
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum but have been using the site since Jan. I've been sticking to 1200 cals a day and in addition doing Couch 2 5K and am currently on week 7 of this. I eat back the calories I have lost through exercise. I've also added in occasional weighted hula hooping and Wii active. I've been surprised each week at how the weight has dropped off - usually 2 pounds a week, but in the last 10 days I have been firmly stuck at the same weight. I've read people suggesting to increase the cals quota but I'm also wondering whether I just stick at it and see whether it starts to shift itself again. Any suggestions/advice from people who have been through the same thing would be most welcome!

I should add that I really have noticed the physical difference. My stomach is definitely improving - after having 3 babies (and 2 bigguns in 19 months) it's really been a problem area. I haven't been measuring but everything fits better and my legs have improved dramatically - cellulite reduced, etc.


  • ukgirly01
    ukgirly01 Posts: 523 Member
    Im in week 7 of couch to 5 k too and also started at the beginning of jan, Weight started off very quick I hardly lost anything last week, this week Im drinking loads of water and have lost 2lbs since sunday, just stick with it, it sometimes happens from what I've read
  • glutenfreemonica
    Hi Tessijo - well done on your great effort so far. What I would suggest is that you do some toning exercises with hand weights and squats/lunges to increase your lean muscle tissue. (Something like a body pump class or similar). I would suggest you need to increase your lean muscle tissue to help kick start your metabolism again - I'm not talking major body building here, but just toning the main muscle groups of the body. When you go on any diet, we lose both fat and lean muscle tissue. The lower the calorie intake the more lean tissue you lose - along with fat of course. We need lean muscle tissue to metabolise our food. So when it is reduced by dieting on a low calorie intake, we need to rebuild it - so that it is the fat which is reducing more so than the lean muscle tissue. Even if this means you eat more to compensate for the exercise you are doing. Doing weights where you fatigue your muscles at about the 12th repitition is roughly what you need to be doing. Do a couple of sets for each main muscle group - or better still go to a toning class. Weight training at a moderate level, is an excellent way to accellerate weight loss, and despite the multitude of evidence which is out there - it still seems to be a pretty well kept secret. Good luck. (ps I am a qualified Personal Trainer and have a Diploma in Nutrition).
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I really wouldn't worry just yet, 2lb a week is massive and I wouldnt go expecting to keep that up, just stick at it. I have been stuck twice, first time for 3 months and this time for 8 weeks now, its driving me mad, but I can see a difference in my bodt so I know something is happening.
  • tessijo
    tessijo Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for your tips. I will definitely try some weights, etc.
  • LaurnWhit
    LaurnWhit Posts: 261 Member
    Wow! Thanks for the info!