A little Terrified



  • klshannon12
    klshannon12 Posts: 22 Member
    Emily, you can do it! There is great support here, I have a great person that Imet on here that has been my biggest support. You can do it!
  • cccathyyy
    cccathyyy Posts: 207 Member
    Welcome! It's such a hard realization when you finally get to it, that today is THE DAY that you need to start losing weight. I've had a few of those days. I've been on MFP for over a year now. I went astray for a while last year, but I am back! You can do it! Don't let the slip ups get to you, it's ONE day at a time! You'll get there! Feel free to add me as a friend if you want.

    :) Good Luck!
  • betterred
    You can do it! Everyone here will be supporting you.

    And remember: the heavier you are, the more calories you burn with the same level of effort. So don't beat yourself up if you're not running marathons at first -- that extra weight you put on will help make your workouts more effective!

    Go go Emily!
  • fmouco
    fmouco Posts: 100 Member

    Try to think your objective is to heathy and to exercise. This is your priority, this is your goal.
    Losing weight is not an objective, but a consequence of how you treat you body.

    So, you will succeed every day you eat well and go to the gym. Don't make things harder thinking only about the weight loss (it will come with time, as you change your lifestyle).

    Feel free to add me as your friend if you wish.

    Good luck, and believe in yourself.
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    Congratulations on being terrified enough to start! I think a lot of us started going here after realizing that enough was enough.... You´ll see, you´ll turn your situation into something good, in the end.... and learn a lot in the process...