Getting Down :(

i have been working out and eating decent for 4 weeks now and can't seem to lose the weight. I zumba 3-4 nights a week and do weights 1-2 times a week. If I lose 2 lbs one week it's back the next. I have tried eating less calories, more calories, just not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm getting to the point were I am starting to eat bad cuz I'm not losing. Any ideas??? Please help!


  • xbabeykayx
    Heyy im like you, cant really lose any weight no matter what i do, but im going to give slimming world a go as people have highly recommended it :) x
  • heinze57
    i have been working out and eating decent for 4 weeks now and can't seem to lose the weight. I zumba 3-4 nights a week and do weights 1-2 times a week. If I lose 2 lbs one week it's back the next. I have tried eating less calories, more calories, just not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'm getting to the point were I am starting to eat bad cuz I'm not losing. Any ideas??? Please help!

    I was having the same problem over a week ago and so far so good I have made progress however, I'm not an expert but I started making sure I drank more than 8 glasses of water a day. I also started measuring my foods instead of guessing the amount.
  • gregory05us
    gregory05us Posts: 18 Member
    What is slimming world??
  • xbabeykayx
    What is slimming world??

    Its more of a life change than a diet people say, search it online :)
  • FaithandFitness
    FaithandFitness Posts: 653 Member
    I had worked out with a trainer for 6 months and while I decreased my body fat 10% I did not see a ton of difference on the scale. I started here and sought additional nutrition advice from my trainer. She encouraged 1300-1400 cal and making 45% of that protein, 30% carbs, 25% fat. That has helped me tremendously. Before that I was trying to eat healthy and "eat clean" but I guess I was overloading on something too much (not sure what) I don't know if that will work for you, but it is working for me right now.
  • Deevs
    Deevs Posts: 32 Member
    Hey - chin up both of you. Sometimes if you don't eat enough, the body goes into "starvation" mode and tries its best to cling on to what it's got. Don't get downbeat - stick with it: it'll be worth it in the long run.

    I've spent hundreds of pounds over the years on Weight Watchers, Slimming World, Rosemary Conley etc and can honestly say I'm doing better just doing my own meal plans and exercising regularly (mainly swimming and yoga) than I ever did at any slimming clubs - and its free!

    Good luck, and I hope its starts to come good for you both soon.

  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    OMG, don't give up---that will put you in a worse situation. Definitely, this is not a "diet" this is a lifestyle change. The word diet has a beginning and an end----which is why so many people gain the weight later, because the diet is over.

    Try eating 6 small meals a day--every 2-3 hours, cut out those nasty processed carbs--stick to fresh fruits and veggies, lots of lean protein.

    Good luck
  • Charloo07
    Weight watchers diet is also rly good :) Now a days tho i just try to stick within a certain amount of calories but if ur anything like me then it can be a bit hard cuz i like my coffee nd unfortunatly like it with blue milk (full fat) nd by the time i've taken away the cals for the coffee nd milk i hardly have any cals left for actual food :( So yeh, i dunno if i shud include drinks or not :/
    Hope u find something tht work for u tho cuz like i say, weight watchers is rly good nd u can eat anything on it, just within ur points :) x x
  • Deevs
    Deevs Posts: 32 Member
    Slimming World is a slimming club where you go to be weighed in, then talked to, then sent on your way. Didn't work for me as they didn't seem to promote sensible portion sizes. Of all the slimming clubs, I'd recommend Weight Watchers if I had to choose one.

  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    What is your tape measure telling you??????? Change up your exericse routine and make sure you eat your exercise calories. Try not to go over but don't go too low either. And above all, DON'T GET UP OR GIVE IN!!!!!!!! You may be like me and it's going to come off very, very slowly. Just hang in there and maybe don't weigh for 2 weeks or a month and see what happens. Just don't give up. We can get through this together.
  • gregory05us
    gregory05us Posts: 18 Member
    K thanks!
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    have you stuck to one method long enough? if your eating less one week then eating more another week then chopping and changing your body doesnt know what your doing. try and stick to you calorie allowance and regular routine for 6 weeks and you should see the difference.

    the results arent instant but they are more likely to be permanent. good luck :o)
  • safiaq
    safiaq Posts: 21
    don't get down get knowledgeable. (from my understanding):
    fat burning zone - is when you do lower intensity stuff like walking for an hour or two a day at a decent pace (100-110 bpm)
    running/dancing - is for cardio - 150+ bpm.

    eating properly (not just calorie counting) i.e:
    *good lean protein - chicken breast, turkey, fish (beware of oily fish), low fat cottage cheese
    *good fruit - various berries (blue/straw/ras)
    *sugary & high carb fruits (not great unless you're doing a marathon or you need sugar quickly & it will be used straight away) - grapes, bananas, mangoes (STAY AWAY FROM SUGARY HIGN CARB SMOOTHIES!!) - sugar turns carbs into fat
    *decent enough carbs - if you need to eat carbs go for low GI stuff like brown rice/white basmati (boil & throw away water), oats - boiled potatoes - keep all carbs to an absolute minumun - 2-3 fist-full size portions a week (inc all carbs) maximum and avoid it in the evenings (don't eat past 8pm)
    *bad carbs - anything made with wheat - bread, pittas, noodles, cereals
    *sodium/salts - cut down - salt stores water in the body
    *oils/fats - pretty obvious - if you don't need it - don't use it - cut it right down
    *cheese/fried stuff/chocolate - unless you're on your death bed and it's you're last ever meal - stay away

    i joined at the beginning of january to lose not more than about 10-12lbs. since mid-jan to mid-feb (as per the rules above) i've lost 6 pounds which suits me and my lifestyle. i hardly run and if i do it's for about 20 minutes a week at the very max.

    remember, if you don't change your habits - whatever they are, you're body gets used to being the size you are and no matter what you do (starving/running everyday) the weight won't shift. you need to trick you're body every time you peak and stay at the same level. change eating/drinking habits - not just what you eat but how often (regular/small amounts/speed up metabolism), reduce/increase the right stuff and most importantly - always be knowledgeable!

    good luck!