I need some motivation to get movin'

I am a person who tends to get on a routine for exercise and diet........ then something goes wrong. Then I get down and can't get back up to doing what I was doing before. Does anyone have any sugeestions to help me get back up there and STAY there?


  • samarie119
    I used to be the same way, but THIS SITE keeps me motivated! So much support and it's a great feeling to see all the hard work paying off!
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    I do this EXACT same thing. I would like to know some suggestions too. I have some people in my life that are with me all the time and completely keep me motivated. I will keep watching to see what others write in.
  • ladybu6205
    ladybu6205 Posts: 165 Member
    You just gotta do it! So many mornings I have woke up and said "I don't want to go work out"...and if I don't. I feel the guilt all day long. I know I should be going and it eats at me that I'm letting my inner devil take control.

    On those mornings you just don't want to go, MAKE YOURSELF GO! By the time I am half way around the circuit the first time, I'm feeling energized, feeling good, and it makes my day oh so much better!

    The best motivation... Just denying yourself the pleasure to deny yourself!
  • BuceesNana
    BuceesNana Posts: 302 Member
    You just gotta do it! So many mornings I have woke up and said "I don't want to go work out"...and if I don't. I feel the guilt all day long. I know I should be going and it eats at me that I'm letting my inner devil take control.

    This is me to a tee...I didn't get up this morning to workout, so now I feel guilty. I have decided that I need to change that. I will allow myself a couple of days of not getting up early, but I will still workout tonight. This, I think, should help me from getting discouraged.
  • chyleki
    Honestly, yes this site helps but the one thing it doesn't do is tell you that you NEED to do this...stop being lazy, etc (I need someone to say this to my face). I needed that and still need it, as everyday is different for me, some days I am like YES I am going to workout after work, but my job is VERY stressful and some days I just do NOT want to do anything but sit on the couch. My husband actually has helped me so much by reminding me "you wanted to do this...now don't give up on yourself" just the words make me feel better and yes occasionally I will skip a day but as long as I bring it in my workouts and don't binge then I think I am doing pretty good. Life happens and honestly everyday isn't the same. Friends and family are key motivators I feel.
  • ErrataCorrige
    ErrataCorrige Posts: 649 Member
    Whenever I don't feel like working out I throw myself a pity party and complain on MFP. And people encourage me and tell me I can do it. And then I HAVE TO because I opened my big mouth and asked for support. LOL, I love this site and the people on it. And don't have 23 lbs to prove it!

    Friend me and I will listen to you complain. Then we can support each other to stay on track!!!
  • ruddyrunner
    I don't know if you have any interest in walking/jogging/running, but one thing that works for me is signing up for a race like a 5K. It gives me a specific goal with a date attached. For my first 5K, my goal was to do the whole thing without walking, so I knew I had to keep up my training in order to do that (I did Couch-to-5K). Now I'm working on following a 10K training schedule. It definitely helps keep me on track. Also, I love having the numbers, being able to compare speed, distance, etc as I progress. That helps keep me motivated too because I can see the improvements. As we get into spring, there are lots of 5Ks, most of them support a charity, so it is good for your motivation and helps support your community, win-win.