Newbie :)

cheerball4240 Posts: 2
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I have been steadily gaining weight since graduating college and getting married. Being busy with work and coaching has caused me to grab anything convenient or close by including fast food. Currently I am 15 pounds heavier than I was the day I got married.

3 years ago I graduated college, got married, bought a new house and started a new job within a 3 month span of time. I actually had my wedding on a Saturday and started my new job the Monday after. This made it very difficult to go on a honeymoon so my husband and I agreed to postpone it. We finally have the time and have planned an amazing "honeymoon" for May of this year. I would like to lose 10 pounds by the day we leave and as a motivator my husband agreed I could buy new clothes for our trip if I achieve my weight loss goal.

I stumbled upon this website last week and I am confident that the tools and support will help with my weight loss goal. I know my poor diet is the primary reason for my weight gain so hopefully this can keep me in check :smile:


  • Terri73
    Terri73 Posts: 238
    Hello and welcome :smile:
  • Hi! Welcome! :smile:
  • Hello from one Newbie to another!
  • cpumeu
    cpumeu Posts: 89
    Hello! This is the best stumble of your gimmics, no crazy eating plan....just you being accountable for what you put in and people encouraging you along the way. Friend me if you like! You are gonna do amazing!
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