Lose at least 5 pounds in 6 weeks! April fools challenge! Fr

Hey there, so it has been a long hard road but I am ready to lose at least 5 pounds for my Hawaiian vacation on April 1st! It also happens to be april Fools day so I figured why not have it be a good date challenge. I want to lose at least 5 pounds in 6 weeks, that seems doable and I want to set a reasonable goal. I struggle losing every week but I want to try my hardest to get into the mid 160's for Hawaii. If you are interested in this challenge it is starting this friday Febrary 18th and will be a WI day every Friday. All are welcome and I hope to have a great group to chat with!

February 18th- SW
Feb 25th-
March 4st-
March 11th-
March 18th-
March 25th-
April 1st-


  • Cuddles2523
    Cuddles2523 Posts: 139 Member
    I'm up for another challenge! I'll check back friday to weigh in. Hopefully I get rid of this cold so I can start working out again soon! :)
  • teracallaway1
    teracallaway1 Posts: 51 Member
    sure im in. maybe it will help me get through this flat spot. the scale just won't budge but maybe cu its tom. add me in your list please
  • heavenrain
    heavenrain Posts: 36 Member
    I'm in.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Yay there are a few peeps. How is everyone doing this week so far? expecting a gain or a loss this friday?
  • sunshine7966
    I'm in...that's 2 days before my 22nd birthday and I only have 4 1/2 lbs left to reach my goal weight :)
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    How is everyone doing this week?

    I started a cleanse on Tuesday so I am hoping it will help me for the next month as I am doing it. I am hoping for the best and for it to help me feel better and more energetic. Not checking the scale until Friday so I am not sure where it is going to go.
  • deeders1220
    deeders1220 Posts: 32 Member
    Yay! I'll try to do this as well. My weight just hasn't really budged much the last couple of months, hopefully this will give me the boost I need. I have a triathlon at the end of March that is really hilly and the less weight I have to lug around with me, the better! :D
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    Yay! I'll try to do this as well. My weight just hasn't really budged much the last couple of months, hopefully this will give me the boost I need. I have a triathlon at the end of March that is really hilly and the less weight I have to lug around with me, the better! :D

    I am training for a triathlon in April. Hooray!! What distance are you doing?
  • rachld
    I'm in! I'm in a wedding on April 1, and would appreciate the extra motivation. I'm recovering from the flu right now, so there's no telling what the scale will show on Friday.
  • deeders1220
    deeders1220 Posts: 32 Member
    @lostalykat I'm doing the sprint course at the "showdown at sundown". The distances are 750m Swim, 10.5 mile Bike, 5k Run. They recently changed the bike course and now it's literally a 10.5mile constant 4-8% grade climb! GAHHh!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    @deeders1220- yay! That sounds awesome. I am training for a olympic distance tri in April so that is what spurred this message board.

    Tomorrow is the beginning of our challenge onward and downward peeps!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    2/18/11: 169.6

    4/1/2011: Goal: 164.6
  • Cuddles2523
    Cuddles2523 Posts: 139 Member
    SW: 152.5 Here we go!

    GW: 147.5 on April 1st!
  • deeders1220
    deeders1220 Posts: 32 Member
    Darn, didn't think of it before but looks like I won't be able to weigh myself until after work at the gym. No scale at home!
  • sunshine7966
    SW: 134
    GW: 130 (or less)
    @lostalycat and deeders1220, I'm training for my first 5K on April 9th...any tips??
  • deeders1220
    deeders1220 Posts: 32 Member
    SW: 134
    GW: 130 (or less)
    @lostalycat and deeders1220, I'm training for my first 5K on April 9th...any tips??

    When I was going from not lasting 30secs of running to being to run my first 5k without stopping, I basically did walk/run intervals on the treadmill. I started out with 1 min of running with 30 seconds of walking, then increased both increments gradually (or atleast to a level of "pushing it" that my body felt okay with) until I was running 9 mins and walking with 1min. I'd do these intervals for about 40 mins everytime. Then, once I got to the 9-1 ratio... I hit up the Rose Bowl nearby because I knew a lap around it was about 5k and although it was a struggle, I managed to get around it without stopping.

    That's what worked for me anyway. Slow and steady :)
  • deeders1220
    deeders1220 Posts: 32 Member
    Sorry, I just realized also that that last post was assuming you were like me and starting from scratch. If you're already running and just want to get faster, similarly I've heard speed intervals are the best way to do that. Hope that helps!
  • sunshine7966
    I started C25K and only have 3 weeks left then I'll be working on getting faster. My husband has to run them all the time with ROTC and I want to be able to run with him. I still struggle with anything over ten minutes, but I can do a mile in those ten minutes.
  • rachld
    SW: 158
    GW: 153 by 4/1!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I agree with Deeders, I was able to do a half marathon doing 9 run and 1 walk. I still do it most of the time because it is easier on my joints and I have knee pain. It really depends on how I am feeling. Also I do interval training which will really help with speed. Look up some interval run training programs and see what might work for you. I also started running stairs with my team, it is really hard for me because I have knee issues, but it helps with speed if you have good knees! I hope this helps. I am so glad to be into the 160s!!! I hope I can stay here and hopefully see the 150's for my birthday in August!