Protein Snacks

babs1012 Posts: 6
edited September 24 in Recipes
Hi All

I am trying to follow a high protein low carb diet, I need to loose about 7-10 pounds over the coming 3-4 weeks but I am struggling. Anyone have any ideas on good/healthy/low calorie protein snacks to keep me in track. I have a proetin shake for breakfast, a tuna/chicken salad for lunch but by 4 pm I am starving and then end up eating whatever i can get hold off ( which is usally convinient stuff like crisps or a chocoalte biscuit and a cuppa!) when I get home before I cook dinner- which spoils all the days efforts. I think I am also struggling because its so cold so munching on a carrot stick ect just doesnt seem to do the trick..

Anyone have any ideas?


  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
  • SaraTonin
    SaraTonin Posts: 551 Member
    You should really incorporate some carbohydrates into your breakfast to help you feel full all day. I recommend a high fiber cereal like Kashi Autumn Wheat or whatever floats your boat.

    Edit: oops! Just now saw you were doing a low carb diet. No tips from me then.
  • You are definitely not eating enough. My boyfriend does a low carb/high protein diet, and he'd recommend that you eat five/six small meals a day, not just the two you've described. I'd recommend eating more for breakfast, like 4-5 scrambled egg whites (and if you'd like, throw one yolk in there for good measure) and a half cup of steel-cut oats. This will definitely sustain you for longer than a protein shake will. Do the protein shake as a mid morning snack; the tuna with a salad filled with lots of veggies for lunch; fruit and/or a greek yogurt for mid-afternoon snack; and a lean protein like fish or boneless/skinless chicken breast with a couple of sides of non-starchy vegetables.

    This is just a sample menu, and I'd suggest doing more research for what fits your dietary tastes and goals. But definitely eat more if you're only eating twice in a day before dinner. Hope this helps!
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    1. NF plain greek yogurt w/blueberries, etc. (Fage Total 0%, Chobani brands)
    2. NF String Cheese
    3. warm skim milk w/cocoa powder (unsweetend) - this is my fav
    4. Cucumber slices/Dip
    6. Soups ?
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    one more -

    5. Spicy chickpeas
    Heat 1tsp oil,
    Add chopped jalepeno peppers and onion, a few mustard seeds and squeeze some fresh lemon juice to it
    Add 1 can of garbanzo beans or any kid of beans to it. If you don't care about the carbs, you can add fresh corn niblets too.
    Note - No need to add salt as we already have lemon juice.

    Serve hot.
    You can always make this head and store in individual serving containers.
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    10 lbs in 4 weeks is not impossible using calorie reduction. Low to no protein can lose you 20 to 25 lbs in a month, but only after the 4 day phase in.
    If you really want to go that route bump the post or let me know and I'll give you the rules. I did that once and had to fight back to lose the 60 lbs out of 75 that I gained back. A low / 0 carb diet is almost not sustainable in the long run and when you go off that diet you WILL gain back the weight. That is just unhealthy, yes I'm a born again thin person so I feel pretty strongly about this. You can lose the weight without doing goofy things.
    In your situation (only 10 lbs to lose) I would set your goal to 2 lbs a week and start working out like crazy. Eat clean foods (no red meat) like fish and chicken, keep the bread, breading, crap carbs to a minimum. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, brown rice, try to avoid pasta and if you have to have some make it whole wheat, 12 grain bread, no white or "commercial wheat" like Home Pride, no refined sugar.
    Eat a bunch of fiber to fill you, nuts are good as are beans. You can do it.

    But if you must, let us know and we'll give you no carb info.
  • Thanks for the all the info. The reason I am trying to do the low carb is that its the one diet that I know works and restricting myself is the only way really. Giving me a free rein with carbs of any kind ( wholemeal/wholewheat included) is generally not a good thing. I am going to try and increase the exercise and cut out eating the junk as it just doesnt help.

    As to the 4 days phase, is it like the atkins, where you are very limited for a period until your body enters ketosis mode? I dont generally work on a specific timescale to loose weight but I have a dress fitting in under 4 weeks and i know I have gained weight since my last fitting ( well inches 2 inches around my waist and hips to be precise!) I think this is due to a 7-10 pounds gain since August.

    Also I seem to be struggling with my water intake ( still down to the weather i think...) but I am drinking lots of green tea which I think is still counts right??

    Thanks for your posts x
  • Almonds are a good source of protein for snacking and if you eat slowly you should feel full. I measure out 1 ounce portions and that is my 10am and my 3pm snack. Sometimes I'll add a half a grapefruit which doesn't have the protein but seems to help control my hunger. If you google "protein content of foods" you can find a free printable list that should give you PLENTY of ideas for boosting your protein intake throughout the day. Good luck!
  • AMHA32
    AMHA32 Posts: 23
    I love cooking up a few shrimp and snacking on them! They are full of protein and super low calorie. You can add any spice you like or look online for some marinades. I just made some sauteed with garlic and it was super yummy!
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    You are definitely not eating enough. My boyfriend does a low carb/high protein diet, and he'd recommend that you eat five/six small meals a day, not just the two you've described. I'd recommend eating more for breakfast, like 4-5 scrambled egg whites (and if you'd like, throw one yolk in there for good measure) and a half cup of steel-cut oats. This will definitely sustain you for longer than a protein shake will. Do the protein shake as a mid morning snack; the tuna with a salad filled with lots of veggies for lunch; fruit and/or a greek yogurt for mid-afternoon snack; and a lean protein like fish or boneless/skinless chicken breast with a couple of sides of non-starchy vegetables.

    This is just a sample menu, and I'd suggest doing more research for what fits your dietary tastes and goals. But definitely eat more if you're only eating twice in a day before dinner. Hope this helps!
    This is an excellent menu (especially breakfast - should be the biggest meal of the day!) and I agree (I too am trying to keep my carbs lower and up the protein. It's certainly not easy. I don't cut them out all together but I take a serious New York Minute to evaluate what I'm choosing and if there are other options.
    I have been eating the 1 egg and steel cut oats for breakfast all this week (but might opt to make my mix for the week using 1-2 eggs and the rest whites as the cholesterol throws me off with the other proteins I'm eating) along with a slice of Ezekiel 4:9 bread and either peanut butter (1TBSP or 1/2 serving) or yogurt cheese (like cream cheese without the fat and cals) but aside from the cholesterol thing, I'm full until well past my normal am snack time. I try to eat every 2-3 hours. If I'm really hungry in the morning, I'll grab the toast on the way out the door and that will hold me until 8-8:30 after I have my coffee.

    Another filling toast for breakfast (and you can use low carb breads or cut a slice in half (through the thickness making 2 slices out of one)) is 2 slices of a whole wheat or multi grain toast, 1 tbsp pb for each slice, 1/2 medium banana and 1TBSP wheat germ. I mix the banana and germ together then put on top of the peanut butter. Savory and sweet at the same time w/protein and complex carbs. If I eat 2 slices of this I can usually skip my morning snack without shakes or hunger (I'm hypoglycemic).
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    10 lbs in 4 weeks is not impossible using calorie reduction. Low to no protein can lose you 20 to 25 lbs in a month, but only after the 4 day phase in.
    If you really want to go that route bump the post or let me know and I'll give you the rules. I did that once and had to fight back to lose the 60 lbs out of 75 that I gained back. A low / 0 carb diet is almost not sustainable in the long run and when you go off that diet you WILL gain back the weight. That is just unhealthy, yes I'm a born again thin person so I feel pretty strongly about this. You can lose the weight without doing goofy things.
    In your situation (only 10 lbs to lose) I would set your goal to 2 lbs a week and start working out like crazy. Eat clean foods (no red meat) like fish and chicken, keep the bread, breading, crap carbs to a minimum. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, brown rice, try to avoid pasta and if you have to have some make it whole wheat, 12 grain bread, no white or "commercial wheat" like Home Pride, no refined sugar.
    Eat a bunch of fiber to fill you, nuts are good as are beans. You can do it.

    But if you must, let us know and we'll give you no carb info.

    It's sustainable in the long run but you have to transition to maintenance by slowly adding carbs back until your weight begins to rise, then you cut back to you last level before you gained. It's not something that can be done overnight, and you have to pick the right foods as you mentioned. Your body NEEDS carbs - your BRAIN runs on them!! Don't do a 0 carb diet you will do more harm than good in the long run.

    10lbs can definitely be done in a month and safely and in a way you can keep doing to keep them off. We all need to get off the DIET bandwagon and get onto the LIFESTYLE CHANGE wagon. Health is not a short term goal - it's an ongoing activity that you must be actively participating in.

    Aren't you (all of us) tired of being a passenger in your life? Take back that wheel and be the Captain of your soul!"
  • Nuts are a really good snack to eat inbetween meals :)
  • dwarfer22
    dwarfer22 Posts: 358 Member
    I am also on a "low-carb" diet but mainly just not processed carbs like bread and such. Breakfast is either oatmeal w/ fruit or scramble 1egg and one egg white w/ cheese and a ton (and I mean a ton) of veggies. I usually eat every 2-3 hours otherwise I also find that I get ravenous as the day goes on. Good snack: freeze yogurt in small cups. It takes a while to chisel it out so it feels like its alot. 100 cal pack almond are awesome. Rice cake w/ peanut butter. Lunch is either salad w/ tuna or chicken or sometimes I make a homemade chicken and bean soup. Beans have alot of protein so it's very filling. Chili is also good here. Afternoon snacks are almonds or 1/2c cottage cheese and 3 Ry-Krisps for dunkin. Dinner is either brown rice, barley, potato, or grits with a meat of some sort and another ton of veggies. Late snack if needed is rice cake or maybe a small salad. I try to keep full during the day so dinner isn't too early. If I can hold off to 6-7 I find I don't need a late snack which then prevents the late night binging I had grown accustomed to.

    So main meals are 250-300 cals a piece with a few snacks spread out 100-150 cals each. Usually I keep to about 1250-1400 cals per day and it is giving great weight loss results. (19 lbs since Jan 1)
  • I'm a vegetarian for about a month now, and I've been looking for some good protein sources as well. My absolute favorite snacks/foods are FiberOne bars, cereals, Luna bars (but be careful with those, they're not just a snack, much more filling), and Kashi cereal. Nuts are a good source, too. Also, you can look at the fact that you're probably hungry because you're not getting enough complex carbohydrates. Getting rid of simple carbs is fine, but it's not the best idea to just completely limit all carbs. Whole wheat bread, brown rice, and cereals like Kashi are all fantastic sources of complex carbs that provide tons of nutrients for your body, helping your digestive system, and not causing weight gain. Good luck!
  • hi everyone! i'm new to this website and just started my diet yesterday! my goal is 40-45 pounds by june/july. kind of seems un-realistic but i'm gonna try! i'm 22 and in school/working full time....anybody have any tips about what to eat and not eat. i feel like i'm always on the go, so i RARELY am home or have time between work and studying to cook a home cooked meal. i realllly need to lose this weight, not only to feel better about myself but to get a lot healthier. i have a gym membership and i'm going to try to go as much as possible. any food ideas, i would LOVE...i'm always so confused as to what i should eat/not. i'll take all the advice i can get! thankkks! :)
  • Thanks. some really good ideas - I especially like the nuts as a snack. I love almonds so may have some of those in teh afternooon to tide me over. A friend swears by egg white omellette so I may introduce that this morning and have teh protein shake later in the afternoon or maybe when i get in from work before i eat anything else. Will introduce carbs slowly at a later date once i have achieved my 10 lb goal and see what happens,. Thanks again x
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