New here!

Hello everyone! My name is Erin. I just joined at the suggestion of my personal trainer. She said it was better than weight watchers and so far I have to agree! I'm a big girl at 237lbs but I think with the help of my trainer and this site I can lose the 117lbs I need to reach my goal!


  • SARRY562
    SARRY562 Posts: 123 Member
  • maude855
    maude855 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, and Welcome! I also have "miles to go" - like 125, and I have to say I am AMAZED at how great this site is as a tool. The nutritional information you see is so helpful! Weight Watchers is grand, but this site really gives you guidance in terms of understanding the components of what you are putting in your mouth. For example, am I having a bad week because even though I am staying within my count, I am filling up on carbs and avoiding proteins? How am I doing with my sodium? (Boy, THAT'S a wake up call!!).
    My hubby and I have been doing this for a month now and I have lost 11 pounds (not counting the two the scale says I lost this week, 'cuz I don't post weigh loss until Sunday!). I would be interested in the kind of workout routine your trainer has set up for you?
  • goofykgirl
    Hello!!!! I have lost 80 pounds, and I have 20 to go... BUT I CAN'T seem to shake them.. so I joined here to monitor myself. It works, but there is one week a month I blow it......
    You can do it and good luck!!!!