a coffee for breakfast and I am already craving something, ANYTHING

    Not sure what type of cereal you eat but be sure it's substantial so it keeps you full longer. Cheerios, cereals like that would make me way to hungry so I choose foods for breakfast that have a good ratio of healthy carbs, protein/fat. Eggs with toast and bacon sausage is excellent. You then feel you're getting a full meal and it takes you well into your mid morning snack. Nuts for a snack with some fruit is then going to take you to lunch where you eat a bit more. See what mean? Now if you're eating Kashi cereals that helps as they are far more protein and less unhealthy carbs. Foods with plenty of fiber can help you stay full longer as well.

    Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • rjlam
    rjlam Posts: 149
    I agree, if you add fruit to your cereal it may make a difference. Also for added fiber which will hold you longer is to add 2 tbsp of ground flax. You Can DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • I recommend ground flaxseed meal on your cereal in the morning. It lowers your cholesterol and is very high in fiber. A tablespoon or two on your cereal will help you get through to lunch. Buy it from any good healthfood shop. Works for me.
  • I gave up on the cereal for breakfast. One egg cooked in fat free PAM over one slice of wheat toast- accompanied by a banana and sometimes a small yogurt as well, and black coffee. That takes care of me for quite awhile. Maybe even split that in half within a couple of hours. It could be your sugar levels are way out of wack and it took me about the first 4 days to get through it. It was horrible. I was a big soda drinker and quit them cold turkey. I would walk into the grocery store and just look at a box of Mike and Ike candies and my mouth would just flood. Your insulin and sugar levels wreak havoc on the signals to your stomach. Once i got my levels under control, I have had no hunger pangs, soda or candy cravings for the 1.5 months I have been on this . Hang in there, everything will smooth out.
  • thanks for the advice.
    I had special K for breakky wich filled me up at the time but didnt last!
    I think I have a lot to learn, changing habbits etc especially as i am a serial snacker :s
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