Overweight Friendly OBGYN in Phoenix

aznikigirl21 Posts: 32
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi All ~

Well I wouldn't have expected it but it just happened. I'm pregnant! Now looking for an OBGYN and having read horror stories, I have to admit that I'm terrified. A lot of Doc's are not overweight friendly and I don't need anymore stress then I already have.

Does anyone live in the Phoenix area or know of an OBGYN in the area that is overweight friendly and won't be mean? I have avoided them for that reason and now I can't.

I would appreciate any guidence from my MFP peeps!!!



  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Nicole - I wish you luck in your pregnancy. I dont know of any OBGYNs that are "overweight friendly" as you put it, but I would hope you could find an excellent provider who will listen to you. The reason why OBs get a bad rap about weight issues is because carrying a child to term without complications is much harder with increased weight. Its not that the OB is not friendly, its that they are concerned with the potential for complications. Good luck in your pregnancy, make healthy choices because your eating for 2 now!
  • I am not from your area, but I can relate to what you are saying. It seems as though a lot of doc's like to tell you the risks of being overweight, like we don't already know. Congrats on your pregnancy! Maybe expecting will help with your goals.. I know that my kids are one of my main reasons for getting healthy ( I try to look at it that way, instead of just wanting to lose weight.) Good luck! :wink:
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I am so sorry you feel that way---you must have, obviously, had a bad experience.

    I used to work in the OB/GYN world for female physician. She was not stick thin but she was healthy. She was not mean either.

    Please understand if the doctor brings up your weight, she is not being mean, she just wants what is best for your unborn child. I am sure the subject will come up, but hopefully the physician (choose a woman) will do with care. Obviously, the doctor cannot tell you to go on a diet, but may enforce exercise and have you watch your calories so as not to go over. Again, she would be doing her job as a great physician if you and her went down this road.

    I wish all the luck in the world with your search as well as with your pregnancy. Congratulations!
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    Also, OB/GYNs pay an outrageous amount of malpractice insurance---they pay the highest in the industry----it is for this reason that some OB/GYNs may deny you as a patient---it would just kill them if they had to pay more than what they already paying. I know you are probably thinking they are physicians they can afford it--but really, I wish I could remember the figure, but it is sickly outrageously expensive---over the top expensive---you have to put yourself in their position as well. But I do believe you will be able to find the perfect balance you and your baby need.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    sorry to keep adding to this, but just want to tell you what I know....when I worked in the industry, there was a practice in our town who would refuse you if you were pregnant and smoked!! They can do that---it put them as physicians at too much risk, not to mention you putting your baby at too much risk.

    Like I said, the physiican I worked for took all the smoking patients and took overweight patients but she truly cared for each and every one of them---Aagin, good luck.
  • poisongirl6485
    poisongirl6485 Posts: 1,487 Member
    Thank god I live where I do. Healthcare here is awesome and I've never had a mean doctor (family physician or OB), and I'm quite overweight. My OB with my daughter was amazing...never ONCE mentioned my weight (her nurses were awesome as well), and I partially credit her support with my successful VBAC.
  • Everything you all are saying makes total sense. I have NO problem with an Doctor being real with me about the weight and the complications it can add. I don't pretend I'm not overweight. I fully expect that a physician will be real with me and that the weight will be a concern.

    That said, I don't expect a doctor to be rude, hurtful or mean. And I have encountered all of that. I know that the weight is my fault. But the situation is what it is and I would just hope for someone who can be sensitive while being honest.

    I have yet to find that. I was hoping maybe someone had a good experiance and I could start this the right way. I plan to continue to lose weight thru the pregnancy. There is no need to eat more and now I have great motivation to really pay attention to what I put in my mouth. But I'm sensitive and expect to be treated at least with respect.

    Thanks for all your support. It's really appreciated! :)
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    Congrats!!! :)

    Happy and healthy 9 months to you!! <3
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Everything you all are saying makes total sense. I have NO problem with an Doctor being real with me about the weight and the complications it can add. I don't pretend I'm not overweight. I fully expect that a physician will be real with me and that the weight will be a concern.

    That said, I don't expect a doctor to be rude, hurtful or mean. And I have encountered all of that. I know that the weight is my fault. But the situation is what it is and I would just hope for someone who can be sensitive while being honest.

    I have yet to find that. I was hoping maybe someone had a good experiance and I could start this the right way. I plan to continue to lose weight thru the pregnancy. There is no need to eat more and now I have great motivation to really pay attention to what I put in my mouth. But I'm sensitive and expect to be treated at least with respect.

    Thanks for all your support. It's really appreciated! :)

    I agree with what you said completely! You are right, no matter what you deserve to be treated with respect, and if you havent been in the past than I am terribly sorry.

    Please good luck with your pregnancy and your goals - keep up in the loop!
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