Gym Etiquette



  • s_hamm_08
    s_hamm_08 Posts: 117 Member
    I just started working out at the y and they have a small gym the other day we got there and all the machines were being used so we stretched out until one opened. The person before me didn't wipe off the machine and he sweated a lot the machine was covered in sweat, I understand he got a good workout but come on you can't take a minute to wipe it off.
  • MrsSanthoff
    MrsSanthoff Posts: 272 Member
    Girls in full make up, reading magazines, while on the cardio machines. WHY??

    Ya, that one always gets me too....Sometimes I wonder if the GYM is the daytime version of the club! I mean they are in spandex!
  • 30tips
    30tips Posts: 132
    It does sound a bit weird...the staring and then walking out part, more than the attire, I should say... The attire is only suspicious because of the other red flags that make you think that he´s following you... :noway:
    I have to say, despite having a small gym (1 treadmill, 1 stationary bike, 1 elliptical, 1 weight machine that I still haven't figured out, a weight bench and a step) that is open to an apartment complex with over 550 apartments, I really haven't had a problem with waiting for a machine. In fact, the only other person I really see in the gym is this one guy that seems to always be there when I am. And my issue with this is- he is always wearing a suit or sweater vest or some other non gym attire and dress shoes. And just sitting there watching me workout for the first 10 minutes until I turn and give him a look, then he waves and walks out. It's kinda creepy. The only reason I'm not really concerned and just annoyed by it is because the property manager takes regular patrols through the gym to make sure everything is clean and in working order. But am I just being crazy or is this really weird?
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    You have the right to be heard, and your needs and opinions matter. What is the worse that could happen if you spoke up? Sometimes, it would be acceptable to just move on but usually not.

    A clear and polite message," Excuse me, you forgot your water bottle and towel on the treadmill." Followed by assertive behavior; hand it to them.

    If they want to argue, that's their problem. A quick "Thanks" and walk away.

    Other people will see that, and maybe pick up on it.

    Don't let people push you around, and defnatly don't do the dirty look and murmur under your breath thing.
  • JudoJones
    Just off the top of my head...

    - lounging on equipment
    - using cardio equipment but not actually working out just going through the motions
    - excessively loud talking (shouting/laughing) right next to you
    - Not putting your weights back in the right spots
    - walking up to someone on a cardio machine and trying to start a converstation. (usually guys trying to hit on girls but still annoying to see)
  • scweegie
    I work out in a small all women's gym...

    I hate when someone changes the tv you are watching, pounding out a 3 miler on the treadmill is painfull enough!

    I hate loud cell phone talkers, i don't need to know what you are cooking for supper

    I hate people who go to the gym walk on the treadmill for 20 mins and leave, this is their everyday workout. Why come to the gym at all? Do some weights, put the thing on incline, boost the speed, hit the elliptical or a bike. This also goes with the person who comes into the gym does 20 on the recumbant bike and leaves. I guess some just go for the social atmosphere?
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    To fit more ellipticals in, our YMCA staggers them in a line -- this means that the person on the machine next to you is either sort of behind or in front of you.

    One time, I saw a girl ASK SOMEONE TO MOVE so she could have her friend on a machine right next to her, and then MOVED THE ELLIPTICAL MACHINE so that she could be closer to her friend. She didn't move it back afterwards.

    It sounds petty but I was very annoyed. If you want to socialize THAT badly, do it at a coffee shop.
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    On a different day the same girl put her towl, bottled water and headphones on a treadmill and then walked over to talk to someone and was there for like 5-7 minutes! Which is a long time when all the treadmills are in use (at 5:30pm!!) and people again are visiably waiting....I have more but will let it go at that! Thanks for opening up the floor for me to vent

    Ohhh this is a HUGE peeve of mine! It's simply rude to "save" a machine for yourself by putting all your stuff down on it while you go do your stretching or whatever else. It's so inconsiderate. The only time I leave my stuff on the machine is when I'm going to get a towel to wipe it down after I'm finished.
    AEROBICVIC Posts: 159 Member
    as a gym owner, i've seen it all! the ones that personally get me irritated are:

    -people that used our place as a meat market. we were a hard core, serious athletes only type of gym. aerobics (group fitness) & power lifting were our backbone. we were not your average "fluff" gym so leave the makeup, thongs and push up bras at home!

    -you do not leave toilet paper, kleenex, paper towels, empty shampoo bottles, half full drink bottles, ect laying around at home on the floor or in the way, why do that at my gym?

    -gym time is your time, leave the freakin cell phone in your locker!

    -coming in 15 mins before closing to work out? go home, come back tomw when you have time.

    -use oils when tanning. you leave my tanning beds a mess!

    -wearing snow/salt covered shoes in our aerobic would not walk across your clean floors at home with them on.

    -flip flops in the weight room. i've actually sent members home. not safe! don't take up a lifter's area if you're not serious about what you're doing.

    -"owning" a spot during an aerobic class....please, you do not own the space, you may like to stand thr every time you come in, but you do not OWN it, please to not touch the person in "your spot" they came in before you did. ppl dont like to be pushed.

    -fighting with another member over a cycling bike, again, you do not own it.....they were there first!

    -reading a book or magazine while lifting!!!!!

    -cover your underwear.....really no one cares to see it.

    i could go on and on.....
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member

    I hate people who go to the gym walk on the treadmill for 20 mins and leave, this is their everyday workout. Why come to the gym at all? Do some weights, put the thing on incline, boost the speed, hit the elliptical or a bike. This also goes with the person who comes into the gym does 20 on the recumbant bike and leaves. I guess some just go for the social atmosphere?

    Maybe these people just don't have enough time to do more, at least they are doing something instead of sitting at home. Or maybe they just had surgery or something and can't do anything strenuous. This is one thing I feel like people judge me for while at the gym, I walk, I don't run, I can't run, but at least I am there to do what I can!
  • chrssyeldridge
    chrssyeldridge Posts: 47 Member
    I was using the leg press machine. Enter random juice head jerk. He stands there glaring at me while I am in motion not even a rest. Tapping his watch.. I looked up took out my head phone and said YES IM USING THIS! HE said, " Well can you hurry I need to use it too quit being selfish with the machine"... I pointed to the other leg press the one where add your own plates to it.. Thankfully a manager came over and told the guy that his rudeness wasn't welcome!
  • jenX1174
    jenX1174 Posts: 154
    LOL -- I had the same thing happen to me! I was at the Y using the leg press. It takes me about 10 mins to do my routine on it, which I don't think is a terribly long time. About 5 minutes in, this woman comes over and stands in front of it watching me and acting impatient. I stopped and looked at her, and asked if I could help her with something. She just said she needed to use the machine. I told her I was almost done, and proceeded with my work out. She looked irritated and continued to stand there. I stopped again and said "Do you mind not just standing there and staring at me??" She walked off in a huff, and stood somewhere else. I was really annoyed at that point.

    I finished my workout, but took took a little extra time doing it :)
  • scweegie

    I hate people who go to the gym walk on the treadmill for 20 mins and leave, this is their everyday workout. Why come to the gym at all? Do some weights, put the thing on incline, boost the speed, hit the elliptical or a bike. This also goes with the person who comes into the gym does 20 on the recumbant bike and leaves. I guess some just go for the social atmosphere?

    Maybe these people just don't have enough time to do more, at least they are doing something instead of sitting at home. Or maybe they just had surgery or something and can't do anything strenuous. This is one thing I feel like people judge me for while at the gym, I walk, I don't run, I can't run, but at least I am there to do what I can!

    I knew I would catch some flack..but in the 6 years that i have went to this gym, that is all I have ever seen these people do, nothing more nothing less. I guess it is their money.
  • JudoJones
    Weights are done in sets, you don't rest on the weight machine in between sets, and they aren't cardio machines, in and out. If you're using a 'weight' machine for an extended amount of time. Than you're probably not using any real weight and get the same exercise using your own body weight. IF you don't know how, ask.
  • dalbers

    I hate people who go to the gym walk on the treadmill for 20 mins and leave, this is their everyday workout. Why come to the gym at all? Do some weights, put the thing on incline, boost the speed, hit the elliptical or a bike. This also goes with the person who comes into the gym does 20 on the recumbant bike and leaves. I guess some just go for the social atmosphere?

    Maybe these people just don't have enough time to do more, at least they are doing something instead of sitting at home. Or maybe they just had surgery or something and can't do anything strenuous. This is one thing I feel like people judge me for while at the gym, I walk, I don't run, I can't run, but at least I am there to do what I can!

    I knew I would catch some flack..but in the 6 years that i have went to this gym, that is all I have ever seen these people do, nothing more nothing less. I guess it is their money.

    They are using the equipment for its intended purpose. Your approval is not required. The only way this will stop bothering you is if you make a choice not to let it bother you.

    The guys who do arm curls in our only squat rack, that bothers me a bit... I actually ask them if they minded using the arm curl station so I can squat in the squat rack.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I admit I'm a people watcher, and there is no better place to people watch than a gym...when I'm between sets.

    For every person I see not working out, I see someone doing a workout I think looks pretty cool and one day I'm going to ask them about it and try it. Then there are the people who do nothing but arm-curls...but at some point they have to do other stuff because they "look" healthy, right?

    I've been going to the Y for 5 weeks. Here are four of my pet peeves.

    -Not re-racking weights. In the evening I can't beleive how many dumbbells and plates that are in random places...and there is always 2 to 3 Y employees on the floor.

    -Not being aware of where you are. This kid picked up a couple of dumbbells off the rack, and then proceeded to do his work-out next to the rack making it difficult for other people to get in and out.

    -I get listening to music while you work out. However, you are in a public place and thus you must interact with other people. If your music is so loud you can't hear other people asking you questions or addressing someother concern you should probably take your work out home.

    -On the indoor track. The lanes are labeled clearly, please do not walk in the running lane. I'm sure your freind has a good story but if you want to talk...take it to the treadmill.

    I occaisonally let out a yell during a set. You are in a gym, physical exertion might happen there.
  • Selaen
    Selaen Posts: 31 Member
    -I get listening to music while you work out. However, you are in a public place and thus you must interact with other people. If your music is so loud you can't hear other people asking you questions or addressing someother concern you should probably take your work out home.

    I have to say; I do not speak to people. I'm not there to speak to people. If people want to ask me questions, do so when I'm stretching/don't have my iPod on.

    I never realised that sitting in the weight machines between reps is bad behaviour. Literally everybody at my gym does this and that's their "turn" on the machines. I don't go during peak times though so I suppose that's a bit different..

    My pet peeve? Girls who put on make-up, perfume and do their hair BEFORE going to the gym and then come and stink of perfume right next to me!

    And on that line of offence, what annoys me is the girls who sit in the locker rooms, texting on their phones. Just sit there, 15 mins at a time. With their locker open. So I have to haul my naked *kitten* between her and this open locker.. What tends to happen is either I passive-aggressively slam the locker shut or risk shoving my sweaty crack in their face (yeah, TMI for you guys! :D).
  • Skye76
    Skye76 Posts: 28
    The guys who do arm curls in our only squat rack, that bothers me a bit... I actually ask them if they minded using the arm curl station so I can squat in the squat rack.

    This is one of my biggest peeves. Most gyms only have one or two squat racks or power cages. I don't mind waiting for someone to finish their squats or deadlifts (how could you possibly work in on a squat or deadlift?), but for crying out loud, do your curls somewhere else.

    Speaking of working in, another peeve is people who get irritated or huffy if you ask to work in on a machine. You're just going to be sitting there between sets anyway; what's the issue if I get in a set during your rest period?
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I crossfit and the culture is pretty intense, but it also teaches you to be disciplined in all aspects of your life, including caring for your "community". That said, I get ticked off when people don't put away their weight plates, or leave out their abmats. Today I saw someone chucked a bandaid on the floor - I called them out on it and said it was gross. Oh, and really is it too much to take off your wet shoes at the door?
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    the one thing i dislike in my gym is that every single time i go to the locker room when i arrive the telly is on the food network channel. i mean it's fine if it's healthy food. but paula dean ppl!! come on!! it's ridiculous! y is the telly on the food channel cookin all those unhealthy foods when it could b on somethin a lot better than that. there r always cartoons, or some silly show OTHER than a food show.

    i change the channel everytime i go in there. (of course i ask if some1 is watchin it but every time i ask they say no. so idk who is actually puttin it on that channel. either a skinny hater or what lol)