New to Fitness Pal, but not to fitness

Hi there. I came here to help find some motivation to workout and get back in shape being at home. It is hard to stay motivated when you aren't going to the gym or an exercise class. I really need to get into shape though for my health and to set a good example for my daughter. Would love to make some new friends compare experience. I actually have a lot of knowledge when it comes to health and nutrition as it is my area of study, and what I am going to go back to school to finish my degree in. lol.


  • Kelnurse
    Kelnurse Posts: 145
    Hi jade, so nice to meet you!! I think its great that you want to continue to set such a good example for your daughter! I agree with you about the lack of motivation when you dont get to a gym. I try to do a little at home and take a class now and then at my local gym. Right now I'm into Zumba and have been doing it for the past 2 yrs. Anyway...welcome to MFP and feel free to add me as a friend :happy:
  • magig
    magig Posts: 5
    I am not part of a gym either but I love to work out. I do better though when I have friends with the same goals to exercise with. We talked then started small. We all brought a workout dvd and we did it together twice a week. Then one of our friends decided to teach weight training and aerobics so she teaches us for free twice a week and we quit the dvd's. I love volleyball so I asked around and found people who love it as much as I do and we play once a week. Just from talking to friends I now have 3 days a week I can workout with friends and stay motivated. Start your own group- a walking group, sport, aerobic or do dvd's together. Most of my friends are from my church so flyers about the exercise group worked great and we became friends with the women that showed up. Good luck and get sweaty:)