Any other runners?

Are there any other runners out there?
I find that I am getting tired mid-run and alittle overheated even though I hydrate before the run. I stop once mid-run for a quick drink but that doesn't seem to be enough. If I try to drink anymore during the run it bothers my stomach.
Any suggestions?


  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I have learned that when I hit "runner's wall"...the point where I get tired and feel like I can't move one more step and my face feels about to explode with heat...I have to keep going! If I stop, it just gets worse. If I breathe deep, turn on a good song, and focus, I can push past it within a few minutes then I feel like I can go forever!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    How far do you go before you feel like you need a drink? Are you well hydrated before starting out?

    I chew gum, Extra Polar Ice, during runs. Keeps the mouth moist and I don't feel the need for a drink. But that's only for 5 miles or less, I carry a water bottle for any long than that!
  • AMSull19
    AMSull19 Posts: 37 Member
    i always try to push through the tough part to get my second wind and reach my runner's high. help keep you from getting thirsty, try chewing gum. I know it probably sounds weird but it really helps me and i feel like it regulates my breathing some too.
  • shebowles
    I try to over hydrate everyday. I drink as much as possible up to an hour before i work out and then after i work out i drink 3-5 more cups.
  • aethorne
    I usually can get to about 4-5 miles then I feel it. And I know I should hydrate during working out but it makes my stomach hurt if I drink while running. Maybe I'll try the gum I never thought of that...
  • kristinwalker
    kristinwalker Posts: 100 Member
    I know it might sound a little weird, but add natural sea salt to your water at 1 tsp per gallon. If you can get natural sea salt pink is the best. It does give your water a little bit of a "dirty" or "tap water" taste, but it allows your cells to hydrate quicker and retain the water longer. The small amount won't make you retain any yourself if you are running. But this helpes in the cellular hydration which is key for long runs! Still hydrate during your run with some sort of water source because you will need it, but during your everyday drinking add the salt.
  • marialy21
    marialy21 Posts: 60 Member
    I have started using GU if I plan on doing anything more than 10k. It's about 100 calories, but it helps give you a boost of energy to finish the rest of your run. I've also tried the runners jelly belly's but I heard that just eating a couple of any generic jelly bean or ju jube will give you the same energy boost.