Appetite suppressants

amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Does anyone take or find it beneficial to take any type of appetite suppressants or pills? I'm feeling really discouraged this week because I haven't lost any weight and I've been under my calorie goal and at the gym Mon, Tuesday and Wednesday. I'm nervous I'm going to plateau already and am trying to find other things that I can tweak to continue to lose weight.


  • cloggsy71
    cloggsy71 Posts: 2,208 Member
    I wouldn't go down the 'pills' route if I were you!

    Make sure you keep hydrated (i.e. 8 large glasses of water a day) and if you feel hungry, try chewing low calorie/low sugar chewing gum.
  • Hydroxycut pills didn't work for me very well...I lost weight rapidly but as soon as I quit taking them, it pretty much came back. I went from 112 down to 108 in about a week and a half but then I stopped taking them because they were making me feel sick and by the next week or so I was right back to 112.

    I have heard good things about Advocare though...I think they're more natural. Never looked into them though.
  • possummama
    possummama Posts: 96 Member
    has anyone tried Sensa? I keep seeing that advertised but don't know much about it.
  • Don't do Sensa!!! NOT WORTH IT! .....I've done hydroxcut once in the past and overcourse I didn't keep the weight off from it. And then it got recalled because it was causing liver problems or somthing. So really the best way to go is the all natural way :)
  • Dencrossgirl
    Dencrossgirl Posts: 501 Member
    Fibre definitely supresses hunger.
  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    Personally, you are already eating under your calories needed so you really don't need an appetite suppresant. How is your water intake and sodium? Maybe it's water weight. When I started this 'diet' in Oct I didn;t lose anything for the first 2 weeks and then boom, it started happening.
  • My senior year of high school I decided to take appetite suppressants (all natural ingredients) in order to fit in my prom dress. The pill not only curbed my hunger, but it also flushed every ounce of water weight out of my body and nearly tripled my sweat production during workouts. I lost a drastic amount of weight within 3 weeks. That all sounds good and well, but I assure you that it wasn't! The minute I stopped taking the pills, my weight ballooned. I gained all of it and MORE back within a few days because my metabolism no longer knew how to work on its own. I felt drained of energy and irritable. Also, the pills caused my body to be so dehydrated that I retained water like it was my job. I was so bloated from my body seemingly holding onto every drop of water it could that I felt like a walking water balloon...I could literally hearing the sloshing of liquids in my body every time I made any sort of movement.

    Long story short: while the "pill route" appears great in the beginning, I assure you that the damage is not worth it. Not to mention, it is a lot more self satisfying when you know you've dropped the weight the healthy and right way. I always felt guilty about taking the pills and could never be truly happy when people noticed a difference in me. Now I know that my weight loss is contributed to hard work and eating right, and I feel proud of myself. Just something to think about...
  • amaried621
    amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
    Although I'm under my calorie goal, I feel like I am eating too much sometimes. I count everything I eat and sometimes will add more calories than I think I am taking in if I can't measure it. I drink water all of the time, at least 4 glasses every day. I guess I am just getting frustrated this week and am looking for a cure! I'm constantly weighing myself and I know I shouldn't. I'm just so determined to get the weight off and don't want to get stuck. :(
  • has anyone tried Sensa? I keep seeing that advertised but don't know much about it.

    I tried SENSA but not long enough to see any results. At first I started feeling full like it said I was suppose to but then those were only for like large meals. It's suppose to help with portion control and since I already eat my portions, I felt that SENSA wasn't working for me. I wasn't feeling the "fullness" when I ate my portion sizes vs. the bigger meals. I stopped using it because I was eating everything just because SENSA said that I could. I had gotten out of my whole routine of logging my foods but I still exercised 4x a week. I only used it for about a week or two and then I thought about the fact that I had already lost like 20+ pounds without it so I figured it was a waste of money for me. I had to hurry and send it back before my trial ended and $90 end up being debited from my account. I can't say if it works or not but I tried it.
  • @Anna19911, I totally agree! I had to learn the hard way! The natural way is cheaper/more affordable and it lasts longer.
  • hop3
    hop3 Posts: 61 Member
    I have taken Tenuate (75mg once daily). It worked really well for me. The first week I lost about 5 pounds without doing anything. The only thing is that you have you pretty much double your water intake because it does make you dehydrated. When I went off it I only gained 3 pounds back of the 15 pounds I lost while on it. Drinking was is absolutely the Key here. Talk with your doctor before taking anything. My doctor decided that trying Tenutate was worth it for me and that my body was healthy enough to take it.
  • Hide the scale and maybe give your body a shock. Go have a hamburger, taco or something you haven't had. A treat once in a while isn't going to kill your diet, and might help your body get back on track
  • I've been recommended to try calorie cycling - there's a thread on here already, with lots of useful informations and links. It seems a much better solution than pills of any kind.
  • Why don´t you drink 3 or 4 cups of green tea... :)
  • eshyay
    eshyay Posts: 18
    Although I'm under my calorie goal, I feel like I am eating too much sometimes. I count everything I eat and sometimes will add more calories than I think I am taking in if I can't measure it. I drink water all of the time, at least 4 glasses every day. I guess I am just getting frustrated this week and am looking for a cure! I'm constantly weighing myself and I know I shouldn't. I'm just so determined to get the weight off and don't want to get stuck. :(

    What is your net calorie intake like, on average? Because if you go too low you may stop losing as a result. You don't have to eat all your exercise cals, or even any of them, but if you're not having as many calories as you should and then not eating your exercise calories on top of that, it may well scupper your plans!
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I agree with everyone else..pills are no good for weightloss. Some of them have pretty terrible side effects..I mean no wonder you lose weight on them, when you're shaky, nauseas and dehydrated? I think shocking the system is a great idea, eat 300 more for a few days and then drop back to where you feel comfortable and see if it helps. Couldn't hurt to try, and at least you won't have the fear of nasty side effects
  • amaried621
    amaried621 Posts: 260 Member
    On the days I don't exercise, I eat as close to 1200 as I can and the days I exercise, I will eat about 1300-1400 leaving a gap of about 300-400 that I have burned off through exercise. To me it looks like I am eating a good amount of food.
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Close to 1200 calories? That is the problem right there.. you aren't eating enough for your body and it is trying to save every ounce of fat it can in order to survive. Not sure what your height or weight is, but 1200 is MY min and I am 4' 11 and 135. I think you need to add a MIN of 200-400 calories, especially if you are exercising. Eating only 1200 calories a day, and even less, isnt going to make the weight come off

    1300-1400 is not even enough foods on the day you are working out- your body needs at least 1200 calories- if you are eating only 1400 calories on exercise days, even with the burn, you are most likely putting yourself under 1200 again. Up the calorie intake
  • SheliaN1960
    SheliaN1960 Posts: 454 Member
    When i was younger I took them and never realized how mean they made me. What happens is that your personality changes when your metabolic balances change! Anyway, when they wore off then I was very hungry. I do not think that they are good for your heart. Are you drinking 1/2 of your body weight in water! Oh that is what keeps me losing. a couple of days I did not do it and my loss slowed way down. Hang in there and do not give up!!! One other thing I learned in Food Addicts Recovery is that females should not weigh mnore than once a monthe! It is hard to do I know!!! Best wishes!!!
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    eating more fibre and lean protein may be more beneficial. what many don't realize is that the diet pills that were so popular before epehdra was banned in 2006 are marketed out there without the same thermogenic and appetite suppressant effect.
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