Mental Struggle

ilovepitbulls Posts: 2 Member
Hi Ya'll,

I'm new and just wanted to say hi. I'm starting over and I'm afraid to weigh because I'm afraid it will put me over the edge :explode: to see how bad the number is and yet I want to see where I'm starting out so I can see the progress and be motivated. Anybody have some advise for me? I asked my hubby but he say's don't weight just judge by how your clothes feel and how you feel but the clothes thing could take longer. What a mental struggle. I'm on day 3 and doing good, eating good and exercising everyday. Sure wish the weight came off as fast as it does on Biggest Loser! :smile:


  • Hoplost
    Hoplost Posts: 22 Member
    Hiya I find if you measure yourself rather than weight you see the inchs coming off... Good luck we are all in this together:smile:
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    It can go as fast as the Biggest Loser if you get a personal trainer... lol. But really they do it way too fast!! If you do it nice and slow you don't end up with the baggy skin like the contestants on the show.

    Anyway, if you're not comfortable finding out your weight yet, on this website you can do measurements! That way you can see the inches come off until you're comfortable finding out how many pounds.

    Good luck and welcome!
  • GOOD LUCK!! :-)
  • You could take measurements instead of weighing yourself. Also alot of people took before pics. I wish my husband and I had done that. Anyway you can compare your self to those on the Biggest loser. We love the show but we know that their workouts and weight loss are unrealistic in a normal household where everyone works and has conflicting schedules. Just take it 1 day at a time and you will see the results.
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Measure your inches instead of your weight! When your clothes start to feel loose then step on the scale, some people only weigh once a month. Weighing in can become obsessive and drive you crazy if you let it (weight fluctuates because of soooo many things its not even funny) so good luck and I know you can do it, don't worry about the numbers so much just remember that you are taking that step forward to being healthier!
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    You should never let the scale rule you - it often lies and isn't necessarily an accurate representation of the hard work you do. However, part of the process of getting healthy and improving eating habits is being 100% honest with yourself and getting rid of the denial. I think it's important to get over that fear of the scale and take it for what it is - a number. And while it's probably not a number you'll be happy with or proud of, it is something you need to acknowledge and be honest about - so that you can overcome it and develop a healthy attitude about weight, food and your body.

    So, go weigh - but keep it in perspective. It doesn't define you, it's just another tool in the toolbox. :wink:
  • i would say listen to your husband, have done loads of diets in the past, although i underestimated my weight this time, i would definately prefer going around places and buying new clothes in a smaller side than getting depressed about how much weight I havent lost this week. Good luck
  • Kiwijay
    Kiwijay Posts: 216
    It is true that weighing yourself can be a mnetal struggle and going by your clothes is a great idea but like you say if you want a start destination to reach an end destination weight wise, weighing yourself is the only way. if you are doing your goals as dress sizes go for inches and dress sizes lost.
    You will get there and if we all lived in the Biggest Loser Ranch I am sure we would all drop the pounds in weeks! They are some pretty hardcore trainers!!!!! I'd be scared NOT to lose weight.
    Welcome along too, everyone is really supportive here and will help over any hurdle you have!
  • Hiya

    #1 Dont worry you are not alone in feeling scared of the scale. I hate it, I call it names, and frequently want to smash it into a million pieces but you are however going to want to get a base weight. Even if you do not get on the scale for 1 month after that its a wonderful feeling when you know that starter weight and you look down and even if it is 1lb off its still 1lb closer to your goal. I definitely recommend taking your measurements as well which will also help you gauge your weight loss results. if you are doing any sort of strength training not just cardio remember as you build muscle you may not see your weight change as fast as you would like because muscle weighs more then fat but don't get discouraged as long as you maintain your diet and stick with cardio you will drop the fat. One more thing that I have found works for me so its strictly person to person...If you are one of those people who cant get through a day without a snack or something give yourself the ability to have it [just stay in portion size] you will find you are much more satisfied being able to still have some of the "good stuff" a little bit daily then if you deprive yourself of it completely or worse deprive and then binge. Remember this is a lifestyle change something you are hopefully going to stick with forever whatever feels right for you do it.

    #2 if you are going by the biggest loser you are going to just feel bad about yourself during this process. The biggest loser contestants are in EXTREME conditions workout wise & nationalist wise. A good portion of them gain back some of the weight once the seasons last episode airs which is why you will see a lot of them that are brought back on in future seasons have some lbs back on them because its extremely hard to live the BL lifestyle outside of the compound [esp you know how much a personal trainer cost for the amount of time the 2 on the show put into these contestants]
  • lainglesita
    lainglesita Posts: 90 Member
    I would bite the bullet and weigh myself. I joined a gym last october and unbeknown to me part of my induction was that I had to be weighed. If I had known previously about that bit I would never have gone. Anyway, I won't pretend it was good news but if the truth be told I was expecting to weigh a lot more. Thinking back on that moment, it put me on the right path to make some healthy changes. Well that's my little piece of advice for what it's worth
  • I think you should weigh yourself to have a starting number. You probably should have already because believe it or not the first week you could lose up to 10 lbs. I would personally want to know how good I was doing. I do understand the struggle very well. My advice is just pick a day to weigh in once a week or every two weeks and do not stand on the scale any other day. Also good or bad just keep up what you are doing because whether the scale is going up or down everyday your are becoming healthier and stronger.
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