Green Tea?

Shalonp Posts: 4
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi All... I seriously do not like water :( I'm pretty sure I'm going to hear to "suck it up" and drink it <G> but what are the down sides (if any) to drinking green tea in place of? Not the fake sugary kind in the bottles, but just real Lipton green tea bags in water?



  • I drink a lot of green tea and herbal tea. As long as the tea is not a diuretic (which green tea is not) then I think go for it.

    I like water but no way could I drink it continuously without any flavouring.

    I like Twinings Green Tea with Lemon... excellent on a chilly day!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I drink lots of herbal teas, and decaf green tea. Be careful. If it doesn't specifically say it's decaf, then greentea can have quite a bit of caffeine-- and is, then a diuretic.
  • mom2kgirls
    mom2kgirls Posts: 29 Member
    Green tea is very healthy for you. It is lower in caffine than other tea and you can flavor it yourself with an infusion of fruit or a natural sweetner like agave or stevia that won't impact your glycemic index or add calories. I have found some great flavored green teas that are all natural, most are fruit flavored, but there are the regular types like Earl Grey and the newest I just found is an organic called cocaoberry that has a hint of chocolate flavor that is great hot at bedtime! I started drinking green tea when my cardiologist took me off of caffine and told be the amount of caffine in green tea (about 33mg) were okay. Lots of research shows that it is one of the healthiest drinks for you!
  • EZGruv
    EZGruv Posts: 215 Member
    I drink at least 4 cups of hot green tea each day (along with 10+ glasses of water). Love it!
  • audjrey
    audjrey Posts: 360 Member
    I'm with you on the water thing. Plain water tastes - well - plain lol! But of course your body (especially your kidneys) need water to help keep things regulated and operating efficiently. My suggestion regarding the water thing is this - add the juice of half a fresh lemon (no sweeteners of any real or artificial kind), and consume especially before, during, and after your workouts.

    As for the green tea question - 8-10 cups a day are highly beneficial for the body. But might I suggest if you consume regular green tea (not decaf) you find one with astragalus and ginseng to help keep your adrenal glands from being overworked from all the caffeine.

    Caffeine is a great aid in weight loss so long as it's not an overkill. Personally I don't subscribe to consuming energy drinks or copious amounts of actual coffee simply because it is an overkill and has long-term harmful effects on the adrenal glands and subsequently metabolism and weight gain. A coffee every now and then is fine (without all the added sugar and heavy creams), and energy drinks sure feel good in the body in the short-term, but long-term they can be drastic.
  • I drink a lot of the lipton blueberry/acai berry (sp?) green tea. I love it! It does have some caffeine in it. You could always drink the decaf version if you're sensitive to caffeine.

    The only draw back that I know of is that drinking a lot of teas can diminish the strength of the enamel on your teeth. You will still want to drink water since the H20 will help keep the pH in your mouth neutral, thus helping to keep your teeth strong.

    I usually drink most of my tea in the AM and I take in some decaf at night. I drink a full glass of water after I have had my tea. I'll then brush my teeth a few times a day too. I have enamel issues so I have to do this to keep my toofers healthy. = )

    All in all, there are definitely worse things that you could drink. Water is the best, but green tea is certainly a good option too.
  • Thank you all! I should have posted that I have to have decaf coffee and tea as of about 2 1/2 yrs ago. So yes, the green tea is decaf. I always have a container of decaf green tea in the fridge for ice tea... so this is making me do a happy dance :) I tried plain water yesterday... and it was just horrid.

  • Sure, that's the same as drinking water in terms oh being very hydrating and having no calories. I find white and green tea suppress my appetite somewhat as well. Good luck!
  • I have been drinking a lot of decaf green tea as well since I cannot stand plain water. I brew a lot at one time and store it in the fridge for iced tea. I add some meyer lemon slices to wake up the flavor a bit... I have to admit it took me a while to adjust to drinking an unsweetened beverage, but now I am hooked on it. :drinker:
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