Weekly Calorie Burn Challenge



  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    i'll do it, usually i do more but i need to be more healthy about it. I used to/still have an eating disorder, but im trying to get better. I could use the positive help :)

    Thanks for joining the challenge, and best wishes! :)
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    Right now I'm sitting on 881 or nearly halfway to my goal of 2,000.
    I'm jealous of everyone's calorie burns! I just can't burn that much but my burn is better than none at all.
    Keep up the great work everyone!

    Don't worry about everyone else. You are doing great! One day at a time. The less you have to lose the less your calorie burn will be. I have taken circuit training course on Mon. and Tues. to get the high calorie burn (500+). Tomorrow I am planning on just some cardio so my number will be around 400. Stay motivated!!

    Thanks for the kind words :) I'm looking forward to reaching the 2,000 by Sunday.
    I burned 353 at the gym this morning which brings my current total up to 1234!
    Only 766 to go and three days! Eeek!
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member

    AimingForPretty, you are doing GREAT! You're almost halfway to your goal, and that's what matters most! :)

    Thanks! :smile:
  • Burned another 798 today. 2259/4000. Still on track as is everyone else. We still have time. Keep up the good work. It will be worth it.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Thanks biztrav3! Great job!! :)
  • 504 today. 2763/4000 for the week. Coming down to the wire. This is fun. We can do this! Everyone keep up the good work.
  • mjd0109
    mjd0109 Posts: 152
    Ok I'm up to 1878 out of 4000! I burned 480 calories today!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    I'm joining the challenge too! It just so happened that I decided to try 2400 this week, so I'll try that first and who knows, maybe 3000 next week!:drinker:
  • ChristieDF
    ChristieDF Posts: 178 Member
    Just checking in, well my burn was 2000. So far I have burn 2,315!!! I really didn't think I would get over 2,000. I was walking my butt off. Everybody keep up the good work!!
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    Completely forgot about this challenge until now! Oops! I didn't go to the gym this morning but I did work all night so perhaps I burned a little from that. I'll be working all day tomorrow (might get some stock lifting in) and Sunday might involve some light walking. Darn! I'm content with being half-way though.
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    calmmomw3minim -- Welcome to the challenge, and good luck! :)

    biztrav3, mjd0109 -- Great work!! Keep it up! :)

    cfehnel -- CONGRATS!!! Great job!

    AimingForPretty -- You've done well, and it sounds like you have a fairly physically demanding job, that's great!

    I'm currently holding at 1295 / 4000. I had to take it easy after my jog on the treadmill the other day, because either my IT band or hamstring on my left leg started flaring up again (pain behind my knee, hurts to bend leg)... it's beginning to feel better today, so I'm planning on letting it recover today and hope to get some sort of workout in this evening, and then do as much as I can over the weekend to get as close to my 4000 calorie goal as I possibly can!! I'm not giving up! :-D

    Hope everyone has a GREAT Friday!
  • mjd0109
    mjd0109 Posts: 152
    calmmomw3minim -- Welcome to the challenge, and good luck! :)

    biztrav3, mjd0109 -- Great work!! Keep it up! :)

    cfehnel -- CONGRATS!!! Great job!

    AimingForPretty -- You've done well, and it sounds like you have a fairly physically demanding job, that's great!

    I'm currently holding at 1295 / 4000. I had to take it easy after my jog on the treadmill the other day, because either my IT band or hamstring on my left leg started flaring up again (pain behind my knee, hurts to bend leg)... it's beginning to feel better today, so I'm planning on letting it recover today and hope to get some sort of workout in this evening, and then do as much as I can over the weekend to get as close to my 4000 calorie goal as I possibly can!! I'm not giving up! :-D

    Hope everyone has a GREAT Friday!

    You've gotta be super careful when it comes to pain behind the knee! Have you been diagnosed or been to the Dr? When its pain behind the knee, it could mean problems with your ACL, mcl, or a number of other ligaments that help stabilize the knee. I tore my ACL completely last year and had to have a piece of my hamstring cut out and graphed as a new ACL but after I tore it I had pain everywhere lol (but also behind the knee) and I couldn't bend it. Just be careful and consider seeing a doc if it continues or gets worse!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    mjd0109 -- I haven't been to the doctor or diagnosed yet. My left knee will occasionally swell, and I feel pain behind it, especially when I try to bend the knee. It tends to happen after I've been running (especially on the treadmill, which is one reason I cannot wait to get back outside to run!), or if I've been doing a LOT of jumping type exercises, or just overdoing it in general really. It doesn't tend to hurt while I'm exercising, only after. Whenever it happens, I scale back, elevate, ice, soak, treat it with much care, until it's feeling back to normal again. I am extra careful not to push it to the point of major injury. And, I definitely plan to check with my doctor if it gets worse or begins happening more and more often. Thanks for your advice and sharing your experience. I appreciate it!
  • Madsin
    Madsin Posts: 17
    It was rough this week for me to keep up to the challenge, I was sick with the flu for two days...
    But here is my update
    Monday 87 min caloris burned 522
    Tuesday Walking 90 min burned 301
    Wednesday Sick
    Thursday Sick but I tried the Elliptical for 5/60
    Friday Back on track 89 Minutes total between the Elliptical, Free weights & Biggest Loser Circut Trainer I Burned 720
    Sat 81 Min between Elliptical, free weights, & Biddest Loser Box Fit I burned 641

    Total for the week so far 2244 / 4000
    & I still have Sunday

    So I still feel that I acomplished something while being sick.
  • jenneyd
    jenneyd Posts: 308 Member
    I have been unable to post my results because my internet at home has been on the fritz. So here is what I have done for the week.
    Monday 988 calories burned (90 minutes circuit training)
    Tuesday 1069 calories burned (180 minutes cooking, food prep, 84 minutes cleaning, 13 minutes elliptical, and 18 minutes yoga)
    Wednesday 1050 calories burned (79 minutes circuit training, 16 minutes yoga)
    Thursday 531 calories burned ( 60 minutes psmove volleyball, 11 minutes elliptical)
    Friday 445 calories burned (35 minutes circuit training, 16 minutes yoga)
    Saturday 390 calories burned (45 minutes swimming)
    Sunday well deserved day off!

    TOTAL 4473 calories burned!

    Thank you so much for posting the challenge!
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    Madsin, you've done great for being sick part of the week... well done!!

    jenneyd, AWESOME!! Congrats! Such great calorie burn each day!!

    My weekly total is currently at 2117. A little over halfway to my 4000 calorie goal, with just tomorrow left. I will do my best then; however, with being a little sick one day this week plus my knee giving me warning signs to chill, I think I still did pretty well! No matter what happens tomorrow, I will restart on Monday, with 4000 being my goal again. What's YOUR goal for next week?
  • I've been doing this goal for a while but I wanted to join a group for it. Is it too late for me to join? I'd love to officially start tomorrow! My goal is 6000 for the week -- about 860 each day. If it's too easily done maybe I'll up it to 7000!
  • Madsin
    Madsin Posts: 17
    Thanks for the encouragement Mary. Still gonna try to get in a good work out for the last day but I'm here for the goal next week again.
    I wish I felt 100% I guess I have Laryngitis. The voice is gone but I can still work my butt off LOL.
    I will update my total for the week a little later. Hoping for 3000
  • MaryTheIceCube
    MaryTheIceCube Posts: 1,099 Member
    I've been doing this goal for a while but I wanted to join a group for it. Is it too late for me to join? I'd love to officially start tomorrow! My goal is 6000 for the week -- about 860 each day. If it's too easily done maybe I'll up it to 7000!

    It's never too late! We'll be resetting and restarting tomorrow. I'm shooting for 4,000 again, just approaching my workout schedule a little differently this time around. Best of luck!

    Madsin, I'm glad you're coming back to the thread next week! I hope you feel better soon!!
  • Madsin
    Madsin Posts: 17
    Back with my update:
    Elliptical, weights & circut training 812 calories
    Grand total for the week 3056/4000

    Thanks Mary, see ya next week, I hope your knee is feeling better and we will both try again starting Monday.

    Mary what are you doing to get such good numbers for weight loss. I have been stuck at a plateau for over a month or two now. A little lb or two up and down. I originaly started back in October so 20 lbs lost since then is not all that bad I know that.
    I know my body is probably just adjusting, but I need a kick start again.
    So I have been trying to up the excercise of course. I just notice my clothes fit real loose and my friends notice what I've lost I just want to get down another 20-30. I have also tried to zig zag with the calories. Right now I changed my goal settings instead of 1200 calories I went to 1400 and added more % to the protein.
    Would love any advice anyone can give.
    Happy to be here with all the support everyone gives it sure helps.

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