College Student looking to start a new life!

Hello everyone! My name is Iris and I am a senior in college studying Business Management. I am a lover of life and food. In the past 3 years I have managed to gain 40 lbs to my already overweight frame and it has really made me sluggish. When I look in the mirror, I see a completely different person compared to who I really am on the inside. I feel sluggish and sloppy when the truth is I am a fiesty, young hispanic woman with a thirst for fun and adventure. I am just looking for people who can relate and we can go through this journey together. My ultimate goal is to lose 80 pounds and be what is consided healthy and not overweight or obese. I want to get my "HAPPY" back before I graduate college. Thanks for reading and check out my blog:


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    welcome and good luck to you!
  • emadigan
    emadigan Posts: 89 Member
    I'm a college senior too. I'm about halfway through my weight loss goals. I, too, want to be feeling awesome for graduation. Good luck on your journey! MPF is a fabulous resource for the busy college student.
  • lizvanb
    lizvanb Posts: 66 Member
    I'm also a college senior looking to shed some weight. Only lost 4 lbs in the last 2 weeks but it's a start. Sending a friend request now :) Good luck on your journey MFP is an amazing place full of support!
  • fitinyoga14
    fitinyoga14 Posts: 448 Member
    I'm a college student as well! I'm studying nutrition.. and I don't mean to brag.. but I know a lot. I have your back if you have any questions!!
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    well i have been doing this college thing off and on since 1995, life came and I went so i tried to get back into the swing of things while i was going through a divorce and that didn't work then just got started back up again last year. So now i have my associates and then will be transfering to a four year university for the fall semester. I understand how hard it is to hold down a job, raise a child and take care of my new husband (who also is in college) all while going to school. I am in my 30's and am tired of not having a real job. I gained lots of weight in the last five years and I am also on here to try and lose it all and get back to the person I am inside. I also look in the mirror and see a complete stranger. That is not me, I don't look that way. Well I am ready to find myself and be happy with what I see in the mirror. You are welcome to friend me and we can work on this together.