I have done it before, must do it again!

toodleton Posts: 82
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hey I'm new to the forum, actually new to any forum for that matter lol I have never been one to get on this kind of site for support but this time I've got to get the weight off and keep it off so I'm looking for all the support/advice I can attain!

So here it goes:
I've got 2 kids and a hubby and basically 2 part-time jobs outside of the home that keep me busy

I have lost 63 lbs before so I know what success feels like =D

I have regained all my lost weight so I also know what failure/defeat feels like =(

In spite of health conditions that are markedly against my attempts to lose this weight, I'm going to press on and believe that I CAN do it again!

I spend a lot of time at the pool and lake with my family so this year I'd like to wear a swimsuit without the humiliation!!!


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    welcome and good luck!!!!
  • Girl don't even worry about gaining the weight back! That's the past! It's time for a fresh start! You can do this!
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
    I'm in the same situation and have been lurking on this site for a little while. Good luck!
  • BEST WISHES TO YOU!!!! so feel you with the swimwear!! THIS IS MY SUMMER TOOOOO!!!!!:happy:
  • sabcooke
    sabcooke Posts: 82 Member
    welcome and good luck add me if you like!!
  • Welcome,

    You can do anything you put your mind to! I think you will find this site helpful to you!
  • Welcome! Good luck with your goals!
  • Girl!!! I feel ya! I lost all and more of the baby weight with mu first daughter, then baby number two surprised me too soon! I didn't get to enjoy my fab bod for too long, and with her, I gained it all and MORE!!!!!! GOT UP TO 220LBS, and about freaked!!!!!!! Its go time!!!!! I wanna post before, after, now, and after pics!! Lol!!! Its gna happen! I wont let it not!!! GL! im here for ya!
  • juldga
    juldga Posts: 119
    Yes in 2009 I lost 80 pounds and gained it all back plus some after I got pregnant!
  • ....those dang babies!!!! Lol!!
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    Welcome! You have arrived at the right place for what you need! MFP is like the ultimate for support, motivation and inspiration!!! We are all here for the same reason which means that we will understand everything that you are talking about. I wish you courage and faith on your new journey!! Best wishes to the new you!!!
  • I know what you're saying I've lost 70 lbs in the past and gained it all back, joined weight watchers was within 5 lbs of my goal, got cocky, quit and gained it all back for time #2 and that was about 15 years ago. So trying yet again to get rid of the weight. This time I swear once I reach my goal, I'm weighing myself weekly and if I get over 5 lbs from my goal it's back to the drawing board!

    This is a great site, great tools and great members.

    Good luck and feel free to friend me if you'd like.
  • Wow, thanks so much to every one of you for the encouragement and making me feel less alone in my personal shame of gaining the weight back. I think all of you look great to the ones that I can see pics!! I'm sure we can all do this again, we've done it before! Best wishes to ALL of you! Feel free to friend me :)
  • Welcome, Toodleton! I've heard nothing but great things about this site (I'm a newbie too!), so I know with the tools and the support system you will definitely reach your goals!

    I am right there with you on losing and regaining -- I lost 57 pounds on Weight Watchers and (similar to Cookingcriolla), I got cocky, stopped going to meetings after I hit Lifetime and now I'm three pounds away from my starting weight. Something I swore I would never do.

    But I'm recommitted and will get back to my goal weight! We can do this!
  • Welcome! I love MFP, i think a little bit more than Facebook (sorry facebook)! But I am happy to be apart of such a great community filled with nothing but love & support. :smile:

    I am in the same boat with ya girl. Had my son in 2008. Started my weight loss journey 6 weeks after I had him and lost 32 pounds from the end of 08' to 09' - Again, got cocky (LOL) started eating crap again. In 2010 I went from being a stay at home mom to working full time - which definatly put my weight loss at an all time hault so I spent the majority of last year gaining all the weight back (not willingly) and now, here I am today! I like this quote: "Don't let the storms of your past cloud your future" - I have to keep reminding myself of this everyday. Hang in there. The weight will come back off just as it did before. Just have patience! Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Welcome! This site has helped me stick to a plan, we can be motivation buddies!
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