Slow and steady... ?

Okay, so I know that weight loss is a slow and steady process. I am okay with that. My first 3 weeks here were awesome and I lost 6 pounds, and I definitely did not expect to continually lose like that. BUT, this is my second week with no weight loss at all. No gain, but no loss. I am becoming my obsessive self again, weighing all the time. Daily, I just want to break down into tears because I truly am working sooo hard. I workout at least once a day with a rest day typically during the weekend, but about three times a week I am working out twice daily. I have noticed abit of a change in my body, but nothing major... to merit a sudden stop with my scale.

In the past, I have lost weight in a very unhealthy manner, by eatting one meal a day and busting butt at the gym. This has always worked wonders for me, but I want to be healthy. I want to be healthy for my husband and my daughter.... and even myself. But seeing no progress for two weeks straight when I am eatting according to plan and working out like crazy really makes me want to divert back to those ways. I don't want to be this size forever... any advice? And did any of you experience this in the first month or so?


  • iRock_68
    My friend and I also get obsessed with the scale. It's so much better if you do not weigh every day, I read our body weight fluxulates so you don't get an accurate reading. Try and keep it to once a week, same time every week. Hope it helps to know you are not alone. :smile:
  • Shan605
    Without being able to see your food diary i would have to guess that you arent eating enough. If you are working out twice a day you are probably burning a lot of calories and not feeding your body enough. Make sure your NET calories is what MFP suggest at the end of each day. and GOOD LUCK!
  • HollyLLillis
    HollyLLillis Posts: 113 Member
    Just keep it up and try your best not to keep weighing yourself, make it once a week... I was doing the same and it just gets frustrating. I understand how you feel. I have lost about 14 pounds since I started "trying" to lose weight in December... I started here in January and 9 pounds down since then. I have been at a stand still since the beginning of Feb... it was two weeks of nothing or actually gaining about 2 to 3 pounds when I was under my calorie goal... then just the other day I went down 3 pounds, I was happy to see that finally... just keep it up. You have to think of it as a lifestyle change, this is for life not just till you lose what you want then go back to eating like you used to... have to change the habits too! Hope that is helpful! :):wink:
  • reddcat
    reddcat Posts: 314 Member
    Oh honey, I feel your pain. I have been in the same boat.....and the same history. SOO hard not to revert back to the previous ways that were working (although very unhealthy). Just hang in there! Maybe try varying your calorie counts. I hear zig-zagging is helpful to get weight moving again.
    When I sent out my 'help me!" cry, everyone told me to take my measurements. That I was probably gaining muscle weight and losing inches. Are you eating your exercise calories??? That was a tough one for me...but I get the concept.
  • Stephanie4Cali
    Stephanie4Cali Posts: 12 Member
    I am also at a stand still with my weight. Lost 7lbs in about 8 weeks. The last three weeks I haven't lost anything and I'm working out 30mins. to 100mins. a day. The most I have ever worked out and staying under my Calories every day. I'm very fustrated, but I am going to stick with it and hopefully I will start dropping the lbs. I do notice a difference in my clothes and I seem more toned.
  • HotMomma86
    I had the same problem when I first started. I went almost 3 weeks of eating what I thought was in my calories, as well as exercising every day for 30-40 minutes. It was then that I joined this site only to find I wasn't eating enough. Since you follow the calories on here, maybe your body is getting used to your workouts? Are you switching up your routine every week or so? That is all I had to do along with eating more and since then I've lost weight. I also realized that while the scale wasn't moving, I was losing inches. Have you taken your measurements since you've been plateaued? During my plateau I lost 5 inches even though my weight never budged. It's a tough time during this journey, but just keep going. Don't let this slow you down.
  • courtneykrueger
    Thanks everyone, the advice really helps. I do eat my workout calories most days (at least some of them) I have thought about zigzagging, but I am going to keep up with what I am doing and see what happens in the next couple weeks. I know I have to be patient... and this forum really helps me to get my feelings out instead of bottling them in and going back to an unhealthy lifestyle. I am glad I have found this website, and I know that with persistance... this weight will have no choice but to get off my butt!! :)