When this is all said and done! Will you need Plastics???



  • jewelzz
    jewelzz Posts: 326 Member
    Yayyyy for your weightloss!!!! I also have has consultations wth surgeons.! And I think anyone who has lost alot of weight over 100lbs like me.have some issues they would like to address when they hit their goal.I want my boobs done and a tummy tuck with an adominal girdle.Cost 15000.I dont have alot of loose skin at all I was blessed with good skin But more then what i'm comfortable with.Here's to saving for it!!!!:bigsmile:
  • are you doing strength training?
    I sure am...Im not afraid of the work its taking.
  • They have some fantastic new procedures where they can go in thru your belly button or thru your arm pit and you would have little to no scar at all.
    REALLY! tell me more? website info? costs? something.....?
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    I would not think of it as the cost here in the UK would be prohibitive and also I don't think I am going to need it. I might never get washboard abs, but I am happy with how my skin looks apart from on my lower stomach and my 'bingo wings' but they are both improving more than I ever imagined, I think that over time, eating right and keeping an eye on your weight and fat levels your skin tightens up, after all it goes back after having a baby, so I am sure that it will go back after losing weight. I met a lady sometime ago who had lost a lot of weight, and asked her about this. She said strength training, working on the muscles that support the skin and time were the best way to deal with it.
  • I am in the same boat. It scares me that I will end up looking like a shar pei puppy. But I feel better! I also do not have that kind of money. I am hoping my insurance will cover it. Actually I am praying my insurance will cover it!!!
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    A girlfriend of mine, that has less than good credit, was able to have her work financed. You have come so far, and are doing such a good job! Don't let this bring you down! :flowerforyou: You are working hard and I am sure that when the time comes to move forward with this your research will find you where you need to be. I will see if she can recall who did the financing for her and get it to you. (Hopefully I remember :blushing: )
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    I dont think I will need a tummy tuck, but my girls are looking so bad.... not that they were looking good before but they were firmer...
    All my family lives in Brazil and plastic surgery there is a fraction of the here, so I will do there. I will probably cost me $1200 for both!
    I would try to do as much weight trainning as you can and wait a year or twoo and re-evaluate again!
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    :frown: I feel bad! She does not remember the site she used, but said it was the receptionist at the doctors office that suggested it.
  • blessedtobefit
    blessedtobefit Posts: 157 Member
    My journey to freedom started 4 years ago and I can testify that YES you can tone and reshape your body with exercise and proper nutrition. If all you do is cardio you will drop the weight, but in doing so you will lose muscle. Strength training is vital to build lean muscle and burn fat. Results don't happen in the gym, but in the kitchen. If you don't properly fuel your body then all you are doing is spinning your wheels and your body will not change.

    My youngest son was born by c-section and I didn't think I could ever loose my tummy. Today, I am a size 10 and when I started I was a 28. I look and feel better than I did 20 years ago and my tummy is gone. You don't have to have plastic surgery to change your body, but you do have to decide you are going to change your life. The greatest battle I fight is the battle of my mind. Everyday I choose to change, I choose to be accountable for every bite that goes in my mouth and I choose to exercise with everything in me. It took me 17 years of neglect to reach 257 pounds and it has taken 4 years of determination and hard work to reach 141 pounds.

    I live in TN and being raised in the South...you don't eat or live a healthy lifestyle. Fried chicken and sweet tea is in every home. My grandmother and mother were amazing cooks, but as an adult all I knew how to cook was with bacon drippings and crisco. Everything I made was fried and loaded with butter. Learning to eat healthy has been a challenge, but not impossible. I made up my mind to change and poured over websites and cookbooks to teach myself a new way of living. I stopped eating fast food and learned to make healthy homemade meals at home for my family. I substituted white flour, white bread, white rice and white pasta with whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. Cut out red meat and replaced it with lean chicken and turkey. Snacks are no longer chips and moon pies, but fresh fruit and veggies. I stopped buying sugared cereals and processed and boxed foods. I didn't think I could afford to eat healthy, but I could sure afford to eat bad. It was a choice I made and if I can do it, you can too!

    I drink a gallon of water everyday and exercise 6 days a week. Circuit training is my favorite exercise routine with cardio everyday and strength training 3 days a week. I surround myself with like minded people who help me when I struggle and build me up to pull out things I never thought possible. I jump, I run, I spin and I smile. I set goals and everyday I reach for my dream. Everything in life that is worth something, is worth fighting for. Don't look for the easy way out, but fight for your dream and never give up!!
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    My journey to freedom started 4 years ago and I can testify that YES you can tone and reshape your body with exercise and proper nutrition. If all you do is cardio you will drop the weight, but in doing so you will lose muscle. Strength training is vital to build lean muscle and burn fat. Results don't happen in the gym, but in the kitchen. If you don't properly fuel your body then all you are doing is spinning your wheels and your body will not change.

    My youngest son was born by c-section and I didn't think I could ever loose my tummy. Today, I am a size 10 and when I started I was a 28. I look and feel better than I did 20 years ago and my tummy is gone. You don't have to have plastic surgery to change your body, but you do have to decide you are going to change your life. The greatest battle I fight is the battle of my mind. Everyday I choose to change, I choose to be accountable for every bite that goes in my mouth and I choose to exercise with everything in me. It took me 17 years of neglect to reach 257 pounds and it has taken 4 years of determination and hard work to reach 141 pounds.

    I live in TN and being raised in the South...you don't eat or live a healthy lifestyle. Fried chicken and sweet tea is in every home. My grandmother and mother were amazing cooks, but as an adult all I knew how to cook was with bacon drippings and crisco. Everything I made was fried and loaded with butter. Learning to eat healthy has been a challenge, but not impossible. I made up my mind to change and poured over websites and cookbooks to teach myself a new way of living. I stopped eating fast food and learned to make healthy homemade meals at home for my family. I substituted white flour, white bread, white rice and white pasta with whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. Cut out red meat and replaced it with lean chicken and turkey. Snacks are no longer chips and moon pies, but fresh fruit and veggies. I stopped buying sugared cereals and processed and boxed foods. I didn't think I could afford to eat healthy, but I could sure afford to eat bad. It was a choice I made and if I can do it, you can too!

    I drink a gallon of water everyday and exercise 6 days a week. Circuit training is my favorite exercise routine with cardio everyday and strength training 3 days a week. I surround myself with like minded people who help me when I struggle and build me up to pull out things I never thought possible. I jump, I run, I spin and I smile. I set goals and everyday I reach for my dream. Everything in life that is worth something, is worth fighting for. Don't look for the easy way out, but fight for your dream and never give up!!

    WOW! You give me hope! I'm glad things worked out well for you.

    Also, @mrscjwilson, congrats on you success!
  • PrettiStarLight
    PrettiStarLight Posts: 5 Member
    Do you have insurance?

    Most insurance companies (and their processes usually are the same across the board --If you and your physcian can somehow prove that having the extra skin removed is medical necessary (meaning necessary to live a HEALTHY life), (and not just cosmetic) then insurance may cover some of it.

    Maybe you have back pain, fatigue, etc that wouldn't be present if the skin was gone ... get my drift.

    Good luck!

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