Take off fat, put on muscle

Hey all,

I am somewhat new to MyFitnessPal. I have been using it for a couple months, but really got into my diet about a month ago. So far so good: I have lost 9 pounds since the middle of January. I have found it helps so much to have MFP because I can easily keep track of calories, which I didn't realize before is so important.

Starting Weight: 195
Current Weight: 186
Target Weight: About 170

My goal is go to from 19% body fat (when I was 195) to 8% body fat (about 170, though it may be a little different). I want to reach that goal by my birthday - the end of April. After I get to that target, I want to spend the rest of 2011 putting on muscle. My goal at that point will be to add 15-20 lbs of muscle, putting me back to about 185-190, with 8-10% body fat. I decided it is best to set body fat goals rather than just weight since my body, like yours, is so unique, and weight isn't always the best indicator of health and fitness.

Like many of you, I could use some good encouragement and support. So feel free to be my friend. I love giving support as much as receiving it. Help me reach my goals and I will do my best to help you reach yours.

Good luck Fitness Pals!



  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    The key to very low body fat is daily nutrition being perfectly clean. When I was younger, an ice cream sandwich here and there didn't do so much damage, but now, looking a a doritos ad is enough to pop me back up a few percentage points of fat. UGH. Every day - keep it clean and you'll get there before you know it!
  • byuboston
    Thanks for the tip. Luckily my wife is helping me with that little issue. She has me eating whole grains, brown rice and lots of vegetables. She also has me eating healthy and good proteins and carbs. She is a keeper for sure. It is good to have a place I can come to get support and suggestions. Good luck with your own goals.
  • Thorneapple
    Hello fellow Bostonian!

    So good that your wife is supporting you on this. I think that makes all the difference! Good luck to you and Welcome!