My hamster is dying :(

This is certainly not "fun" or "games", but I don't know where else to post it. I have a university exam in 9 hours, and all my friends are asleep. The guy I've been seeing for the past two weeks or so is severely lacking in the sympathy department (as I just discovered, which means that he may be on his way out too).

I'm saddened. I know to many it's "just a hamster", but he wasn't. I adopted Harry from a not-so-good situation, and took amazing care of him. I built him a castle, fed him treats frequently, and he went on little adventures around my house. I found him tonight, curled on the bottom of his cage (not even in his house). I was going to give him his nightly snack when I found him. He was freezing cold, and really stiff. I thought he was dead but then I noticed that he was breathing...

So I put him on a blanket in front of my heater and turned it up for him. He's warming up now, but not responsive at all. His eyes are still closed, he's still somewhat stiff, and is just laying there. About an hour ago he started twitching.. first his paws and now his head.

It's killing me. It's almost 4am, so there are no vets open (and I'm a university student, my mom's a single mom... I can't afford the $200+ just to diagnose him and can't ask her for it). I'm trying to study but I can't now. I'm questioning whether my current guy is worthy of my time (what kind of guy doesn't have a heart when it comes to a dying animal?!).

I don't know if I'm looking for advice, or a friend, or just sympathy, but I feel like absolute crap. :cry:


  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Here's Harry and his multi-level condo cage I built him... :cry:


  • Pip_K_W
    Pip_K_W Posts: 47 Member
    This is so sad, I hope he get's better! Sounds like you're doing all the right things for him. Have you tried searching the symptoms online to see if there is anything it could be?
    I know how much you get attached to animals, however small they are.
    Good luck with your exam and the Boyfriend! x
  • Chrissun
    Chrissun Posts: 148
    He is cute.
    Sorry you're having a hard time. We had to put our dog Bear to sleep in September. I couldn't sleep for days, second guessing the decision. I rest in the fact that Bear is no longer in pain, she had a good life and knew we loved her.

    It looks and sounds like you love and spoil Harry. I hope the night/morning gets better for you.
  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    Aww *hug* I am sorry to hear about Harry, I hope he pulls through.
  • nevergonnagiveup
    Firstly, cute little guy you have there!

    I am not sure if this little guy will pull through or not but you are doing your best, that is for sure! It seems to me that your faith in people, especially those you felt were special, has been hurt the most. It is a lonely feeling, I know. You have a heart of gold, to care about something others may consider insignificant. (not me!) Don't change for anyone!!! We need more of 'you'!

    Don't know about this guy of yours, only time will tell. It is hard to judge when your feelings have been hurt. Consider his other qualities. Is it too early to tell?

    A lot of emotions come up on this site, for many different reasons. Don't give up! Uni and a single mum is an awesome challenge in itself and you are DOING it!! Congrats!!:flowerforyou:
  • rdennis_1990
    Family is family, and I definately think pets count toward that. I am sorry to hear about Harry and hope things work out for the best. As for the boyfriend, I'n not saying dump him, but then again I'm not saying stay. It's just my personal experience that some guys have a hard time being empathetic/sympathetic toward a situation that they are unfamiliar with...Keep your chin up, and even if you don't want it to, the sun will rise again in the morning. Need someone to talk to, hit me up. :)
  • kimpenny
    kimpenny Posts: 18 Member
    Aww hunnie,I feel for you and him! Make him a comfortable as you can and give him affection. If he does pass away you will be comforted by the fact you id everything you could and were with him when he passed. Take comfort that he will be going to a place where he can be free to nibble as he wishes and run free. Good luck,my thoughts are with you.
  • lhague
    lhague Posts: 258
    I am so sorry to hear about Harry :cry:

    My thoughts are with you and your cutie :flowerforyou:
  • mccorml
    mccorml Posts: 622 Member
    BAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww :sad: hes so cute!
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    Mine is dying too. I hate seeing her suffer. She was such a cute friendly little creature.

    I really hope mine goes sooner rather than later because she doesn't look good.
  • dawney0_4
    Hi,, Sorry to hear about your hamster.. My sons hamster died a couple of months ago, exactley same situation as yours. The night before he was running around in his wheel. The next day i thought i would clean his cage out and he was curled up in his house, very cold. I thought hewas dead, but then he started twitching. So i put him on some tissue near the heater. He perked up a bit but he did eventually die about an hour later.

    I was told that he prob was going into hybernation., and there lifespan is only 18month to a year. (Domestic hamsters are not supposed to go into hybernation.) Anyway we buried him in the garden. But he had a good life and i expect yours has too. So take comfort that you rescued him and that while he was with you he was happy. x
  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    Oh hun, I'm so sorry. He has to be the cutest hamster I've ever seen and you clearly adore him given the time and effort you must have put in to make his castle. I hope he pulls through but, if he doesn't, he's been lucky to have a mummy like you. Big hugs x
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    Just dont overdo the warming up bit make sure he is a safe distance from the heat. Give him lots of companionship make him comfortable and if he dies you will know that you helped him pass on in the best way he could hope for with comfort love and care. He is too cute and I can imagine how you would become attached with those gorgeous little eyes looking at you. Dont be too harsh on your fella hes just trying to be a man about it. He wont want to be showing too much too soon thats the way of the male methinks!
  • Mrs_McFadden
    You have real affection and love for your pet - there is nothing wrong with that. Just think of all the stupid reasons we humans get worked up about/ cry about..huge list of entirely stupid things including, once, seeing someone like Michael Jackson up close and personal lol
    You're entitled to feel concern and grief that Harry is struggling. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise!
    You are completely valid for feeling emotional.
  • believetoachieve
    believetoachieve Posts: 675 Member
    Thank you all for the support. Harry died sometime this morning before my exam. May he rest in peace now :sad:
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    :( I'm so sorry!!! Try to take comfort in knowing he's not suffering. I know it doesn't help much, though. I have 4 dogs and well, I'm selfish...I don't want them to ever go.

    Again, so sorry!!
  • dancermom11
    dancermom11 Posts: 13 Member
    Sorry to hear about what you are going through.We have a hamster so I know how much you can get attached to them.Men in general can be insensitive about these things.I guess they don't see how someone could love a small animal but it would be different if it were a dog..etleast I hope so....Not sure if I would kick him to the curb over this but definatly give him the cold shoulder.Maybe he will rethink his behavior.This may be the natural course of things as far as his life expectancy goes. How old is he?I hear they only live a couple of years or so.I am so sorry you have to watch helplessly and worry if he is suffering.He knows you are there and are doing all you can.good luck to ya.Christine
  • thirks
    I hope all works out, but if he has to go to sleep you can rest assured he had a lovely life in what is the best hamster home i have ever seen.
  • ktbug1186
    I'm SO sorry for your loss :( Take peace knowing that you gave him a GREAT life, you sound like such a kind person. I'm sure he's at peace now also :)
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    I loved my Russian hamsters :) But sadly they do have a very short life cycle, only a couple or so years.