Hi ya'll, I'm new here

Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new to MFP but not new to weight loss attempts. I was a member of another online weight loss community for a while but was introduced to MFP by a health educator at work. I have been using the app on my phone to track foods when I am away from a computer and logging everything I eat and all exercises.

When I turned 30, I quit smoking. I started to gain weight but thought it was only because I was no longer smoking. Then last summer, I started to eat right and exercise (not 100% committed). Later in the year, I found out my thyroid is underactive. I started meds for that and continued trying to build good habits but slipped back into old ways. I have gained about 70-75 pounds total.

So starting last week, Feb 7, I am tracking everything, staying within my goal calorie intake and exercising daily. I have attempted and failed so many times over the past year. At this point, it is not even a matter of what I want, this is a change that needs to happen!

I am currently working with a health educator provided at my work. I weigh in daily and bring her my food and exercise logs, to review with her. I am finding it much easier to make the right choices when I am laying it out there for others to see.

Anyway, I have lurked the boards but I am ready to make friends and lend support here. Friend me and let's do this together!!!!


  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    Hi and welcome.. this is the place to be.. I have met so many nice ppl here that motivate me daily... feel free to add me
  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    Welcome! You'll find lots of support and encouragement here. Feel free to add me, and good luck!
  • Welcome! I'm new here too and have found that everyone is very encouraging. Sounds like you've got it together to make it happen this time around. Good luck with your goals. :)
  • Welcome. I agree, writing down my meals keeps me honest. Good luck and free feel to add me.
  • OBX1985
    OBX1985 Posts: 80 Member
    New here too, good luck!!
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