MaYhAmE101 Posts: 55
Hi, im a 26 yr old who started this MFP just over 10days ago... i have started my whole account over again.. got very down on myself this morning as i have been sticking to my calories very well, been boxing two nights a week and doing tready, zumba or swimming the other four days. i also do weights at boxing. but despite all of that i gain 2kgs and im now 118kgs not the 116kgs i started off being.. i have had my sister give me great motivation to just stick to it no matter how much i just really feel like giving up on food.. not the exercise just the food, thinking why should i bother eating at all.. she also told me to start measuring myself and not just count on the scales... so today the 17th of February is my new day again and will continue to keep going, i will win this battle now matter what my stupid scales say!!!!


  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    You can do it!!!!! I lost some weight and then gained it ALL back, PLUS some! I started over and lost 25 pounds - and I weigh way less than I have in years.

    Friend me and we will keep each other motivated!

  • dont give up! It sounds like you are taking good care of yourself, so feel great about that! The scale WILL move...:smile:
  • AngelsKisses75
    AngelsKisses75 Posts: 595 Member
    You can do this!! Build a good support system, let people know what you need from them, and do not be afraid to call on someone in a moment of weakness! We all stray the path. *shrugs* It just happens. It is the part where we find our way back, dust our selves off and continue moving forward that reminds us how strong we truly are! I am glad to see that you returned!

    *cheers* Here's to a new day today .... tomorrow ... and every day there after!!!
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member
    I find what helps me of late is looking at the success stories on here and how long it took for some of them. We are so early in our journey and some people have gotten their result in 10, 12, 18 mths! Yet they stuck with it and look so amazing. I am finding all the threads on tips from healthy snacks, better salad dressings and even how to face your fears of sabotaging yourself are really helping. I am also nearly more addicted to this site than facebook :laugh:

    I know there are days I want to drink my weight in alcohol, yet all the encouragement helps me keep going.

    Love sis xx :flowerforyou:
  • jclji4
    jclji4 Posts: 118 Member
    Do NOT GIVE UP!!! Keep eating healthy. Keep working out....It will pay off. Make sure you are eating enough for the amount of activity you are doing.
  • 2blossom
    2blossom Posts: 27 Member
    I "fell off the wagon" ; however, I hopped backed on this morning. Keep going...
  • thanks every one... :smile:
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