Adding friends?

NyraJo Posts: 6
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Is it better to add friends or just read the message boards? I'm new and trying to figure my way around MFP so any help/suggestions is greatly appreciated! Thanks!


  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    I like the "adding friends" option. I've "met" some amazing people that way.
  • lorirogs
    lorirogs Posts: 65 Member
    I have been adding friends so I have a great support team on MFP.
  • I'm pretty new I've just recently found the add friends option. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • I could not agree more. These people who become your friends become a huge part of your life. We may not know each other in "person", but I LOVE to see how my friends are doing and they are so supportive and motivating and inspiring. I used this app on my phone for two weeks before I even realized you could have friends on here, and having the friends has helped me lose weight. It's a support group and everyone understands each other!!! It makes logging in more than just entering calories
  • neelia
    neelia Posts: 750 Member
    I could not agree more. These people who become your friends become a huge part of your life. We may not know each other in "person", but I LOVE to see how my friends are doing and they are so supportive and motivating and inspiring. I used this app on my phone for two weeks before I even realized you could have friends on here, and having the friends has helped me lose weight. It's a support group and everyone understands each other!!! It makes logging in more than just entering calories

    I totally agree! I only add and keep friends who are motivating to me. When I record a loss, I get several comments with kudos and it makes me feel GREAT. I <3 these people!
  • I add and get added. The people I add tend to have things in common with me or I simply like to see their successes. Friends on here can be very motivating.
  • goaliema
    goaliema Posts: 150 Member
    The support from your mfp friends is amazing. They will encourage and support you and likewise. If you are having one of those days or are missing in action for awhile..don't be surprise to have a friend send you a message or post on your profile..that will get you going again.
    We are all in this for the same reason..whether big or small be healthy!

    You have the choice to add or delete someone at anytime.

    All the best
  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member
    I agree with what the others have said. I do like to read the message boards (although I hardly ever post)...but the encouragement from my friends is great. I did read somewhere when I first signed up that you can lose 3 x as much weight if you have friends! Well, I didn't need telling twice!

    Feel free to add me too.
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Add friends. Their messages really help when you need a boost. And they celebrate with you. :) Feel free to add me too.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    if you dont add youll miss out on alot
  • I'm new too. I realized that when people added me as a friend, I liked it. So I decided that most people wouldn't think i was weird or too random adding them because it's just more support. feel free to add me too! Such good motivation and support :)
  • Wow everyone! Thanks for the input! I really appreciate it. I want to hit this hard and I think all the support will be awesome. :happy:
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    I could not agree more. These people who become your friends become a huge part of your life. We may not know each other in "person", but I LOVE to see how my friends are doing and they are so supportive and motivating and inspiring. I used this app on my phone for two weeks before I even realized you could have friends on here, and having the friends has helped me lose weight. It's a support group and everyone understands each other!!! It makes logging in more than just entering calories

    I totally agree! I only add and keep friends who are motivating to me. When I record a loss, I get several comments with kudos and it makes me feel GREAT. I <3 these people!
    Lies. You keep me around and I really have no idea why.
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