I did it! I ran 365 days straight!!

kimandal99 Posts: 52
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Sorry to be the annoying one to toot my own horn but I have to share this huge accomplishment! I have never been one to exercise every single day but I was desperate to get back in shape so that was exactly what I committed to February 2010. I started running on 2/15 and ran every single day for the next 365 days! Total mileage for the year was 1670 miles! I have lost 20lbs and gained a heck of alot more strength and confidence. I must mention that when I started running here and there in late 2009 I couldn't run to the end of my block. Since then I have run a 5K, 10K and my best was an 8 mile run.

In addition to the running, I also take 3-4 classes a week at the gym (Spin/ Gravity Strength weights.)

I officially think I am addicted to exercise and I love it!!!! Now to figure out what my goal should be for this year....................

Suggestions welcome!


  • Wow congratulations! That's dedication!
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    That's something to brag about. Great job!
  • chipvb
    chipvb Posts: 19 Member
    That is awesome. What a cool goal and great accomplishment.
    You should feel great about yourself, that must have taken a lot of dedication and motivation, but you did it. Congratulations!
  • gangstagirl625
    gangstagirl625 Posts: 187 Member
  • jenminuchi
    jenminuchi Posts: 6 Member
    Congratulations. I am so impressed with your accomplishment. I love to run, but living in Philly I always find excuses in the winter not to get my butt outside. I think you have inspired me!
  • Briacha
    Briacha Posts: 160 Member
    EXCELLENT :drinker:
  • That is awsome. My husbend and I would like to start running but we still have a bit of snow and ice here. I have been doing alot of walking trying to work up to a slow jug..:happy: Keep up the good work.:drinker:
  • Fernandomike
    Fernandomike Posts: 95 Member
    Wow! That had to be a real shock to your joints. You really hit the ground running, so to speak. That's a heck of a lot of focus and determination. Congrats, on sticking to your plan and gaining better health and confidence as a result. Oh and I have recently grown to love running too. Once it gets in your blood, it can really take hold of you. I just got in off the road right before making this post. Anyway, keep up the good work, and uh. . . you are entitled to an off day or two. Just don't make it too many.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    No shame!! That's a well deserved brag! You should be very proud of yourself. I love running and am inspired by your dedication to it.
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i'm impressed! way to go!
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Didn't realize that was why you have such great looking legs.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    This is the place to toot your own horn. Very good job, actually great. :smile:
  • That rocks! Running every day for a year shows awesome dedication. WTG!
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    I must mention that when I started running here and there in late 2009 I couldn't run to the end of my block. Since then I have run a 5K, 10K and my best was an 8 mile run.

    :flowerforyou: :smile: Fantastic! Toot away (beep-beep)!
    I was never a runner, never liked it before, but I started out jogging last summer doing one of those Couch to 5K programs
    and loved it - I'm still running, albeit slowly. Your story gives me hope that if I keep at it I will be able to increase distance and/or improve speed.
  • Black_Swan
    Black_Swan Posts: 770 Member
    Thats totally awesome and amazing. Congratulations! You are a real inspiration!
  • WOW! I cannot even imagine running EVERY DAY!!!!

    You deserve all the TOOTS you want!!!!!!! YAY FOR YOU!!!!!
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    that's right, toot your horn, you earned it. well done. that was my goal, but i failed. ;)
  • AdamATGATT
    AdamATGATT Posts: 573 Member
    That is a very impressive accomplishment. Congrats to you, and great job!
  • That is incredibly awesome! You have an amazing ability; just the fact that body allowed you to, much less your mental fortitude! You are an athlete now and SHOULD be very proud of yourself!
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    That is some achievement.
    Well done!
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