Trying out the 400-calorie fix

Hi everyone :) I'm 27 years old and I've been "fat" most of my life, but I recently hit a new high at over 200 pounds (5'5"). I've tried a couple of different diets over the years (Adkins, Weight Watchers, some diet where I had to eat hard-boiled eggs all the time), and nothing has been able to stick for me. A few weeks ago at Barnes and Nobles I picked up "The 400-Calorie Fix" along with a book titled "Finally Skinny" off of the sale table. I went home and read both books back-to-back, and was inspired to try dieting again. So here I am!

My first week was a success. I felt motivated and was able to stick to my 1200-calorie per day regimen and work out twice. As a result I lost 4 pounds! Today's weigh-in after my second week, though, wasn't as successful, even though I've worked out 4 times this week. I was disappointed to find that I've only lost a pound.

I've been down in the dumps all morning about it, but a pound is a pound, right?! I'm not on Biggest Loser working out 8 hours a day with personal trainers as my side, and I shouldn't expect the same results. I need to take it slow and steady and have patience. Eventually I will get there! My goal is to lose 65 pounds, and it may take me a year or two, but I really feel like I can do it this time.

I joined MFP yesterday, looking for inspiration, motivation, and support. Glad I'm not doing this alone! :)


  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    Keep it up. You will get there!
  • mikeylikesit1177
    keep up the good work it will def pay off in the end. Best thing we can tell each other is dont give up. There is a ton of people on here pushing through the same things
  • skinnymama157
    Hi!! Yes we are all here to support you! I have only been on MFP for a week and I've felt very motivated and supported! You will get a lot of positive vibes from everyone. Best of luck, you can do it!
  • amandagrayce3
    You are doing great! Keep it up and remember - life is a journey - not a race! The best way to keep off the weight and pounds is to go through a life style change and that takes time. Have a fabulous day!!!
  • ceri1980
    ceri1980 Posts: 92 Member
    Keep up the good work, you may find that the scakes go down a bit more next week :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You should be eating 1200 plus any calories you burn. You will lose your goal amount of weight eating 1200 and not exercising, so it you exercise you must eat those cals back to lose your goal amount of weight.
  • chach918
    chach918 Posts: 80 Member
    You will lose the 65 by end of year, I am sure of it. Like the BIggest Loser, there are weeks that do not make sense , and the week after it adds up. Keep the workouts up and best of luck .
  • strandedeyes
    strandedeyes Posts: 392 Member

    Each week is going to be different but keep pushing through as you will slowly see the results! Remember to keek at it, with the exercising and journaling (writing down what you eat) as its a great way to see what you are doing. If you need any help, most of anyone on here are willing to help or give the best advice they can!

    Good luck!
  • mom23kids
    You can and will be successful using this site. You will get a lot of support and advice. Slow and steady will win this race. Just remember that if you have a bad day or a bad week, that tomorrow is another chance to start anew! Good Luck!
  • schorkj
    schorkj Posts: 11 Member
    You took more than a week to get to just over 200 pounds; it may take a couple more weeks to loss it all. It's the marathon for your life; don't let the "wall" stop you. You have to view managing your food intake as how you need to proceed for the rest of your life; you deserve to live a long and loving life.
  • cassidystreasures
    the 4 lbs in your first week was more than likely water weight! I did the same thing! 4 lbs off in no time, then a lb here and there which is fine with me because im doing it healthy! After that first 4 lbs i could see my ankle bones! so i knew it was water weight but it felt good and i have kept off those 4 lbs plus more.

    Here is a good website with calories that are 400 or less per serving
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    Consistency is the key! Keep going, you're doing great!

    I always get in a funk cause I don't get results (I've stayed within my calorie range and exercised every day for the past two weeks and the scale hasn't budged!) but you have to keep on and know that your hard work IS going to pay off!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Welcome! You've lost 5 lbs in two weeks -- that's awesome! And that's without starving yourself, taking chemicals into your body or working out 8 hours a day (like on BL).

    I'm not sure what I weighed when I started this journey. I'm not sure if I was at 200, but I know I was over 180. At first I just started with walking as far to work as I could (2.4 miles). Then afterwork, I'd try walking home. I started walking very slowly, but now can walk superfast to burn even more! I didn't know about MFP, so I tried to be as diligent as I could about counting calories, but it's hard when you don't really know how the numbers.

    8 months later, I'm down to 143 thanks to discovering MFP in January. Now I exercise, eat well and know precisely what's going into my body. With MFP, you'll be down 65 lbs before you know it!
  • anbegley
    anbegley Posts: 163 Member
    Welcome. You will love it here. Yes, a pound is a pound. Slow and steady will help keep it off. Also, remember, salt can really effect weigh in's.
    Don't get discouraged. We will help you get there.
    Good luck.:smile:
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    You should be eating 1200 plus any calories you burn. You will lose your goal amount of weight eating 1200 and not exercising, so it you exercise you must eat those cals back to lose your goal amount of weight.

    ditto! you have to eat those exercise calories to refuel your body after working out - it works! go to search and type in "eating exercise calories" there's a ton of info. MFP starts your day at 1200 calories, that's already enough to lose weight. When you exercise, you need to feed your body to compensate for the work so it can refuel. If you work out and only eat the 1200 calories, your body will start to hang on to every calorie to refuel itself in case you keep working it out. If you did nothing all day and ate only 1200 calories, you would still lose. So the exercising is actually "icing on the cake".
  • LauraMcGanity
    I agree with what everyone has already said - 5lbs in 2 weeks is brilliant. Just go and have a look at 5lb of butter to get some idea of how much you have lost.
    Stick with MFP and you can transform yourself, so many people already have, and even more are well on there way to getting there.
    2011 is going to be a great year!!:flowerforyou:
  • SirJFK
    SirJFK Posts: 49 Member

    I have been working out 6 days a week doing the Power 90 program for the last 2.5 weeks so far. I have about 1780 Cals a day and when I workout i burn about 500-800 Calories per session, and I try NOT to eat all of them, just enough to fuel up on. (also since I workout at night most days I usually drink most of my water intake during and after my workout)... I also have been trying to stick to another tip i got from the P90 info and that is to not eat anymore 3 hrs before bedtime...that way the body feeds on the stored fats etc in your body, not whats in your stomach... (doesnt always work, but it seems like a sound theory :)) I started by losing 4lbs then 2lbs then last week only 1lb, since i started P90... granted I want bigger losses too but you have the right attitude a lb is a lb... you Can and Will meet your goals so stick with it... feel free to add anyone of us for support we are all here to reach the same goals!
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Don't get down on yourself... a loss is a loss. Don't expect to lose more than 1-2 lbs per week. If you stick with it, you'll get there. It didn't go on overnight, and it's not going to come off overnight. You can do this!
  • timidt
    timidt Posts: 13
    dont be down about it a pound really is a pound keep it going your body just needs to adjust.

    I started on here and week 1 = 4lb (great)
    week 2 = 1lb (oh well)
    week 3 + 2lb (OOoops but does include a weekend off )
    week 4 = 4lb ( great )
    only posting this to show that even though you may be doing the same thing week after week the results can and will vary
    just make sure you dont starve your body and are drinking enough fluids/ water

    The trick i found was to think possitive
    Keep it going and you will get there
  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    I know that it can be disappointing, but 1 pound is good. Better for you in the long run. I've been on this for a long time and every week is a different loss even though I do the same basic calories and exercise. Sometimes it's .5 loss, sometimes a pound, sometimes 2, and sometimes none. As many have said it's not a sprint. Hang in there. You have a great start.