1200 Calories A Day

munembo Posts: 2 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself

I am a mother of three and work full time and then some and don't seem to have enough time for my children, nevermind me! I figured eating right doesn't take time (well I was wrong about that since you really have to plan out your meals, shopping and preparation). SO...I took the time to shop, prepare the food and eat well each day since Monday when I started.

I am 5"4' and weigh 167 pounds. Over the past week I have dropped 3 lbs. but I am absolutely starving! I am a grazer and will just grab whatever I find to eat so I started to create bags of good food, however, calories are the key and even though I am eating better food, I still can't stay under 1200 calories a day.

Any suggestions on how to do this? Or foods that have low calories so I can eat more all day and 'trick' myself?



  • hi...what works for me is drink a glass of water when i feel like grazing
  • Drinking water can help you feel full. Also add in exercise (or start counting things you already do like house cleaningand playing with your kids). THe more you exercise the more calories you can eat, evern a couple hundred more might make all the difference.
  • Drink plenty of water and find a way to work out 30 minutes every day. Working out will increase the calorie goal.
  • Liatush
    Liatush Posts: 627 Member
    I think you can introduce more fiber into your diet which will help you feel fuller, longer. Try more veggies - snack on carrots, celery, etc. I also use tea and water to help me fight hunger, esp if I don't have a lot of cals left for the day. That said, if you went from 2,500 cals before Monday to 1,200 all at once, it may take a little time for your body to get used to the change (but it will, no worries).

    I get that you dont have time, but if you can, try to sneak in some cardio to help you (I step in place in front of the TV after my son goes to bed).

    Best of luck on your journey :)
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    1200 calories a day is way too little for most people. It has been proven over and over by people here, myself included, that you will stall your weight loss and be weak, tired, and starving. If you have your activity at sedentary, bump it to active, if you have your goal set to 2 lbs a week loss, set it to 1, it's healthier and more realistic.

    I am 5'2", weigh 105 and eat 1700-1800 a day easy without gaining, and still losing a little actually.

    Too little calories can be just as detrimental to your health and goals as too MANY calories...
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    My suggestion is - don't. I am 5'5, started at 183 pound @ 1200 calories a day. I was absolutely ravenous. I'd be okay for a week and then I would go nuts and have a total binge.

    I have found it way more enjoyable losing 1 pound a week and learning this new lifestyle. I drink wine, eat chocolate and pasta. Since then, I've lost 25 pounds.

    Slow and steady wins the race, girl!
  • robertf57
    robertf57 Posts: 560 Member
    Also don't try and be under 1200--- EAT 1200 at least. Don't put yourself into starvation mode.
  • bizco
    bizco Posts: 1,949 Member
    Welcome to MFP. I munch on raw veggies throughout the day. My favorites are carrots, celery, cucumbers, red & green peppers and grape tomatoes. You can eat a lot of veggies for very little calories plus they have fiber which helps you feel full for a longer period of time. I agree with other posters, drink tons of water too.
  • I make "oatmeal" out of wheat bran mixed with oat bran. Mostly wheat bran. It will clean you out, and the few calories you do keep are mostly burned up by digestion, because bran makes your body work hard. It fills you up, too. It's a triple win! I use maybe 1/2 cup of oat bran, 3/4 cup of wheat bran, skim milk, butter powder (Molly McButter?) cinnamon, and Splenda. It is not as good as real oatmeal, OF COURSE, but it is pretty effective. I wouldn't do it more than once a day, though, or you could have too much loose stool! All fake foods are like that, though. Sugar free candy is the WORST, as far as causing gas & diarrhea. At least the oat & wheat bran is good for you. Good luck! And another thing... I found that I adjusted to my calorie goal. Mine is similar to yours. After a few days, maybe a week, I got more used to the portions. Oh, and someone suggested water. I drink tea, with a little milk & some Splenda. The milk does add calories, but it is just enough to feel filling, which water doesn't, for ME. And I think the warmth is comforting. And the caffeine burns calories.
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    My grandma taught me a trick. If you can just wait 20 minutes, then decide if you really need it, sometimes it goes away. Plus it gives you time to really think about what you are about to do instead of quickly stuffing something in that you might regret!
  • bettertracie
    bettertracie Posts: 196 Member
    If our body is used to a lot of caloried, than the 1200 cut can be rough... but even if you go over, try to think of it this way... You're still eating waay less and you will still see results. And exercise will make up for any of those 'extra' calories. It's tough, but you can do it!!! And the more you train yourself to just do it, you will, and your body will thank you for it!!
  • Hi, I am 5'4 as well and a grazer too.. this will soon pass as your body adapts to you eating less calories. Drink more water when you feel the hunger pains coming on and get up and do something to distract your mind off of eating. Also protien keeps you full longer than carbs so you can try to eat items that are higher in protien during the time of day that the hunger really kicks in. I eat more protien in the morning (scrambled eggs or boiled) to hold me closer to lunch. Hope this helps some : )
  • aimsypoo
    aimsypoo Posts: 24 Member
    I have been liking La Croix Sparkling water... I get cans of it and it somehow feels like a treat (kinda). I know what you mean though... I think it might just take time for your tummy to adjust to the new amount of food intake. Also, single serving bags of 98%fat free popcorn or kettle corn help me get by! ...also, maybe you can think of a way to incorporate your kids into your new healthy lifestyle. Like cooking together on the weekend or evening walks... Good luck!
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    I do not exercise a whole lot, and my calorie goal is about 15-1600.

    You may want to make yours 1400 or so. You want to listen to your body, because you don't want to go into starvation mode... then when you actually do eat more, you'll gain it all back.

    I eat 4 times a day, and make sure that each meal has about equal calories. It helps. Eat things with fiber and protein. I find that eating healthy proteins, like poultry and nuts keep me full too. I love fiber one granola bars. A small apple with 2 tbsp peanut butter is a good snack. The apple is about 80 calories, and the peanut butter is 200.
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Not really answering your exact question here, lol, but thought I should say something anyways. Having 1200 as a goal is a trap. You go under 1200 calories a day, and you get a message about starvation mode. Go over 1200 and you get those unsightly red numbers. :) I'd reset your goal at 1300 or even 1400. You'll lose weight just fine there too, I bet, and it'll give you more calories to work with.
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    My grandma taught me a trick. If you can just wait 20 minutes, then decide if you really need it, sometimes it goes away. Plus it gives you time to really think about what you are about to do instead of quickly stuffing something in that you might regret!

    You also may need more fiber to help you stay full longer. Try a fiber drink 20 mins before your meal, you will feel much fuller.
  • Try eating more fresh veggies (sugar snap peas, celery, broccoli, cauliflower); eat salad made from various lettuces & spinach twice per day and add all the raw veggies you want; try mini flavored rice cakes as a snack (come in bbq flavor or creamy ranch, by Gensoy); try a bigger breakfast with more fiber (steel cut oats with added wheat bran); try cereals, such as puffed wheat that have no sugar and are only 70 calories for one cup; use unsweetened almond milk (40 calories for one whole cup); light and fit nonfat yogurt or greek nonfat yogurt and add vanilla flavoring to it; berries, cantelope, honeydew, small apples, are low in cal and filling. Drink hot herbal teas and lots of water through out the day. Hope this helps!
  • I just read about your time deficiency. I do 2 minutes of high-intensity exercises at a time. Literally, I will work out 5 times a day, for 2 minutes each. Maybe more, but I can't count on that, with 2 babies! It adds up to 70 minutes a week of high impact exercises. It means your body also is running on a pretty high metabolic rate all day, every day. I don't FEEL well when I take a day off exercising!!! Just a thought.
  • smota
    smota Posts: 62
    1200 calories a day is way too little for most people. It has been proven over and over by people here, myself included, that you will stall your weight loss and be weak, tired, and starving. If you have your activity at sedentary, bump it to active, if you have your goal set to 2 lbs a week loss, set it to 1, it's healthier and more realistic.

    I am 5'2", weigh 105 and eat 1700-1800 a day easy without gaining, and still losing a little actually.

    Too little calories can be just as detrimental to your health and goals as too MANY calories...

    This is ABSOLUTELY true! Never consume less than 1200cal/day! Just walking or even sitting at a desk makes you burn cals anyway - use the tools here and deduct them from your daily recommended.

    If you keep like that, a couple more days and you'll start binging because your body's deprived! Are you using MFP's tools? They wouldn't allow me setting goals bellow 1200/day anyway. Use it, it will make you slimmer AND healthier :)

    All the best!
  • apple2k
    apple2k Posts: 9 Member
    as a lunchlady at my kids school, I am doomed as I stated on my profile home page. It does depend on the food as to what you are eating and the calories....do it slowly at first don't deprive yourself of things...narrow it down and get rid of normal things you eat here and there is what I have done...I have lost 8lbs since jan. 3rd. It really depends on your exercise. You gain more by what you do. You would be surprised by what you can put in your exercise and gain calories back. Key things always measure what you eat in an about way. This is what I do...put what you exercise and eat healthier but less surgary things including fruit. Less sauces, and I do a lot of proteins...like eggs and meat. Do an egg white to crave a thought even to hold you over until dinner and you can "kinda" splurge. This is just me. Check the calories on everything if you can. See if it send you over or if you can have more of it. I am also trying my best on the 1200 cal. plan....Geez, we are only humans..lol...Good luck!!
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