
Hi everyone, my name is Kim. I am new here and am really hoping that this site will help me and motivate me to get this weight loss ball rolling. I am 28 years old. Somehow in those 28 years, I have let myself get as big as I am and I am tired of it. I am almost 30 and I gotta say that because of my weight, I have missed out on a lot of fun times in my 20s. I want to get healthy and lose weight so that I can start enjoying my life.


  • jlbryant2
    jlbryant2 Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome and good luck on your weight loss! I think you made a great choice to join this group because it really helps to hold you accountable for how much you eat, water you drink, and exercise you do.
  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    Welcome! I know you will be able to do this. Just follow your plan and remember to get your exercise in and not go over your calories. Make sure you eat your fruits and veggies also lots, and lots of watter.
    Good luck!
  • paupsers
    paupsers Posts: 7 Member
    I think "enjoying life" is a great goal! Good luck on your journey!
  • kimmycam
    thanks everyone.
  • kitt3n659
    You will do it! Great goal.