Hey Everybody

cricket2521 Posts: 2
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi im Cricket, I am new to the site. I have been trying to lose weight on my own I now see I cant do it alone. :smile:


  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    You have come to the right place! I find reading the boards gives me LOADS of motivation and encouragement to keep my focus on my goals... Good Luck to you!
  • Welcome to MFP!!!
  • Ninetta
    Ninetta Posts: 71 Member
    This is super cool! I just joined too. It seems like this is the place to be and its so easy!

    Good luck girl!
  • MsQt
    MsQt Posts: 793 Member
    Welcome to this site. It is amazing! I promise if you stick to your food & exercise diary, you will lost weight. Support from friends are key as well. Good luck!
  • froggiegirl71
    froggiegirl71 Posts: 9 Member
    You can do it. We are all her together to be smaller bodied, bigger hearted people we all know we are.
  • Thank you so much, knowing I'm not alone helps alot.
  • You will love this site.. I have been on about a week now..
  • jennifir
    jennifir Posts: 197 Member
    Welcome! Prepare to be addicted! I love this site!
  • I have only been on this site for a couple of days and I really like it! Good luck!!
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