For Women Only

HELP! I'm on my time of the month (it JUST started) and I can't stop eating! I feel like I'm always hungry. Does anyone else experience this? If so, what do you do to curb your cravings and still stay within your daily calorie intake?


  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Fruits, veggies, fiber and water.
    I also have some of my best work-outs at "that time".
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    I buy individually wrapped dark chocolate hersheys. You can have 2 and it's only 80 calories. I also drink a lot of tea with splenda. It's zero calories, but still gives me something to do. Plus tea has antioxidants.
  • bennetpe
    Hey! I have a couple tricks---
    the first is to drink a blend of lipton iced tea and green tea, iced, as the warmth of tea actually stimulates hunger for me. I add stevia to it.
    the second is to take a long bath and journal about my goals/progress so far to refocus in the midst of a huge craving.
    the third is to chew gum or brush my teeth!
  • DancingPixie
    DancingPixie Posts: 101 Member
    Whats worked for me this week (im just coming off) is distracting my mind away from food and doing cleaning,playing with the kids, dancing around the house. Also allowing a little treat. Where as before i could of quite happily sat and ate a huge bar of chocolate now i go n dance n kick that pain away! xxx
  • Cherrycandy
    I hear ya, I get exactly like that when it's my "Time". Just eat low cal foods like fruit, and things like that. Then, you can still eat alot and not take in alot of calories. Go buy every kind of fruit that you like, eat alot of steamed veggies and protein. That way, you wont feel like you are starving, and what you are eating is good for you and will replenish the vitamins lost when you bleed.
  • bzmom
    bzmom Posts: 1,332 Member
    Im just coming off it. Lots of water and spread out your snacks that way either you are drinking or munching on healthy stuff.
  • cherylbarnett
    frozen veggies! you can eat a ton of them and feel like you got to eat for virtually no calories. i've been eating practically a whole bag by myself with dinner and it really helps!
  • Melisha82
    Eat peppermint or brush your teeth! It seriously supresses my appetite!
  • GetFitE
    GetFitE Posts: 247 Member
    Hey! Funny! I just posted a blog on this and was getting ready to post a message board topic on it cause I wanted to hear some feedback on what women do to maintain their weight-loss goals while resisting weight-gain through eating our cravings.

    Check out my blog:
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    I was just on my TOM last week.
    I keep having water when I get hungry. Also fiber and protein keep you full. Apples are always good.
    I like fiber one granola bars. I also like the Roasted almonds with cocoa powder. Or just 1 piece of the Dove dark chocolate. They key is that 1 piece and not devouring the whole candy bar.
  • JillyBean819
    JillyBean819 Posts: 313 Member
    Workout a lot. That way you can eat your workout calories and not feel awful for going over you calorie limits.
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    I am with Melisha, brush your teeth or chew some seriously strong gum!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    Workout a lot. That way you can eat your workout calories and not feel awful for going over you calorie limits.

    That's what I did! The workout was actually therapeutic too -- got some aggression out!
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I tend to eat higher protein in the days leading up to it as my hungry time is usually the two days before I start. During I'm usually a little nauseated and not very hungry so I eat less. It all balances out for me. Plus I'm grouchy enough those days without adding extreme hunger to the mix! My poor family would make me live in the chicken coop if I did that I think. :laugh:
  • meghannpiercy
    meghannpiercy Posts: 9 Member
    Lots and Lots of water. Keep moving! When I go out i always leave my debit cards at home so I'm not tempted to buy food. Find things to distract you and keep you busy! And keep up with your food journal so that you're aware of what you're doing!
    Good luck!!!!!
  • pkd1
    pkd1 Posts: 170 Member
    One of my friends is a personal trainer/weight lifter, she said when its TOM your matabolism is really high so your burning more calories thats why your so hungry.
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    One of my friends is a personal trainer/weight lifter, she said when its TOM your matabolism is really high so your burning more calories thats why your so hungry.

    Yeah, too bad there has to be all the bloating...