Hey :)

My name is Megan, Im 22 and from Tampa Fl.

I started my journey at 267, and am currently at 258.4.

My goal is to lose enough weight to be able to join the army (95 lbs). I have 48% body fat and have to get down to below 30%.

Anyway, Id love to have some friends on here to keep me motivated, and any tips or info would be much appreciated!

thanks yall!



  • ♥Violette♥4Ever♥
    Hi and welcome! I'm sending you a friends request.
  • jjjohns
    welcome and stick with it. You can do it!
  • thinspire_me
    Hello. That is really awesome that you want to be in the Army! You can do it.
    I'm in the Army and love it!
  • lyndisue15
    lyndisue15 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! Welcome, i'm also new here! Good luck on your journey, you can do it!
  • rockonerin
    just sent you a friend request - welcome to MFP!! you're gonna love it here :)
  • Megthatgirl
    Megthatgirl Posts: 68 Member
    Thanks everyone :)

    None of my friends have ever been in the fat kid boat, and have no idea what chub-rub is and basically think that losing weight is as easy as fast food (which doesnt sound delicious AT ALL RIGHT NOW lol) ..

    they basically provide as much support as a bra with no underwire lol..

    I appreciate the warm welcome and want to wish everyone the best on their journey!


  • AlissaChanges
    Welcome to MFP! :happy:
  • drwstown76
    Hey Meg... and everyone else.

    You can definitely do this. I'm slightly older and a different gender than you, but I certainly know what chub rub is. At the very beginning of my weight loss journey I was 22. At that time, I weighed 255. It took me much longer than I would have liked, but I eventually worked my way down to 230. Then, around this time last year, it hit me. I decided to get educated and work myself into shape. I was so proud when I got down to about 203. This was 47 days ago.

    Thats when I started P90X. Thank heavens for Tony Horton and p90x...
    I lost 12 lbs in the first 30 days and saw immediate results. Im just passed the half way point of my journey and I still have 13 days until my next weigh in... I definitely see the difference in the mirror and I CAN NOT wait until I get on that scale again. This is a difficult process and the work outs are pretty intense, but it is definitely working for me and the 2 people doing it with me. My buddy just eclipsed 20 lbs lost in 42 days!!!!!!

    So... You CAN do this. You keep bringing it every day! Good Luck.... :)

    If you ever decide to look at P90X... It's totally worth 90 days of your life...

  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    Hello Everybody - I'm new to the site too. My name is Shelly and I'm 40 years old. My issue is that, though I workout like a fiend, I never lose any weight because I also eat like one...pizza! ice cream! Cadbury Eggs! I'm also a runner so I'd like to take some weight off so that I can run faster.

  • katieg2289
    Welcome to the new comers!! You guys can definitely do it!! :)
  • amm703
    amm703 Posts: 111 Member
    Welcome Meg and great start, keep it up
  • time2runnn
    time2runnn Posts: 252 Member
    Hey Meg! Welcome and the best of luck to you! You are already off to a great start!!