Not BRAND new, but

classicshell Posts: 59
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I do need some more friends (not that I don't love the ones I have). I've been on and off of this website, and another website, forever. I have trouble STAYING motivated, and I'm sure that if I had enough people posting "WHERE DID YOU GO?" I'd probably never be able to leave. :P

I have a lot of reasons for wanting to lose weight - I hope to accomplish all of them!

(just hit my 5-day mark), whoo!

I like in OK, and I don't ever have to move since I work at home. I also get embarrassed if I have to work out while my fiance is home...and there are no gyms close by (I live in a super small college town where the gym is on campus...but I'm not in school yet). Any suggestions?


  • What do you enjoy doing? For example, I love to play with my kids.. and they love being active... so if the weather is nice I go outside with them and kick around a soccer ball or rollerskate.
  • ChristinaKY
    ChristinaKY Posts: 28 Member
    Try doing something fun for exercise like taking a walk with him, or riding a bike, or roller skating, or swimming. You could also just try to work out in a different room, while he isn't home, or get him to work out with you so you don't have to be embarrassed.
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I work out at home with videos but HATE when my guy walks in the room...I'm learning to just ignore him and to not be embarrassed, he knows I'm working to get fit!
  • too add to my previous reply.. I work out at home too (I dance) my husband actually asked to watch.. haha.. at first I was sooo embarassed, but then it made me more motivated!
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