It starts with a contest...

lowpost42 Posts: 49
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
And with work and dedication ends with a fit, healthy me!

I enjoy the cal tracking in MFP; the method I'm using to win the contest asks for a 400-600 cal lunch, so MFP makes it easy to figure out how much and what to eat!

I've lost 45 pounds in 5 weeks, but have hit the proverbial wall.

Since I see myself using MFP in the future, I thought I'd stop by and say "hi"!

I'm one of those lunatics who found some motivation to stick to the new years' resolution!


  • dballew77
    dballew77 Posts: 2 Member
    How in the he%$ did you loose 45lbs in 5 weeks? What were you doing? I need the plan.
  • yeah, that's a TON of weight to loose in such a short amount of did you do it?!?!?!
  • That's awesome motivation and a great accomplishment!! Way to go. I agree - share your secret!
  • Ahzuri
    Ahzuri Posts: 272 Member
    Wow thats an amazing weight loss in 5 weeks! Were you doing the same thing each time you worked out?
  • How in the he%$ did you loose 45lbs in 5 weeks? What were you doing? I need the plan.

    That is exactoly what I was going to say!
  • For me, it started with the right motivation; a local 'biggest loser' contest. Nothing motivates me to get out of bed and onto the elliptical on the 3rd day when I'm sore and tired more than thinking that if I quit I've just donated my entry fee to somebody else.

    With the motivation hurdle out of the way, I just needed a plan.

    To respect Mike's wishes, I won't mention the name of the company whose products I'm taking. However, I'm replacing two meals a day with a nutritional supplement and keeping my lunch to under 600 cals (MFP is great for this!); on top of that I'm doing 45 minutes on an elliptical every single day (with only 30 minutes the first week); and after the 3rd week picked up a heart rate monitor to make sure I was working between 65% and 75% of my heart rate reserve. Every 7th day is a fast (I call it moving day because the scale moves quite a bit after the fast!) Make no mistake - this is a starvation diet.

    So with the motivation and the plan I just had to work the plan. I started at 322 lbs and 35.5% bodyfat. I lost 13.5 pounds the first week, ~9 pounds the next two weeks and not quite 6 the 4th week. I took 8 lbs off last week , but I can feel myself 'hitting the wall' - tough to keep pace all of a sudden on the elliptical. With 3 weeks left to go in the contest (and a weigh-in tonight), I'm trying to keep pace at 5 pounds a week.

    A buddy was impressed enough to try the same system, but isn't doing the work (and isn't seeing the results). He's still losing weight, though.

    Is that helpful?
  • for those interested (and assuming this is OK), email me at my username and I'll give you details.

    (This is a separate post in case this is still violating the TOS, so if it gets deleted, I don't lose everything else I've typed!)

    Put "myfitnesspal program" in the subject.
  • After the contest ends I'm moving to a low-carb, higher protein, higher fat diet, adding plyometric exercises and will likely cut the cardio back to 30 minutes (but continue 7 days a week). I'll still have 50-60 pounds to go from there and expect it to take 3-5 months to come off. It's kind of sick to think I'll have lost half the weight in 2 months, then take twice as long to do the other half.

    For those interested, I've been tracking body fat percentage with a less-than-perfect device, but I seem to have been averaging 60% of weekly weight loss as fat.
  • dballew77
    dballew77 Posts: 2 Member
    If you have hit a wall you need to change the plan. Increase your cardio to 2-a-days. So 45 in the morning before you eat anything and then 45 whenever you workout again. Consider adding weights. Good luck in the contest.
  • If you have hit a wall you need to change the plan. Increase your cardio to 2-a-days. So 45 in the morning before you eat anything and then 45 whenever you workout again. Consider adding weights. Good luck in the contest.

    I've considered going to two-a-days; will make a decision based on the weigh in tonight.

    I won't add weights until post-contest as it's only about total percentage of bodyweight lost - it's unhealthy, I know, but it's about total weight loss (versus fat loss or overall health). The weights come when the contest is done; then it's all about fat loss!
  • Down 6.5 as of the last weigh in!

    I hope I can get another "quick 6", then hold the line for a week in the Dominican!
  • lowpost42
    lowpost42 Posts: 49
    The update is down 69 pounds in total for the contest (Jan 5 - Mar 9) and I should know in a day or two where I placed.
  • Wraiythe
    Wraiythe Posts: 780 Member
    Oh my goodness you are my hero! How the heck did you lose that much in so short a time?? Share!! I need to know this because that is awesome!
  • lowpost42
    lowpost42 Posts: 49
    Wraiythe, it was basically a starvation diet with a shake-replacing-two-meals dealie, coupled with 45 minutes a day of cardio. Highly motivated to take other peoples' money (and lose a ton of weight!)
  • lowpost42
    lowpost42 Posts: 49
    Survey says.....

    I WIN.

    21.3% total bodyweight lost - second place was 12.2%

    Feels good! Time to celebrate with a cookie! LOL
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